Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1615: 7. Travel to the Republic (13)

Technological progress will always be reflected in various means of transportation, especially those transoceanic cruises, to a certain extent, it can be regarded as a comprehensive manifestation of a country's national strength and technological power. The ability to create fast, comfortable and luxurious cruise ships is regarded as a benchmark for major powers.

In terms of ocean-going luxury cruise ships, the Empire is the first echelon that will not let it go. In this year, if there are money, ocean-going voyages will choose the first class or second-class cabin of the Empire Luxury Cruises. Needless to say, the quality assurance of food and accommodation can also get a certain priority when escaping from an accident. The most important thing is that, no matter whether it is the navy of another country or a pirate who does not know where, almost no one dares to choose the ship of the empire as the starting target. The guy who dares to do this is either hit or hanged. As long as the courage is not enough, not crazy enough, no one will pick the empirical ship to start.

The second echelon is Albion. As a veteran maritime power, Albion has always maintained a high degree of sensitivity to various technologies related to the ocean. Together with the working machine imported from the Empire and the technology provided by the Republic, Albion now also The ocean-going cruise ship that can build steam propulsion, although not as comfortable and safe as the Empire's big cruise ship, but under the prestige of the Wang Family Navy, it can also guarantee safety to a certain extent.

The remaining countries are basically in the third echelon, and they are basically problems with no money, no technology or both. For example, the Republic has technology but lacks funds, and the Principality lacks technology. Castile and Lapland have both.

As a result, there are only two ocean-going cruise ships sailing on the big ocean, either imperial or Albian. Among them, the only one that will enter the Republic is Albian Cruises.

Because of this, Captain Albion, who often runs on the Republic route, has been in a bad mood recently.

After the end of the war, the maritime raid also came to an end. Captains of various countries no longer have to constantly look at the sea with their eyes wide open, they would not see the spray as a periscope, and they would not shout like a ghost when they saw a buoy or dolphin. "Torpedo! Left rudder thirty!". To know the sleepless nights of those wolves, how many captains suffered from neurasthenia due to excessive tension, and some watch hands even fell the root causes of night blindness and torpedo phobia. Now I don't have to bear that terrible pressure anymore, I don't know how many ships have a long sigh of relief.

But this does not mean that they will relax their vigilance, nor does it mean that they will untie their fear of the imperial submarine.

Captain John Bleu is one of them.

The former captain of the Albion Royal Navy was once part of the colonial fleet. At that time, he was the captain of a pole striking ship S13. During a routine cruise, he and his men witnessed how a Charlieman Merchant Regiment joined an armed frigate. It was shot into the seabed by the air and sea clips of the Defense Forces Navy of Yalfheim. Fifteen wooden sail merchant ships and five paddle-wheeled frigates did not fight back in front of the three submarines and seven waves of MDS. They only struggled for 20 minutes and the whole army was wiped out. In the final stage of the battle, Captain Bruce and his men witnessed the bravery of the Charlie Man sailor and the ruthlessness of the opponent. When they witnessed the broken Charlie Man sailor lay on the wood fragments and shot into the air with a single rifle Until they were broken into pieces by large-caliber machine guns, they finally fully understood what is called "total warfare".

During his post-war work in the local naval department, Captain Bruce had the opportunity to read a wartime announcement issued by the Defense Forces of Alfheim to the submarine captains through special channels. It was written that "... no captives are required, no surrender is accepted, and the killing of experienced sailors and sailors is of great significance and reasonable for completely destroying the human resources reserve of the Charlemagne Navy."

Captain Bruel’s response was to forcefully shoot the document on the table and greet him with the “reasonableness of going to your X!”.

What is reasonable, what is the most important meaning, in the eyes of an old navy like Captain Bruce, the pointed ears are just a package of "unscrupulous", their only goal is to hit the opponent with all means, At the same time, you can make your behavior seem like a harmless or justifiable defense.

This is disgusting.

Any country, any war is full of hypocrisy, and the Kingdom of Albion has never been a noble gentleman. It’s their nature to have a decent appearance, two sides, three people, and people to talk about people and ghosts, but in the face of the elves, they can be extremely brutal. The matter is straightforward, and even the ability to be recognized by others, the barbarians of the island country have to be shocked when they have to obey. You know that the methods used on Charlemagne today may not be used on Albion in the future. When I thought of the Charlieman sailor who was shot in two by a machine gun, his arm was flying and still waving his fist in the sky with the remaining hand, then look at the empire’s actions in wartime and more and more aggressive Momentum, from that moment on, Captain Bleu positioned the empire as the most dangerous enemy of the Kingdom of Albion-there was no choice of compromise and surrender, there must be one that fell down completely.

Because of such complicated karma, it is not difficult to understand how Captain Bleu would be angry when a giant U-boat blocked the way of Olympia and asked to board the ship for inspection.

"The gangsters! Miscellaneous! Mad dogs in the sea! How dare they do this?!! Who do they think they are?!"

