Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1614: Seven. Travel to the Republic (12)

Good politicians are necessarily good actors, but good actors are not necessarily good politicians.

Don’t look at those members of the House of Representatives who are a life-and-death gangster who is “little in life and death, not to be convinced is to do”. In fact, these members are all elites, they are the most cruel realists, downright interest animals, if they really like it A fool who beats his head better than his brain can never climb to where he is today.

Everyone actually sees the form very clearly. In the face of the strength of the empire, there is no second way out for the republic except for bowing its head. All diplomats can do is bargain as much as possible to fight for a less harsh unequal treaty for the Republic.

Some people may ask, since everyone has already reached a consensus, what is the reason for making the whole martial arts?

This is really a monkey show. But it is not the passionate legislators who play the monkeys, but the people watching the drama.

There is an old saying that the actor is a madman and the idiot is a fool. This sentence is used to describe the chaos in the political circles and public opinion of the Republic. But what I want to explain here is that the members of the House of Representatives who are performing on the stage of the House of Representatives are not real lunatics. They are fake lunatics with great acting skills. Under the stage, they shouted, cheered, cheered and even shirtless people... that’s not a compromise. Really stupid buckle.

The Social Democratic Party is not completely opposed to arms construction, nor is the National Party really wanting to refuse negotiations. The reason why they are so hard to perform, on the one hand, is that the door was shouted too high before, and suddenly turning around will inevitably impact the supporters. Although the essence of politicians is a group of speculators, wall-grass, wind-chicken, but in addition to a handful of people who have been ridiculed face to face, "Master Shangshu is really clever, wherever the wind blows, you will go wherever you go". Most politicians still care about their image in front of the public. Especially the National Party, apart from the image problem, they should also pay attention to their safety. Those right-wing thugs who have been instigated are likely to kill them alive if they find themselves being fooled.

Since it is not possible to make a simple turn, then use saliva warfare and full martial arts to induce people to turn, as long as people get the idea of ​​"is this too excessive", then it will become easier to reconcile or turn.

On the other hand, the parties and the capital forces behind them also want to use quarrels to try to get a share of the future negotiations.

Capitalists and politicians are purely real-interest animals. As long as the benefits gained exceed the losses and bring sufficient objective profits, then the national hatred and family hatred can be put aside. The two major parties and the gold master behind them are no exception. The multilateral negotiations on the Rhineland incident and the subsequent arms control negotiations are a rare opportunity in their eyes. Taking this opportunity to obtain more benefits is all their actions at this stage. Guiding ideology.

"With regard to the handling of the Rhineland incident, all parties, including the two major parties, have indicated that they are acceptable."

Prince Kong Dai’s tone did not have the slightest leeway, just listen to him continue to report in a calm tone:

"At present, the focus of the dispute between the two parties is the arms control negotiations, especially regarding the conclusion about the status of the Republic and the proportion of warship construction."

"...30% theory and 70% theory?"

Minerva shook her head with a wry smile, as if she saw the clamor of the parliamentarians again.

The so-called 30% theory and 70% theory refer to the fact that in the future arms control negotiations between the two major parties, the Republic is allowed to build warships with a total tonnage of 30% or 70% of the empire.

Both politicians and capitalists can see clearly that the empire has decided not to compromise in exchange for time because the previous results have not been digested and completed, and preparations for future wars are still insufficient. By making a certain degree of concessions in the arms control negotiations, the anxieties of the countries are alleviated, and at the same time, this paper agreement is used to liberate everyone from the arms race and allow all countries, including the Empire, to concentrate on the economy.

Of course, no one would think that the empire is an angel of peace. Everyone knows that the empire will never be put into storage, and Ma Fangnanshan. What this paper arms control agreement brings is more a peace than a truce. According to this paper agreement and the preparations of all countries during the truce, it will directly determine the direction of the next war and even the fate of all countries.

Both parties want to formally establish the international status of the Republic in this negotiation and become a member of the meeting. The differences between the two sides mainly focus on what kind of arms development quota should be won for the Republic in the negotiations.

The Social Democrats are more realistic. They believe that the Republic’s economy is still fragile and its national strength is not enough to compete with the powers in international negotiations. It is the only feasible strategy to divide a quota acceptable to all parties including the empire, considering the geographical characteristics and population of the Republic, the bottom line given by the Social Democratic Party is about 10% to 5% of the size of the Imperial Army The army is equivalent to 15% to 10% of the Air Force of the Imperial Air Force and 30% to 15% of the Navy of the Imperial Navy. According to the negotiation process, if the other party is unwilling to accept it, he can make further concessions on this basis.

The National Party’s plan maintains its consistently ambitious (also known as "brainhole") style. They propose that the military forces of the Empire and the Republic are 45% of the Army, 55% of the Air Force, and 70% of the Navy. The reason is based on the principle of fairness. In order to offset the great technological advantages of the empire, the Republic should be allocated more credit. If the empire says this is unacceptable, then the Army can make concessions, but the Air Force and the Navy have no room for compromise, because this figure is the minimum force the Republic needs to protect itself.

