Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1612: 7. Travel to the Republic (10)

The Rhineland incident was a nightmare for the republic's economic community.

Limited by the country's land area and population, coupled with long-term strategic considerations, the Republic decided to develop an export-oriented manufacturing economy at the beginning of its establishment.

With personal experience in the war, the core of the Republic composed of elites of the Old Kingdom has a very profound understanding of what is the "complete industrial system" and its impact on the country, especially the overall overall war. . In order to restore the country's long-cherished wish and the war that must erupt in the future, developing the economy and building an industrial system have become the top priorities of the government of the Republic.

Compared with the former Alfheim, the Republic’s start was difficult, but fortunately, there were already pioneers who searched for them. Compared with those who were poor and poor, they had to rely on Zhanshan as the king and even take the family business to earn the first pot of gold. Compared with the elves, Charlemagne’s remnant parties still have some resources in hand, and they can even negotiate with foreign countries in exchange for various forms of assistance. In contrast, the Charlemagne had every reason to believe that they could replicate the miracle of the elves rising from a wasteland, even better than the sharp-eared beasts. Only three years after the founding of the Republic, the economy has entered a positive cycle, significant progress has been made in technology and industry, and people’s lives have generally improved. The results also prove that their confidence is not groundless.

Without the Rhineland Incident and the subsequent embargo of the Imperial Navy, if the Republic can respond more rationally and calmly in the early stages of the incident, if even a symbolic compromise can be reached between the Empire and the Republic, then more breathing time will be won The Republic will surely be able to deliver beautiful transcripts for a long time in this fiscal year and beyond, and the distance between the Republic and the realization of the dream will be shortened by one step. However, the words "hypothesis" and "if" cannot be accommodated in reality. Two of the first three hypotheses have lost their meaning, and the third one seems to be out of sight. The Republic can now only endure the economic stagnation caused by the blockade. While thinking about how to end the crisis.

The blockade of the Imperial Navy was so effective that the logistics of the Republic and the outside world were almost completely cut off. During the period, some fishermen and militia members were forced to try to use the quantity to impact the blockade line. As a result, they were forced back by the imperial fishery ship with water cannons as soon as they left the territorial sea. In the face of water cannon firing that continuously sprays high-pressure boiling water, even if the crew is retracted in the cabin, the continuously warming environment will also cause life-threatening, not to mention that in addition to the high-pressure water cannon, the Imperial Fishery Ship also installed machine guns and rockets. The launcher and flamethrower continue to rush down to greet all kinds of heavy firepower, not to mention that the MDS of the empire is hovering above the head and may join the attack at any time.

It is one thing to be brave, but another thing to die in vain. Although unwilling, the fishermen and militiamen could only tolerate tears and withdrew into the territorial sea to spit at the imperial ships.

The republic was really shocked afterwards. It's no joke, any casualties on either side will make things worse. Either the Empire makes a fuss and blackmails at the negotiating table, or the radical conservative forces within the Republic incite people to make trouble for the government. Either one is tricky, and none of them can be easily solved.

With regard to the economic and strategic situation of the near-endangered Republic, any accident can become the last straw to crush the camel, let alone this super heavyweight "straw".

As mentioned earlier, the economy of the Republic is an export-oriented economic model dominated by manufacturing, and foreign trade is the main source of income for this country. When the imperial navy began to implement a comprehensive blockade, not only was it cut off from foreign exchange, but also the circulation of materials and capital. Many foreign trade companies are now being urged by foreign cargo owners every day, because the payment has already been settled and the suppliers have already shipped the goods. The problems in the transportation link can only be borne by the intermediary.

This is only a minor problem, because weather and other factors have caused delays in shipments, etc., but this is not a hurricane that will leave in time. In the face of an invisible sea blockade, foreign cargo owners continue to demand deposits. Some of the tough-tempered and solid-backed foreign businessmen even let out that if the Republic cannot change the status quo, then the relationship between their country and the Republic is likely. Sliding in a direction that the people of both countries are unwilling to see, when the royal warship of the Wang family came to collect debts, the Marine Corps burned the foreign trade enterprises of the Republic, and so on.

Setting fire to a house is a traditional reservation of Albion’s army. The Principality army will rob them of everything they can take away, so the probability of this threat coming true is still quite large. Even if there is no threat in this regard, the embarrassment of having to rely on the countries to contain the empire in order to maintain one acre and three cents is enough to force the Republic to kneel down and thank the foreign merchants for mercy.

Looking at the strategic environment and the sincere sincerity of the Republican government, foreign investors are not incompetent. However, the economic deterioration and social unrest caused by the broken chain of funds are imminent, and there is no room for accommodation.

