Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1618: Seven. Travel to the Republic (16)

People always compare.

Through comparison, we found deficiencies and then improved.

This is the greatest advantage and the greatest virtue of intelligent species. Although sometimes this virtue will evolve into a comparison, which will lead to a bunch of incidents, it has to be admitted that the desire to compare and yearn for better is the biggest help for intelligent creatures.

From the moment Olympia got off the boat, Marseille was attracted by the noisy crowd.

He has never seen large public transportation facilities such as airports and railway stations in the Empire. Compared with those magnificent and highly convenient facilities, the port of New Orleans is like a clay sculpture by a pupil in front of a crystal sculpture. It can't be said that it's ugly, but it can't run away. Even if it is compared with the big ports like Albion's Portsmouth, I am afraid that it is still a lot worse.

But because of this, the Port of New Orleans has some things that other countries have not. One of the shortcomings he had noticed while visiting the hill-like Rüdes Airport, but it was difficult to express in words.


After thinking about it for a while, Marseille felt that this word could best express his feelings.

Yes, it is vitality.

The empire's large buildings are indeed perfect in scale and convenience, and they are unmatched in order. However, "big and inappropriate" and "meaningless waste of space" are also people's consistent evaluation of such buildings, especially when people in various uniforms are seen in different categories according to tall, short, thin, racial level, region and unit... and so on. When moving quietly on an escalator, people naturally think of the various parts that are neatly arranged on the production line-there is no sound, uniformity, and no personality.

Apart from the first and second class citizens of the empire, this scenery will be beautiful, and there should be none.

Although the port of New Orleans is a little cluttered, the noisy and chaotic scene contains vitality that cannot be seen in the Empire. For example, hawkers selling food outside the port may have a loud voice, and their clothes are not clean and tidy enough. It is difficult to say that the various foods sold meet the hygiene standards. But compared with an imperial waiter who smiles in business and speaks the same service language, obviously the former can make people feel more life and vitality.

This is a vibrant land.

This was Marseille's first impression of the Republic thirty minutes after disembarking from the Olympia. As he walked out of the passenger ship berth and moved slowly along the trestle to the pier, the loud cheers and the flying flag made him feel the vitality of the Republic more deeply.

"Down with the Empire!"

A man standing on a wooden box shouted with a horn made of white iron. The crowd behind him repeated what he said in unison.

"Down with the Empire!!"

The slogan of the mountain tsunami sent a wave of spiritual shock and baptism to people who arrived from the old continent to the new world.

"for freedom!"

"The Republic will never perish!"

"Welcome people who yearn for freedom to come to the Republic!!"

Until the fourth sentence, there was finally a point of welcoming guests. At other times, this welcoming method will definitely cause unhappiness. But the passengers of the Olympia who had just undergone the inspection were full of anger against the empire. There was nowhere to vent. When they yelled at the empire, they would naturally resonate. So all the passengers waved their hands and even shouted slogans together. Vent your dissatisfaction.

This kind of behavior is actually a bit childish. In the eyes of warriors like Robin and Nightingale who fight on the front line all year round, this is nothing but a group of "angry youths" hiding in a safe, invisible place of the empire to scold and warm up. If the enemy is so deep that he can’t stand it any longer, he would have gone to join the army and served his country. Where else would he need to go to such a place and gang up to this group of foreigners to swear to defend their country and defend the country’s determination?

Even this behavior is novel and interesting in the eyes of Marseille.

No marches or demonstrations can be seen in the empire. Third- and fourth-class citizens must go to the local police station to report before they engage in collective activities. They can only be released after approval. As for political gatherings and marches, attacking the authorities and His Majesty... Two months before the founding of the Empire, there were violent men who dared to do so. When the wave was sent to the train to the Principality, he went to His Majesty the Emperor. After the territories named "Auschwitz" and "Birkenau", everyone closed their mouths. From that time, apart from the mass activities organized by the government, all possible gathering activities disappeared from the imperial territory.

For Marseille, participating in politics and expressing demands is a new thing that I have never thought of and never experienced. Although he was still unsuited to this highly enthusiastic enthusiasm, he could not talk about those slogans from the bottom of his heart, and he did not think that those slogans had the possibility of becoming a reality, but he felt that this was uncomfortable. What it feels like to say it directly... actually pretty good.

——The so-called "feeling of freedom" refers to being able to speak freely.

Marseille thought of being urged to speed up by "Nightingale".

