Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1617: VII. Travel to the Republic (15)

"Please take the boat tickets and documents, don't lose them."

"Parents please take good care of your children."

"Please move to the other side immediately after checking, don't stop."

Marines holding loudspeakers reiterated the precautions in the inspection with a tone that did not cause disgust, and maintained order from time to time. With their efforts and the cooperation of the passengers, the order on the scene was orderly, so that this The sudden clinical inspection looks more like queuing up to submit a visa application in the embassy.

However, personally speaking, passengers of any nationality do not like this unsolicited clinical inspection, and among them, the passengers of Albian are in the worst mood. As marine nations, they didn’t like to be inspected by ships of other countries at sea, or they didn’t like to look at other people’s faces. This ethnic group is reckless and extremely resentful of mainland powers that threaten them. This kind of character is so They are so entrenched that they have been fighting the Charlemagne for more than a hundred years in order to "clear who is the king and who is the minister".

Strong maritime power consciousness, antipathy to mainland power, plus the special status and patriotic feelings of this Olympia in their minds-under the interaction of many factors, Albion passengers are facing the back of the Imperial Marines The **** and spit saliva also become excusable.

The imperial soldiers who maintain order are of course aware of these small movements. The soldiers who have seen this for a long time are attentive to the work at hand, and the officers are busy dealing with various administrative procedures with the managers of the Olympia and responding to their protests. And requirements.

At first glance, people may feel reassured by the orderly atmosphere in front of them, but the guy who really feels sharp can perceive the restlessness and anxiety brewing in the crowd. The source of the restlessness was the officer standing behind the Marines, wearing a black uniform and a shield and armband on his left arm sleeve.

Ministry of National Security. Known as "Stasi", it is one of the most efficient, mysterious and dangerous intelligence agencies in the world.

Ordinary outsiders may not be able to distinguish them from the Imperial Social Order Security Bureau, because the uniforms are very similar, both are black open-necked suit-style uniforms, and there is almost no difference in the rank marks. But after staying in the empire, people familiar with the differences in uniforms of various violent institutions can recognize the subtle differences in uniforms at a glance, and those who are experienced can also identify the regions and specific functional departments to which they belong.

Of course, those who can do this kind of stunt must have a strong relationship with the empire, or even a person with a bad relationship.

"Mr. Isaac Hudes?"


It was a middle-aged man with a big beard. The dense sideburns hung down to his chest, and his pale and thin face made him look much older than he actually was.

This kind of person is very common in the third- and fourth-class cabins of ocean-going cruise ships. Water is strictly restricted and the space is narrow. Even if it is a small white face when boarding, it is not surprising that it becomes a bearded tramp when disembarking.

But this ordinary man caught the attention of the Stasi. They took out the mobile terminal from their trouser pockets, and after making some gestures, they nodded to Lieutenant Colonel Brandi.

The lieutenant colonel quickly whispered something while holding the throat receiver, and the soldier responsible for the inspection quickly returned the document to the man, and asked the man to go to the inspection office for stamping-all passengers who passed the inspection were signed and stamped there. The man breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly walked to the table where the form was placed. Just as the man signed and stamped with ease on his face, the two Marines stood behind him, opened the insurance submachine gun against the man's back ...

"You see, it's all for maritime security. God knows how much these terrorists spent to bring these things on board."

The speaker was a captain of Stasi. Out of respect for AIA, his words and sentences were very careful, but I don’t know what happened. The very serious respectful words came out of his mouth with a The mockingly sour taste makes Anthony's chief mate frown.

For another time, Anthony must return to him in the first place, but in front of a table full of pistols, explosives, detonators, secret documents, and anti-imperial flyers, he can only choose to remain silent.

There will be such things, and who are those who hold these dangerous contraband, Anthony already knows.

Those who will take the Albion cruise to the Republic are either businessmen, diplomats, technicians and scholars who have dealings with the Republic, or the rebellions of the nations who do not accept Wanghua, or they are the fourth-class citizens who try to escape the empire.

For various reasons, the exiles who left the empire will eventually choose to go to the paradise in their hearts-the Republic. Before arriving at their destination, they must face the hunt of the empire, half of the firearms and ammunition are prepared for self-defense, and the other half are not to be caught alive, rather than tortured to death after being tortured, it is better to give yourself a happy, if If you can't do it, you can also ask for help from those around you.

As for anti-imperial books, flyers...the strangers who hold the old country and resent the empire hold this kind of thing. It is their spiritual food.

These exiles probably couldn't dream, just when they were only one step away from the paradise in their hearts, they would be subject to imperial inspection of the imperial warship, and what made them unimaginable was that the empire's arrest was extremely accurate, and who was The fugitives, who lived in the cabin, where the weapons they carried were hidden, were not a secret to Agent Stasi, and there was no one from the beginning to the end.