Without new orders, there would be no new capital inflows, and the factory would not be able to produce a pile of unsaleable things backlogged in the warehouse, so it could only take unpaid leave or simply shut down indefinitely. Since the entire country’s economy is export-oriented, it is not the companies or companies that suffer the loss, but the entire Republic’s industry, including downstream enterprises and family workshops that undertake subcontracted production. At the moment, the printing of banknotes and the issuance of consumer coupons can barely maintain the country’s economic operation. But if this continues, sooner or later there will be hyperinflation and even an economic crisis. Then the hungry and angry citizens can really do everything.

Against this background, there are actually lawmakers who propose to increase the military budget, which has indeed left the left-wing MP alliance headed by the Social Democratic Party to express concern about the mental state of the right-wing MP alliance headed by the National Party.

The right-wing guys are either stupid or crazy, or else they are--

"Regardless of the hardships and hardships of the people's lives and the reality of the country's difficulties, the government is blindly coercing the government to increase its military budget. This is basically a betrayal by the enemy!!"

Mr. Freyer's fist hit the podium heavily, ending his speech. As in previous speeches, the left-wing legislators stood up and applauded, while the right-wing legislators booed and snarled.

The traitor is a serious accusation, and right-wing lawmakers will certainly not be silent on this.

"Ignoring the imminent threat of invasion by the empire, and hope that the appeasement policy will allow cannibal beasts to settle down, and the act of blinding the people's sight is the real thief!!"

National Party Member Matt Leone tapped the podium with a rubber-tipped cane and accused Freyer of returning to his seat.

The right wing has its own set of arguments about the current situation and the direction of national development. On many issues, their views are similar to those of the left wing. The main difference is in the order of priority.

The right wing is not opposed to economic construction. They are very clear that if the country is compared to life, the economy is blood circulating in the body. To maintain the normal operation of the body, it is necessary to ensure blood circulation and promote metabolism. The smoother the circulation of blood (economy), the healthier and stronger the body (country).

In this regard, the right wing is completely consistent with the left wing. They just advocated not to relax their arms while developing the economy. Like the imperial navy’s invasion of the doorstep and the possibility of launching a war of national annihilation at any time, armament construction should be the overriding priority.

In other words, the difference between the left and the right is actually a battle between the military and the economy in the direction of national and political priorities.

The left wing believes that economic construction is the highest priority at the moment. Only after a sound financial system and economic cycle can we have the spare time to build armaments. The right wing believes that there is no sound armament, and that it is not restricted by people everywhere. Under the background that the empire may launch an invasion at any time, wanting to maintain a stable and safe environment to develop the economy is tantamount to a dream. Let’s take a step back and say that even if the empire does not currently intend to invade the Republic, who knows whether the gang of sharp eared beasts and the pseudo-empire (the Republic does not recognize the legitimacy and orthodoxy of the emperor) will suddenly come to have fun and lead the army to the door Come? No matter money or economy, it only makes sense to earn a life and spend a lot of life. It is already enough to earn a life and spend a lot of life. The results of hard work for many years are all cheap. Isn’t the ghosts and animals dead? Even though armament construction cannot guarantee 100% functioning, it is better than doing nothing. At least it can give people confidence and a sense of security at ordinary times, and the enemy can come in handy during wartime.

The left and right views have their own reasons. It is not easy to say who is right or wrong. Generally speaking, the two sides express their own views. After discussion and negotiation, they can always find a solution to compromise. The problem is that there is no way to apply common sense to such things as "party disputes", especially next year will be the biennial elections of the House of Representatives. To ensure that the election is foolproof and to ensure that the party to which it belongs occupies more seats for parliamentarians, parliamentarians not only Extraordinarily uphold their own opinions, attack the opinions of other political parties, and then develop personal attacks, even...


Mr. Frey slapped on the table, pointing at Mr. Leon, who was still speaking on the podium, and rebuked:

"People are about to eat grass! But you still have to engage in armaments! Say! How much benefit did you get from the lobbyists of military enterprises!!!"

Echoing Frey's accusations ~ www.readwn.com ~ Left-wing lawmakers roared loudly.

"You can't see anything about the atrocities of the empire, ignore the security of the people and the country, you are the real thieves!!!"

The right-wing lawmakers stood up collectively to applaud Leon, and spit at Freyer's seat.

"You army red deer!!!"

Someone's spit flew to Freyer's face, and the unbearably retired navy captain picked up the ashtray and threw it at Leon on the podium.

"Go to hell! Navy thief!!"

The former Lieutenant Leone flashed the ashtray, jumped from the podium, and waved his cane to Flyer.

With this moment as a signal, the lawmakers who have already rubbed their hands have rushed out to catch up on the fight. For a time, the cane, bowler hat, gloves, shoes, socks, cups, benches flew all over the sky. The House of Representatives of the Republic has become an alley for gang fighting.

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