Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1610: Seven. Travel to the Republic (8)

No matter how complete the facilities are, no matter how sophisticated the weapons are, no one is going to operate them. It is just a pile of scrap iron.

In today's world where the "Legion" has begun mass production, this sentence still loses its philosophical and practical significance. At the forefront of the confrontation between the two ends of the iron curtain, such as the Rudes Wall, this remark is even more realistic.

The Ludes Wall stretches for more than ten kilometers, and there are many equipment and facilities. Naturally, a large number of troops are required to use the equipment and facilities for vigilance. Therefore, the three countries occupying Lüdes have formed corresponding troops. The empire is stationed at the Rudes Wall is the "Border Police (Grenzpoliezi)", which belongs to the police system. Compared with the other two troops, the military is lighter in color; Albian is guarding the border by the "Border Security Force" and the Principality is "Inner-defense border guards", the affiliation of the latter two has always been vague. Nominally they belong to the colonial ministry dedicated to colonial affairs, but the command system is commanded by the military, and wages are also paid by the military.

Like all border guards in the world, these three troops, from officers to soldiers, will feel monotonous, harsh and difficult during their service, and compared with their counterparts on other borders, these three troops feel hard More intensely. After all, they have to warn the most complex and dangerous borderline in the world, and the task they are given is the simplest and cruelest in the world-in the absence of superior command, they must also shoot without hesitation any attempt to cross the border. People, no matter who the other person is, whether he has heard the warning, or whether there are innocent people around him, as long as he confirms that he is close to the Rudes wall and has a cross-border attempt, he will be shot immediately.

Being in a state of high tension every day, from time to time to bear the pressure of shooting innocent people, all around the hostile line of sight, lack of supplies, insufficient heating, no hot water, coupled with long and dull military training, stationed Lu De The Si Wall has actually become an extremely hard job. Relatively speaking, because of technical advantages, the Imperial Border Police was able to hand over part of the work to electronic instruments, which seemed somewhat easier. The border security forces of Albian and the United Front Guards of the United Ross who do not enjoy this convenience are more miserable. This has led to a very unstable state of minds of the border guards stationed at the Rudes Wall, and their desire for various recreational activities and excitement is more intense than that of ordinary people. As long as they are free, they will enter and leave the nearest military camp. Bars, theaters, brothels, casinos to indulge the exhausted body and mind.

After two visits, the meagre military pay was quickly exhausted (in fact, the troops stationed at the Rudes Wall had an extra allowance in addition to their normal salary, and the money was not much, mainly to maintain the superiority of these border guards). In life, some uneasy guys start thinking about how to use their positions to make money.

It may be that the modernization is relatively late, or it may be different cultures. The Principality of Albion and Ross is not as harsh and harsh as the empire’s crimes against soldiers. They are not very resistant to taking advantage of their positions, as long as they are in accordance with internal conventions. Routine distribution of benefits, do not forget to pay tribute to the boss, basically no accident. On the other hand, if you eat single food, you can’t wait for the superior to chop off the head of this red deer to be effective, and others in the same unit will start to work on this greedy bastard.

So as long as the right method is used, and the shot is generous enough, the Albion soldiers stationed at the Rudes Wall are actually very reasonable.

"three people."

The "Robin Bird" wearing the uniform of the Albian border security forces stretched out three fingers and shook it. The Imperial Mark between the thumb and the little finger entered the captain's pocket in a blink of an eye. The old captain, who was not confused, looked at the "Robin Bird" group, and then looked at the green badge on their shoulders (the logo of the border security forces), and joined the "Robin Bird" to lower his voice and said:

"The investigation has been carried out recently, and don't use the rank of second lieutenant in the future."


The eminent "robinbird" handed over a roll of mark again, and looked at the salute decently. The grinning old captain hurriedly returned the salute while making a safe pass gesture while shouting for the sentry at the "Charlie" checkpoint Raise the railing.

The original intention of building the Rudes Wall was to curb the increasingly disordered cross-border and flight, in other words, to target the people in the occupied area. In order to facilitate the entry and exit of the diplomatic personnel of the three countries and the military to negotiate or transfer personnel, the Rudes Wall actually Several notches are left on the board, and each notch is provided with an immigration checkpoint and is numbered and named in alphabetical order. The so-called Charlie checkpoint actually refers to checkpoint No. 3, and "Charlie" refers to the pronoun of C, which is the third place in the alphabetical sequence table, and has no specific meaning. There are a total of nine checkpoints in this temporary assembled board structure, but the Charlie checkpoint is unique in that it is only for diplomats and Albion soldiers who cross the border to go to the Empire-occupied areas for business (or corruption). At several other checkpoints, the citizens of the Empire-occupied area holding special visas went to the Albian-occupied area.


