Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1616: Seven. Travel to the Republic (14)

"Routine inspection, they say so."

Olympia's First Officer Anthony looked around carefully, lowering his voice and saying:

"I don't think it's that simple."

"Of course it's not that simple, otherwise how could you use such a big cow (Albion's name for an imperial large submarine)" to come out and inspect a passenger ship, even if this is Albion's newest and largest ocean-going cruise ship."

Captain Bruce held the cheek gang with an ice pack, and murmured in his mouth.

As a matter of fact, Mr. Blue, who was supposed to be the captain, met with Lieutenant Colonel Brandi who boarded the ship, but it was at this time that Captain Bru had suffered an old disease of toothache (dental disease is a common disease of sailors, with conditions All ships will be equipped with a dentist on board). In order not to lose courtesy (more likely to not want to meet), Captain Brue rested in the command cabin and all negotiations were pushed to the first officer.

It is for this reason that Captain Bru is able to stand high and see some things that Anthony is too busy to deal with and fail to see.

"Look at the size of this guy, a full circle larger than us, and the Marines, assault boats, and MDSs on board. Anthony, this is not an ordinary large submarine, this is probably a squadron flagship."

"Are you sure?"

Anthony is somewhat aware of this, but the chief mate who has always been a man is very clear. At this time, pretending to be surprised is more comfortable for the boss.

"This is the gap in experience, Mr. Anthony."

Sure enough, Captain Bruce's sullen face showed a smile, and then he was smashed into the face with a cramping pain, and looked back with a grin. It took a while to slow down.

"Look at the Marines. They controlled the upper deck entrance and exit at the first time, and the air and sea were equipped with mobile whistle. Then they took the passenger list and said that it was a temporary inspection... It seemed that they were looking for someone."

"Catch Zhuang Ding?"

Speaking of arresting people at sea, the first thought of First Officer Anthony was this matter.

To grasp Zhuang Ding is a ridiculous and evil thing in the eyes of modern people, but now it can be seen everywhere outside the territory of the Empire and the Republic. Because the capture of Zhuangding from civilians has always been the main means used by various countries to enrich the army and solve the problem of insufficient human resources. Although it is not a wartime, the threat of the empire is increasing day by day. In addition, in order to take advantage of the subsequent arms control negotiations, the countries are desperately trying to shove into the army. When the recruitment is not enough, it naturally comes to mind Catch Zhuang Ding.

It should be particularly noted here that catching Zhuang Ding is a tradition of all countries, regardless of the army and navy, but the worst criticism is the Royal Navy of Albion. Undoubtedly, its reputation has gone beyond being used by housewives to frighten The realm of children, even the most hard-working Albian patriots, dare not defend their naval riots.

The reason why the Royal Navy of Albion’s capture of Zhuang Ding is extremely poor, in addition to the brutality of the capture operation, the main reasons are three issues: the bad treatment of the Royal Navy’s soldiers and the fierce military discipline; the spread to ships of other countries Arresting; the legal basis for arresting Zhuangding suspected of infringing on the sovereignty of other countries;

The first item is really nothing to say, the navy soldiers of the Royal Family of Albion work hard, live in a poor environment, work in a bad environment, and the food is extremely poor What kind of life is it), the worst is that the captain and the officer often use the "nine-tailed cat" to pull the sailor to death because of some trivial things. Due to poor treatment, sailors on warships or merchant ships often make small trips and board ships of other countries to seek better treatment. When they added a variety of appalling stories on the ships of Albion to the sailors of other countries, it also directly led to the action of the Albion Royal Navy to capture the soldiers and deserters and spread to the ships of other countries.

Unlike the Army, Albian must maintain a large naval fleet in peacetime, thereby maintaining its large number of overseas colonies and military ports all over the country. Its demand for human resources is long-term. The laissez-faire and the small gap are obviously not conducive to maintaining the size of the navy, and even less beneficial to its goal of filling the personnel gap. In order to prevent the loss of personnel, but also in order to be effective, Wang Haijun launched a large-scale operation to capture the soldiers and deserters.

The action of the Albion Royal Navy is based on its domestic law, which is inherently problematic, but the part concerning the execution of the nationality of the subject is easily controversial. Albion’s law does not recognize the citizen’s change of nationality, and it is considered illegal from a legal point of view. That is to say, "born Albion, always Albion". Since they are Albians, they are obliged to accept the "on-the-spot recruitment" of the national armed forces when necessary-whether he is on a local or foreign passenger ship.

When the above three are combined, people-especially the owners of smuggling ships who have been confiscated by the Wangjia Navy, confiscated the goods, the bosses who have been forcibly recruited, the traders who have suffered losses on tariffs and temporary inspections, and hundreds Thousands of families who are on the verge of breaking up because their husbands, sons, and brothers have been arrested, and so on, will definitely spread the evil, rude, greedy, and arrogant image of the Royal Navy of Albion throughout the world.