Until this time, the boy knew nothing about the weight behind the words "freedom", "justice", "duty", and "fate".


"Really, it's unfortunate to encounter such a thing."

The tone of the woman sitting on the large office chair was painful, and the emerald green eyes drooped slightly.

With just such a simple action, Marseille felt that his heartbeat was rapidly accelerating.

More than him, the battlefield, "nightingale" and "robinbird" who have experienced various battles also have a serious face, the spine is straight, the hands on the knees tremble slightly, and carefully look at the back of the neck. Full of tiny sweat beads.

The three were equally nervous and excited, but for different reasons.

Marseille was excited by seeing a living legendary beauty, and "Nightingale" and "Robin" were honored to see one of their idols.

The great founder of the Republic, all the heavy ministers and royal families have abandoned their responsibilities to escape or commit suicide. In the face of the emperor and the army of the empire, when everyone has given up, they lead the people who are not willing to become slaves to go abroad, in the distance The colony established a republic, and when the whole world was covered by the shadow of the empire, it still left a bright lamp...

I can see such a character that only exists in the legend. Anyone who changes will be excited to be incoherent, not to mention the other party is still a noble beauty.

When meeting such a conversation object, the men will become extremely excited. In order to remind the fool around him that he can’t even say a complete sentence, don’t talk in spring, "Nightingale" grabbed Marseille's thigh and twitched it ——

There was a spasm in Marseille's mouth. "Robin" and "Nightingale" continued to remain solemn and firm. The three-person small theater was completed without any notice in Minerva.

Just as the three men readjusted their status and prepared for a speech on international and domestic forms and the future development of the Republic, unexpected content reached their ears.

"From today, you are citizens of the Republic."

This is really an amazing speech.

Facing the encircling circle of hundreds of "legions", the "nightingale" who had never frowned.

A "robin bird" who fights wisely and bravely with bulls, ghosts, snakes, gods and imperial agents.

Even these two men had stiff expressions, and Marseille directly displayed such rude words as "What? Too casual" on his face.

"This is not just casual."

Minerva took out the three people's republic household registration, residence certificates, entry procedures, naturalization certificates and other documents and spread them in front of the three people, smiling to:

"The relevant document procedures have been completed before you arrive in New Orleans, as long as you sign it now."

"Isn't this...Is it so easy to become a citizen of the Republic? I remember that the immigration law here has a provision that says you have to live for more than five years to be eligible for naturalization."

The first person who came back to ask questions was Marseille. Before he entered, he got a copy of the "Immigration and Naturalization Guide" from the staff of the enthusiastic immigration office. Because of the life experience of the empire, he was sensitive to the laws and regulations. When he came, On the way, I have roughly read the booklet, and most of the points he thinks need to be remembered.

The process of naturalization is one of the important points he remembers.

The environment behind the founding of the Republic was more sinister than that of any country in the early days of its founding. There were empire eyes on the outside, and internal people were panicked. At the same time, they held the concept of founding the country more open than any other country at that time. The two factors are intertwined, which makes the immigration laws of the Republic show uniqueness. On the one hand, uphold the principle of openness, as long as you agree with the republican system and the three principles of freedom, equality, and fraternity, anyone in any country can become a national of the Republic; on the other hand, the residence period for foreign nationals to obtain citizenship of the Republic is up to five years~www .readwn.com~After five years, the immigration bureau and the judiciary will review whether the person is eligible for citizenship. If in the five years, the person has a criminal record, no fixed income and occupation, and anti-Republican propaganda or funding Riots and illegal assembly, then this person not only can not obtain citizenship, but also may be deported.

There is no doubt that the Republic wants to establish an open and inclusive positive image, but due to internal and external factors, it has to set an observation period for immigrants trying to naturalize and list it as a potential spy suspect.

Obtaining citizenship by entering like this is obviously illegal.

"You really are like a good model student in the report. But Marseilles, you should read the full version of the "Immigration and Naturalization Law" instead of reading the simplified brochure. According to the law, in the old Charlemagne The people born in the Kingdom automatically have the nationality of the Republic, let alone the two young ladies who have contributed in the battle to liberate the motherland. Not to mention. So from a legal perspective, you already have the citizenship of the Republic, and it should be automatically restored after entry. "

With a gentle smile, Minerva said:

"In short, I will take care of you for the time being. Take a good rest first, complete the task, look at this country, and then take the time to think slowly about your future."

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