Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1613: 7. Travel to the Republic (11)

"It's ridiculous!!"

Minerva’s fist hit the table, the stationery and the water cup jumped, and the cheek muscles of the participating senators and senior government officials twitched with a loud noise.

It is somewhat embarrassing that the polite highness of the Queen, who has always been polite, is somewhat embarrassing, but none of the participants wanted to correct or condemn her. Faced with what happened in the House of Representatives, anyone who stalled on the booth would be in a hurry.

The resolute members of the Republic actually faced everyone in the House of Representatives, twisting like a street gangster. This is more than ridiculous and utterly mad. Not to mention Minerva, even senators and government ministers who have been in politics for decades have never heard of it.


The House of Representatives was originally a place for everyone to "exchange opinions fully". It is normal for opinions to be noisy, but this time, the Social Democratic Party and the National Party obviously played too much.

More than forty councillors had bruised noses, and eight councillors had their heads broken. The most serious was the detonator of the incident-both parties used gutta gum sticks with gold heads in their hands. Used to beat dogs) to fight each other until the crutches break. A total of 13 stitches were sewed on Mr. Freya's forehead and cheeks. Mr. Leon was beaten with three teeth and his nose was broken.

Fortunately, the media of the empire did not enter the republic, otherwise those disgusting sharp ears would broadcast lively images of the flying jumps in the House of Representatives to the whole world, and at the same time initiate all-round mocking. In the face of the iron facts and the malicious attacks of the empire, the Republic is bound to be very awkward and passive.

"This group of idiots that do not succeed but fail more than others!"

With a grunting grin, Minerva sat back angrily, and the office was instantly quiet.

The situation is very serious.

The brawl was a shame, but the real crisis has just begun.

"Now the House of Representatives has been completely divided, and even the people have become restless."

Minerva sighed and pressed his forehead hard.

The fighting is no accident. This is a total outbreak of the two major parties and the supporters behind them after a long period of repression.

Any party that wants to develop and maintain operations cannot do without money.

Partisanship or organization, in the early stages, may be able to attract members with ideas and **** slogans, but once a certain level of scale is reached, the cost of organizing various activities will increase. At this point in time, whether it can attract sponsors to provide financial support, organize more and more momentum activities to attract attention, and then attract more people to join the organization will become the key to determine whether an organization can continue to survive. Being able to do this can be regarded as the first step in marching into the political arena; if this is not possible, the organization will have no future for development, and it will fall apart in a short amount of time and eventually disappear completely.

After accepting the sponsorship, the successfully developed and growing party organization will naturally return to the sponsor after entering the parliament, speak for the sponsor in the parliament, promote bills that are in favor of the sponsor, block unfavorable bills, and so on. Relatively, sponsors will also inject more and more funds to help political parties grow and expand their power in parliament.

From this point of view, political parties and specific capital groups are mutually symbiotic and use each other as a symbiotic relationship. The struggle of political parties in parliament can also be seen as a struggle between different interest groups.

The Parliament of the Republic is no exception.

Some people have done a statistic, which lists the personal situation of the 55 members of the National Party and the Social Democratic Party. Although their motives are doubtful, from this short statistical table, people can still glimpse the nature of these parties.

A total of 6 out of the 55 members of the Parliament have an unknown personal status, and the statistics of the remaining 49 are as follows.

41 people hold state bonds;

13 people engaged in land speculation;

22 people have close contacts with bankers and loan sharks, or they are directly engaged in lending business or related to this;

17 people own farms and have slaves (the Constitution of the Republic does not recognize slaves, but does not deny slavery);

11 people have close contacts with the manufacturing industry, and the relatives of 4 of them are industrialists engaged in manufacturing.

Finally, I would like to add that more than half of these 55 people are qualified as professional lawyers, and there are many old lawyers who have worked with the court all the year round. He is good at finding all kinds of loopholes, knowing the laws and judicial rules, and can integrate the rules, loopholes and misleading, and use them in combination to meet the requirements of the client.

The members of the two largest parties in Congress are such a wonderful perfect combination-an orderly combination of profiteers, litigants, and political sticks, which will start an endless struggle around their respective parties and the capital behind them.

The sponsors of the National Party are mostly military enterprises or related industries, and the sponsors of the Socialist Party are mostly manufacturing, exporters and farmers. Regardless of the differences in the ideas and political beliefs of the two parties, if you look at the sponsors behind them, people will not think that these two groups can pee into a pot.

The military industry hopes to obtain a large number of arms orders and state subsidies, so they spare no effort to support the National Party and hope that the national policy will be tilted towards the preparation of armaments. Manufacturing, farmers, and exporters want a stable investment and production environment, and it is best to avoid conflict with the empire and ensure stable trade channels. They will of course support the left-leaning Social Democratic Party.