In the negotiation process, it is common for one party to ask for prices and the other party to pay back on the spot. But the National Party’s proposal can only be regarded as a mess. You must know that the premise of the so-called reciprocal negotiations is equal strength. The Republic was originally a country formed by the remnants of the defeated people. Until now, it does not even have a formal identity. It is still a problem to start arms control negotiations with you or not. You Now the lion has a big mouth, and one mouth is equivalent to 70% of the total tonnage of the imperial navy. Who do you think you are, you dare to open this kind of mouth based on your defeated dogs. Even if the collective stroke from the empire gives you the share you want, with the economic strength and industrial capacity of the Republic, can you build so many warships? I am afraid that the Republic will declare bankruptcy and die when it is halfway through.

It stands to reason that the National Party and the military enterprise behind it should have given up this unrealistic delusion, but the brain circuits of these people are always a bit different from ordinary people. Their idea is that the strength of the empire is certainly strong, but this arms control negotiation made it clear that the empire compromised with the nations, and the nations are not fools, and they will not see the empire's small calculations. Considering the future wars, in addition to trying to enhance their own strengths, the powers of potential allies can be an effective way to contain the empire. As long as the diplomatic assistance of the various countries can be obtained, the empire is likely to make a compromise and recognize the request of the republic due to the situation.

As long as it can ensure in the treaty that it can build a navy of 70% of the size of the imperial navy, no matter how the situation develops later, as long as the total share is placed there, the Republic can completely develop the scale and level of the navy according to the actual situation. On the contrary, if, according to the opinions of the Social Democratic Party, the self-imposed restrictions are set early, it is inevitable that they will eventually fall into the same predicament as today. It should be understood that the main tasks of the Republic Navy are not only to defend the territorial sea and to prevent invasion by foreign enemies, but also to ensure that the waterway is clear. The navy size required to complete these two tasks at the same time must not be lower than 70% of the Imperial Navy.

Of course, the above are just superficial reasons, and the game of interests between the military industry group and the manufacturing industry and farmers is behind it. Everything is for your own benefit.

Around, everything still returned to the original point. It is still a familiar recipe, a familiar taste.

"Tell the National Party that there are arms dealers behind them. If they can meet all the shipbuilding orders immediately, the government will definitely support their plan."

Minerva sneered, and the two veterans showed expressions of understanding.

Minerva’s position is to tell everyone that the state is not incapable of supporting the National Party’s proposal, but the premise is that the military industrial enterprise must have that strength. It is important to know that once entering the negotiation stage, countries will inevitably send a joint investigation mission to check the active armaments and factory capacity of each country, and to register relevant industries and armaments, and want to expand production capacity or build new warships to replace old ships. It must be reported that any unarmed increase in armaments will be regarded as a major breach of contract, which is equivalent to providing the Empire to repair the Republic.

According to the current situation of the Republic, even if the whole people tighten their belts to carry out construction, they will not eat or drink large shipyards and warships. At the same time, the Republic of God, during the negotiations, the empire did not come to the door to engage in trouble. The negotiations were delayed for two or three years. The process of forming a joint investigation team had a lot of wrangling, and it took only half a year to start the inspection. When the investigation team arrives in the Republic, it is estimated that only hunger and the ruins of the shipyard and shipyard are suspected. This kind of thing is totally impossible to be recognized by registration.

Shipbuilding is a systematic project involving hundreds of technologies and countless supporting processing enterprises~www.readwn.com~Each link must go through multiple stages of careful demonstration, design, dialectics, competition, improvement, etc. before it can enter the actual During the implementation phase, adjustments will be made based on on-site feedback. A single canal that can build large battleships seems simple, but in fact, the technical content inside is no less than the construction of a hydropower station dam. If you rely on the blood to be tough, you will not have any good results in the end. If you don’t believe it, you can take a look at the history of those naval powers. How many grievances have become victims of defective designs. In order to find out these defective products and make up for the defects, how much did they invest in it.

The national strength is strong and the technology is advanced, such as the empire is still very cautious in the naval expansion plan. It was only three years after the founding of the country. The good navy was blocked by the imperial navy within a few days. Why did the republic that caused economic and social turmoil in the country dare to release "70%" On "the rhetoric", why should the empire allow this kind of condition to openly pit them?

"In the arms control negotiations, our bottom line is based on the proposal of the Social Democratic Party, and we strive for it as much as possible, and we can win the best share of 30% or 40%. If we can’t do it, we will take three as the goal. As for the students’ petitions, And speech..."

Just about to talk about the most troublesome part, Minerva stopped suddenly.

I saw that the larvae, who had been renamed Annie, pushed open the door of the office, strode forward with a smile that was excited and a little cramped, with an electronic newspaper in his hand.

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