The bright red uniform like a lobster created a space of three meters in radius for the three people. When the pedestrians walking on the sidewalk saw the red uniform and the green epaulettes, they immediately lowered their hats and speeded up the pace. The street vendors took all the households to fly Fleeing, a few sharp-eyed housewives rushed out of the house, ran home with a child who was still playing, and some people closed the window.

Facing the atmosphere of sudden suppression of terror on the streets, Marseille, who had never experienced such a thing, was unable to adapt for a while. He couldn't help but lower his voice and asked:

"Are we carrying the plague? The Imperial Social Order Security Bureau was dispatched and there is no such exaggeration on the street."

Not to mention that the Imperial Social Order Security Bureau is notoriously outrageous. In fact, under the constraints of the Night Fog Act, most of their actions are low-key. Ordinary people have the opportunity to witness the Imperial Social Order Security Bureau wearing uniforms to handle cases. Occasionally, there is something to be sealed in a big action, and there is a person who will gather up the love and get together to see what uniform this group of frightening guys wear.

Why are the people here more afraid than seeing the Empire Social Order Security Bureau knocking on the door?

"Nothing strange."

"Mockingbird" didn't look back, and replied in a strange tone:

"If you have seen how the border security forces shot and tortured the cross-border people, how the Albion soldiers usually get along with the people in the occupied area, you will have the same reaction."

If the performance of soldiers in various countries is graded, the average level of the imperial soldiers is considered to be on the upper middle, the soldiers of the old Charlemagne kingdom are quite bad, and the soldiers of Albion are somewhere in between. As for the soldiers of the Principality, they have been Refresh the lower limit, so far no one is willing and can be worse than them.

Please don't get me wrong, don't read this ranking and think that Albion soldiers are a group of gentlemen who are "although not as good as imperial soldiers, at least better than Charlemagne's army". The Albian army like Charlieman's army likes to burn and rob, especially the item of looting. No one except the Principality soldiers is better at fighting home and looting than the Albian army. After seeing them enter Rudes, I wish they could take the Louvre and the Bourbon Palace away, you will know the virtue of this group of island barbarians. Other crimes such as various crimes against civilians in the occupied area cannot be said for three days.

The Albion soldiers are not good people, but they have not had the opportunity to show their brutality so far, and there is a worse vote of dross that dwarfs their crimes, and nothing more.

"The situation on the other side of the Principality occupation area is even worse, did you know? The first two words learned by all Principality soldiers who served in Charlemagne were'watch' and'woman'. In the Principality occupation area, hunger sold out to soldiers It’s very common to exchange potatoes for the body. In the trash bin outside the Principality Barracks, you can often see the female corpses that were tortured to death by the gang of alcoholics. The baby’s survival rate and life expectancy are also much lower than those of the other two occupied areas. "

"Why...the empire side—"

"We are richer, and citizens' lives are more stable, and social welfare and the like are not considered in other occupied areas."

After receiving the words from Marseille, "Robin Bird" snorted and his tone became severe.

"I admit that the empire is not doing badly in terms of people's livelihood, and it is leading the world in eliminating unemployment and social welfare. But this does not mean that they are good people, or that they are more evil than countries."

The Empire, the Kingdom of Albion, and the United Duchy of Ross are all invaders, and are essentially no different. The empire certainly did well, and may even be better than the republic, but this does not change its essence. From the point of eliminating resistance and destroying the national identity and cultural identity of the Charlemagne, the empire's technique is more subtle and effective, and it is more evil.

Looking at the question in front of Marseille, we know that ~www.readwn.com~ When he learned of the crimes in the occupied area, he first asked not "Is no one in charge" or "Why not resist", but "The Empire side" How?". It can be said that subconsciously, Marseille's identity with the empire is much higher than that with Charlemagne. Even where the empire has no place, he still regards himself as a fourth-class citizen of the empire.

In just three years, the empire has conditioned the ruled-up city dwellers into a group of obedient lambs. Reasonable and upright boys like Marseille can hardly get rid of the brand of imperial education. If you give them more time...

Thinking of this, "Mockingbird" could not help being depressed, but she soon regained her spirit.

The more this time, the less fighting spirit can not be lost. Now is the crucial moment for the survival of the Republic. In any case, this last fortress must be kept against the tide of empire sweeping the world, as long as this faint light has not extinguished, it is like a nightmare. Sooner or later everything will disappear. In order to usher in that day, we must first complete the task at hand.

——Even if they fight for their lives, they must be taken to the Republic.

"Robin Bird" vowed secretly in his heart and stepped up to the cafe that served as a contact point.

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