It's like knowing their journey planning for a long time.

"Your Excellency, since there are personal witnesses, according to the extradition regulations signed between my country and your country, I hope to extradite these terrorists."

Captain Walter's expression was humble and sincere, and his tone and wording did not have any provocative meaning, but it was particularly harsh in the ears of the sailors of Albion. Not to mention the smug colors that couldn't be concealed in his eyes, like the red cloth waving in front of the bull's eyes, spurring the anger of the sailors.

As the proud sailor of Olympia, Albion was supposed to be the guardian who guarded the passengers to the destination, but was forced by the barbarians of the empire to hand over the passengers, and watched these poor men being escorted back to the empire. They were executed after a humiliating trial... This was not only their personal shame, but also beating Albion's face. Several quick-tempered sailors stretched their hands subconsciously to their waists...

As the atmosphere became more and more dangerous, First Officer Anthony took a step forward and said aloud:

"I see, please bring the extradition documents."

Anthony Anthony, like the sailors, was full of anger and wanted to break the neck of the **** with sharp ears in front of his eyes, but he did not choose to do so.

The first officer is not timid or cowardly, and his skills are no problem. Don't look at the secret policeman holding an automatic pistol in front of him. The first officer is absolutely sure that the other party will kill him before pulling out the gun. The reason for not doing so is for two reasons.

First, from the beginning to the end, the empire carried out temporary inspections in a reasonable and legal manner. With all the evidence and evidence, the empire requested extradition on the grounds of "arresting the terrorists on board and ensuring the safety of navigation." There is no problem from any angle of the law of reason.

Second, it’s easy to kill the annoying ghost in front of me, but the recording terminal that this guy put on his chest pocket is recording everyone’s every move in this cabin. It would be okay if he could kill him without knowing it, but with this device, the moment of hands-on action would become the decisive evidence of the Empire’s diplomatic and public offensive against Albian. In the face of iron evidence, Albion has no room for excuse.

In the face of these two decisive factors, all struggles against resistance are meaningless, and it is more embarrassing than continuing to struggle with stalemate.

Anthony Anthony made a big swipe, and the fate of the fugitives was decided.


The Imperial Marines have searched 34 fugitives from the Olympia, including armed personnel affiliated with underground organizations, dissatisfied literati, and more unable to bear the empire’s hierarchical management system. Oversea civilians broke out.

No matter what their previous thoughts and visions for the future, everything is over.

In order to take care of the few faces left by Albion, these fugitives will not be executed on the spot, they will be escorted back to the empire, after they are handed over to the people’s court to decide, according to the judgment, they will go to the gallows, or Was “relocated” to a labor camp and accepted the spiritual baptism of endless hard labor until disappearance.

Taking the view that "slow death is more cruel" as a benchmark, it might be kinder to shoot these people on the spot.

However, since they have chosen the escape route, it means that they have estimated in advance that they may encounter an unfortunate ending. They know that they will still choose the extremely high-risk escape route, and now it is like this, and there is nothing to complain about.

With many complicated sights, the fugitives boarded the assault boat calmly, and when people thought they had accepted their destiny and prepared to offer their final prayer, a powerful song suddenly sounded.

"Oh, you can see that through the twilight, we will be proud to cheer in the twilight. It is the tricolor of freedom, equality and fraternity. After a hard battle, it is still flying on the fortress of our army? The bomb is in The sky roared, the rocket shone with red light, and it was a testimony to the existence of our national flag all night. Oh, whether the three-color flag still fluttered in the free land ~ www.readwn.com ~ the hometown of the Warriors!"

That is the first verse of the Republic’s second national anthem (the first national anthem is “Rhein Legion’s War Song”) and “The Republican Flag Never Falles”.

I saw a man holding his chest with his right hand, his face full of pride, staring up at the crowd gathered on the side railing of the Olympia overlooking them. Join the chorus.

"The gang that cursed the war arrogantly would destroy our country and have all gone there? Their blood has washed away their dirty footprints. The minions and running dogs will have nowhere to hide, and they cannot escape death. The fate of the tricolor is flying in victory, in the land of freedom, the hometown of the warriors!"

Maybe it was touched by the current situation, maybe it was guilt, or maybe it was pure desire to vent resentment against the raging empire. The people on the Olympia all joined the chorus regardless of whether they would sing or not.

Among them were the "Robin", "Nightingale", and Marseille who had survived the inspection.

The deep, thick singing sang over and over again until the U-52's huge body disappeared into the sea and disappeared without a trace.

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