The interests of the two parties are not only parallel lines, but also the withdrawal of the south and the north. In addition, the competition for seats in the parliament and the concept of political parties, it is inevitable to attack each other every day.

The growing resentment in the quarrel, coupled with the pressure of the economic downturn on the sponsors, the division of interests in the diplomatic negotiations, and next year’s elections-after several factors overlap, the House of Representatives has become a wonderful chemical reaction. After the pressure cooker continued to ferment and increase pressure, the contradiction between the two sides finally reached a critical point, so the House of Representatives exploded like a bomb.

"The only thing that is thankful is that no one was killed."

After taking a sip of mineral water to moisturize the throat, Minerva said a little calmer:

"Otherwise the Republic's face is completely lost."

"Your Highness."

The Speaker of the House, Marquis de Laporte, and the Speaker of the Senate, Prince Kong Dai, looked at each other, and the two old men who had been beating the political scene from the battlefield showed embarrassment and pain.

"It's just that no one has died yet."

"What?! Do they have to do it again?!"

Minerva, who responded in an instant, jumped up from the seat. She couldn’t believe her ears. She just had such an unsightly incident. The **** with a swollen nose didn’t learn any lesson from it. Did they eat bear heart leopard gall? The head was kicked by a donkey? Found that their children are not biological? The wife left dozens of green hats and ran away with someone? How much excitement did they have, so why not think about it?!

"Your Highness."

The old face of Prince Kong Dai was crumpled and sighed in a heavy voice like a toothache:

"They not only want to do it again, but also want to upgrade their equipment and scale."

"Many legislators threw gloves at each other during the fight yesterday, and agreed to use the duel to divide the game, because there are too many people to fight, and there are not so many notaries, so they agreed to bring both men and women together, in the House of Representatives, in the sacred Under the testimony of the land, you can distinguish yourself."

The Marquis of Laporte couldn't help crying and laughing, and the old man didn't have much knowledge of absurd and funny court dramas in the era of the Old Kingdom, but this time it really opened his eyes.

"Members of the National Party are buying a new type of submachine gun, which is the gangster's favorite'typewriter', or a test version of a hundred rounds of drums. The farmer gave the Social Democratic Party MPs a batch of shotguns, large calibers, double barrels, shotguns, It's totally used to fight large dangerous species. There are also some members of Parliament who have approached miners to learn how to do blasting..."

Following the reports of the two old men, Minerva painted a picture in his mind: the sacred and solemn House of the Republic, the symbol of the republican system, with trenches, barriers, wire fences, and a pile of well-dressed parliamentarians holding each This kind of weapon is for each meter distance, every room, every table and chairs, happily shooting each other...

"It's lawless!!!!"

The unbearable Minerva threw the glass out, and with the seemingly exhausted effort, all the anger was poured out. Minerva, who had recovered a little calmly, sat back, and after a moment of silence, he said word by word:

"Increase the police strength of the Senate and the House of Representatives, conduct a body search on all persons including the parliamentarians, and confiscate the weapons if they find that they carry weapons, and let them make a written explanation of the reasons for carrying the weapons. If a weapon is issued, it shall be prosecuted as'planned murder','endangering public safety', or'violating the rules of procedure of the parliament', and be referred to the court."

It stands to reason that things have reached this point, even if the state is declared in a state of emergency, the parliament is closed, and it is not surprising that all power is concentrated in the temporary cabinet. But Minerva did not intend to do so.

Not hesitating ~www.readwn.com ~ nor moral cleanliness, but she is well aware that once this is done, it will open an extremely dangerous precedent-that is, when the ruling authority or the ruling person is dissatisfied with the parliament, Randomly declare the state into a state of emergency, forcibly dissolve the parliament, and concentrate power in your own hands. Regardless of whether this kind of thing meets the actual needs of the time, once you set a precedent first, it is difficult to guarantee whether someone will seize power in this way in order to seek absolute power in the future.

So despite being angry at the extreme forces represented by the two major parties, Minerva's cultivation and demeanor kept her calm. She did not choose the "military management" option that seemed to be fast and effective, but had serious side effects. Choose to use normal judicial channels to restrain lawmakers' actions that may endanger the lives of others, and punish those who behave badly in accordance with the law. This kind of handling in accordance with the law may not have an immediate effect and let the extreme voices shut up completely, but at least let the heated-minded parliamentarians calm down and think about whether it is better to continue to be safe in the mouth, or because it is labeled as "deliberate murder" After being fined and sentenced to imprisonment, it is a pleasure to lose the status of a respectable member of parliament.

"But this can only be solved for a short time. The most critical issue is the ongoing multilateral diplomatic negotiations and the subsequent arms control negotiations. Can we establish the status of the Republic in these two negotiations and seek as broad conditions as possible? This is what everyone cares about."

To calm down completely, Minerva said in a solemn tone.

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