Based on the above background, when it comes to arresting people at sea, the first thought of whether Anthony Anthony catches Zhuang Ding is not surprising.

"Catch Zhuang Ding? Empire? Get on this ship?"

Captain Bruce smiled and shook his head bitterly, as if to concatenate these three words together became a poor joke.

"Those guys in the Empire will never catch Zhuang Ding, and those uncles with sharp ears will not let the fourth-class citizens turn over in the army. Moreover, these guys have been very low-key recently, and will not go to other countries to catch Zhuang Ding to make There is a lot of public opinion. Not to mention this Olympia."

Olympia is a 10,000-ton passenger and cargo ocean-going cruise ship built by Albion’s most cutting-edge technology, with a registered tonnage of 18,756 tons, an operating rate of 14 knots, and three sets of propulsion devices: two With a paddle wheel on the side of the ship, a stern propeller, six masts with sails, the total area of ​​the sails is 6,500 square yards. The ship's first-class cabin can accommodate a total of 450 guests, a second-class cabin of 200 guests, and a third-class cabin of 1,780 guests. In addition, there are 400 crew members.

From the point of view of performance parameters, it is ugly compared with those of the Empire's super cruise liners, which can easily produce 278 knots at a rate of 450,000 tons. But in any case, this is also the first 10,000-ton domestic-made giant ship built by Albion with its own industrial system. At the launching ceremony, Queen Elizabeth smashed champagne herself, and in the warm atmosphere of the nation's celebration, the giant wheel with ribbons slowly slid into the sea. Afterwards, every move about the Olympia became the focus of all the people.

This boat is the pride of Albion. Any act of disrespect and tarnishment will cause the anger of the Albion people.

"That means..."

"There is something on this ship that will allow them to use this force to catch people or things at the risk of taking risks..."


"what's going on?"

The girl asked timidly, covering the door halfway, looking into the shocked eyes. The waiter secretly apologized and sent a greeting to the pointed ears.

——Damn pointed ear ghost animal.

"It's a temporary inspection, ma'am."

The waiter's tone was cordial and gentle, and it sounded a lot of peace of mind, but what he said next could not be reassuring at all.

"The submarine of the empire is going to conduct a temporary inspection of the ship. Their people have already boarded the ship, and now everyone has to go to the upper deck for inspection."


The girl shook, and apparently she did not have any affection for the imperial soldiers. It could be said that she was full of fear. Even so, in the eyes of the waiter who saw too many expressions of frustration, anger and even hysterical expressions, the lady was extremely brave and calm.

Under the inspection of exotic sailors on the vast sea, hand your own destiny to the hands of aliens and omnipotent mothers who are not even human beings-there are not many women who just shake in the face of this sudden situation.

"Yes, ma'am, everyone must gather on the deck within 30 minutes. If you want to wash and change clothes, please hurry up."

"Okay, thank you very much for your reminder."

Putting a fifty pence coin into the waiter's hand, the girl smiled and closed the door, clinging to the door and hearing footsteps away, she made a "safe" gesture behind her.

"As you have heard, the guys in the Empire are going to conduct a temporary inspection of this ship."

"Come to us?"

"Nightingale" put the pocket pistol into his arms and lowered his voice and asked:

"Information leaked?"

"I don't know. There is too little intelligence in hand. How much troops the opponent has and what the goal is is completely unclear. The only thing that can be determined is that it is only twenty-seven nautical miles from the territorial waters of the Republic."

Twenty-seven nautical miles, the fourteen-knot speed of the "Olympia" can be completed in just over two hours, but now it seems far away.

"It's a routine business? Also information leaked?"

"Mockingbird" combs his hair~www.readwn.com~ while spreading the most urgent problems that need to be clarified on the table.

If it is a routine business, they just have to try to get through the customs. If the information is leaked, they have to prepare for the worst.

Looking around the vast sea, there are MDS patrols in the air and in the sea. Any attempt to escape will only lead to a fire attack. As for hiding in the cabin until the end of the inspection, and not to mention the list of passengers and crew, the Empire side As long as the number of people is counted, it can be found whether there is abnormality. Judging from the consistent performance of the group of patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder, I am afraid that there are various sensors inside and outside the ship to monitor the movements in the cabin, plus the Imperial Marines soldiers will definitely enter the ship to search, want to know it without knowing it. It seems that the difficulty is over.

"all in all."

Put on his coat, get the boat ticket and ID, "Robin" Shen Sheng said:

"Now it is in the most sensitive position and the most sensitive place. It was stopped by the most troublesome guy. We can't act rashly until we figure out the situation. Although we don't want to, we have to take one step at a time."

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