Captain Bruce scolded while pacing back and forth in the captain's room, as if he had been kicked but couldn't find the perpetrator's bulldog.

To some extent, Captain Bruce is even more pitiful. At least the bulldog can arbitrarily, bite anyone who is close to it, but Captain Bruce can only scold others, and can’t do anything beyond this, let alone Put into practice the impulse in his heart to "knock the tortoise opposite".

That's an empire's submarine. You dare to collide. Believe it or not, the nearby sea will be squeezed by imperial warships and aircraft within twenty minutes. In the subsequent diplomatic negotiations, the big men above will definitely throw him this responsible person in order to appease the empire, and will never look at any hesitation in the part of his hard work for the kingdom for many years.

Dedicating to the motherland is the fate and glory of the soldiers. If you can die in the face-to-face battlefield, Captain Bruce will even feel that it is a glory. It can be handed over to a sharp-eared ghost animal as a criminal. After being subjected to humiliation and terror, he will be sentenced to death.

"Damn pointed ears, **** empire!"

Stomping hard, Captain Bruel, who understood the reality, ordered aloud:

"Let the flag bearer send a signal! My ship accepts the temporary inspection!"


A giant whale lies about 800 meters in front of the Olympia. The gray iron whale has a raised spine-the top of a streamlined control tower. Lieutenant Colonel Joachim Brandi is holding the fence and holding a meerschaum pipe. Slender eyes carefully looked at the big guy in front of him, today's fourth clinical object.

It's ridiculous to say that it wasn't until a year after the founding of the Republic that the imperial navy remembered to carry out a maritime inspection. As a result, the Imperial Navy suddenly discovered that no matter whether it is software or hardware, they are not prepared for the temporary inspection. There are a lot of measures and experience on how to deal with the temporary inspection.

The reason for this phenomenon is still the old problem, the investment is not enough, and the professional is not right.

The predecessor of the Imperial Navy was the Yalfheim Defence Force Navy. At that time, the elves thought about **** Charlemagne, and then build the country independently, with limited enthusiasm for building a powerful sea power. In addition, in order not to stimulate Albian, a wartime ally, to show the sincerity of the alliance, it is the consensus of the military, the dictator, and the council to limit the size of the navy. Under this strategy-oriented structure, what the defense navy developed was a "breaking fleet", or "pirate fleet". Its strategic mission is highly similar to that of today’s Republican Navy, which is to destroy the enemy’s maritime transportation lines and cut off the maritime connection between its colony and the mainland, so that the enemy cannot obtain resources from overseas to supplement the loss of the homeland.

In short, its main task is to sink all ships flying the Charlemagne flag to the bottom of the sea as quickly and economically as possible. From the technical indicators of various warships to the training of crew and commanders, all are carried out around this goal. Their performance during the war also fully proved the effectiveness of this naval strategy. The question is, if you want to let the guys who think about how to sink the merchant ship every day go to the maritime police, be familiar with the maritime rules, various laws, deal with the crews of various countries, how to find the carefully hidden contraband and personnel...obviously It can't be done by making surprise lessons.

As a result, a large number of fishery and marine police law enforcement officers were enriched on the naval vessels responsible for cruise inspection. These old rivers and lakes taught the sea wolves how to legally inspect ships in other countries. In this way, the Imperial Navy finally trained a professional inspection team, and U-52 submarine commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Brandi was also one of them.

U-52 is a newly built large submarine after the war. It is said to be a submarine. In fact, it is almost the same as saying that this big guy is a diving aircraft carrier. Standard displacement of 18,000 tons, full-load displacement of 34,000 tons, carrying 12 underwater MDSs, 4 early warning aviation MDSs, 10 standard aviation MDSs, 2 large fast assault boats~www.readwn.com ~ 2 small transportation boats. Due to the fact that most of the space was given to carrier-based aircraft, the Marine Corps, and electronic equipment including flagship command equipment, plus the large body and inconvenient underwater maneuverability, the class ship canceled the torpedo launching mechanism and focused on acting as a fleet The responsibilities of flagship and carrier-based aircraft carriers.

Judging from the performance parameters of this type of ship, it does not have to be in combat to perform such a "hands-on mission" of temporary inspection cruises. But this time the situation is a little special. The submarines and destroyers in the surrounding area may not be able to withstand the scene. It is too late to go through procedures to mobilize reinforcements from other sea areas. So the flagship of the squadron responsible for the blockade operation of the WH sea area was condescending and appeared in front of the Olympia.

"Captain, the Marine Corps is ready to go on board for inspection at any time."

The first officer, Captain Goldhart, walked up to the command tower. After a clean salute, he stood still. At this time, a sound of mechanical motion was emitted from the bow of the boat, and the huge drop-shaped head was slowly opening.

"Very good, let the Marines board, all for the empire!"

"Long live the emperor!"

A neat stomping and slogan sounded on the control tower, and two assault boats loaded with Marines rushed to the helpless Olympia.

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