Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1619: VII. Travel to the Republic (17)

The first shock response is the strongest, and as the number of times increases, but how to increase the intensity, people who have adapted to even numbness will not have the strong impact of the first shock.

The same is true in Marseille.

When he first saw the emperor, he couldn't even think about it, only the fear and awe when he saw the god. When talking with Roland, he was already able to put forward some of his own opinions and ideas. When talking to Minerva across the table, he was only a little excited when he saw the legendary beauty.

There are too many heavyweights encountered, it will inevitably lead to the idea of ​​"ah, the so-called bigwigs are like this". Although Marseille will not be bound by stereotyped thinking, it is difficult to completely get rid of the inertia of experience.

So when he came down from the carriage and faced the five-story apartment building that was almost the same as the Empire's "People's Apartment", he had another impact on the senses of the big figures.

——The Speaker of the Great Republic of China lives here? Is it that the fourth-class citizen community cadres or factory supervisors live better than here?

Looking at the two-family unit with a beige stucco layer hidden in the lush green leaves, Marseille could not help but emerge a somewhat disrespectful idea.

——Is there any difficulty in the finance of the Republic? Have you no money to get a decent house for the Speaker?

It can't be said that Marseille is snobbish, nor is his perception of the nobility of high officials too popular. After all, even the emperor who doesn't like luxury residences should consider the face and prestige of the empire, and stay in the Sanssouci Palace like an art museum or gardening exhibition. No matter how the Republic emphasizes fairness and justice, the residence of the head of state is also a major issue concerning the face and security of the country. Not to mention, the safety of the heads of state and their families alone is an issue that has to be taken seriously. Some over-critical parliamentarians even proposed to build the official residence of the leaders directly from the fortress drawings. Other veterans of the Old Kingdom think that it is the face of the country, and it's too ridiculous to come up with a fortress. According to the pattern of the Bourbon Palace, it is enough to build a small palace in a reduced version. As a result, this proposal was again shot by the members of the Social Democratic Party. The reason they gave was that the state finances had not been officially launched. There are many places to use money, instead of spending precious funds in a building that I don’t know can live. It is better to use it in a more important place for a few days.

Finally, the opinions of the Social Democratic Party were adopted. Apart from Minerva’s own little interest in luxury housing, the most important issues were money and people’s hearts. Under extremely difficult financial conditions, the official residence of the face-saving project not only increases the additional financial burden and occupies precious labor, but also makes it easy for the leadership to be unaware of the hardships of the people and eager to enjoy comfort. This will deal a heavy blow to the morale of the people, and it will be a disaster for the Republic that desperately needs internal unity and cohesion.

As a result, the construction of the official residence was put on hold, but all parties agreed that, in view of the prolonged confrontation with the empire, it is still necessary to build an official residence after the financial improvement. Prior to this, the leadership, including the Speaker, first moved into the state-allocated dormitory.

The so-called dormitory is the unit building.

But in this unit building, Minerva also rarely had the opportunity to come back and enjoy a moment of tranquility. Most of her time was spent in the office. In the foreseeable future, this lifestyle will continue.

Loneliness and sighs quickly rose up and disappeared quickly. The Wang Nu and Speaker who had experienced too many trials and trials were already able to control her emotions skillfully. I saw her taking a brisk pace, and walked into this building with a ignorant three The house called "home".

"Slow, sister Wang."

As soon as he walked in the door, a canary-like voice greeted him. Before Marseille reacted, a blond boy poked his head from Minerva's right hand.




After seeing the boy’s appearance, the three thought of rodents with the element of “cute” for the first time. Because the growth environment is different, the specific types of thought are different, but they all have the “cute, cure”. Common elements.

It was a slender boy about ten years old who leaned over and leaned out his head.

The figure is slender and well-proportioned, the outline of the face and the facial features are as white and delicate as a white porcelain doll, the emerald green eyes are as shiny as emerald, and the soft gold hair is meticulously combed.

From head to toe, this boy is full of cuddly elements. "Nightingale" and "Robin" almost couldn't hold it. They rushed to the scene and hugged the boy in his arms, while taking care of them while holding those cute, All the ingredients that can heal the heart are absorbed into the body.

This urge was so strong that they failed to grasp the point of the boy's speech like Marseille.

In today's world, there is only one who can call Minerva "Sister King".

One of the only bloodlines of the Bourbon royal family, Prince Charles de Bourbon.

Perhaps this Highness was too young, and he barely played in the previous wars. Among the many male members of the Bourbon royal family who were resentful (Prince Louis and the second prince needless to say, even the old king He became the object of resentment. Although the old man was basically unable to move in bed during the war, he could not even speak, but in the eyes of the people, he gave birth to two princes, educated them to grow, and gave great power to the two bastards. The old king is just as guilty), Prince Shire is the only one sympathized by the people. Including the scholars of the Empire, it is generally believed that this young prince was born in a bad time. If it was in the Taiping era, even if he could not succeed to the throne, he was given a fief, and it would be no problem to be an idle prince. However, in times of trouble, from heaven to noble, down to ordinary people, there are always very few people who can decide their own destiny. What's more, Yijie Jie has no power and no strong matrilineal relatives, and the prince above his head is actually a child who is no different from the common people. Therefore, most people sympathize with the unfortunate and helpless prince.

"Is it them?"

Prince Shire's voice was both excited and tense, and his flushed face reminded Marseille of himself on the eve of the first day of school.

That's right, it's like being very lonely and looking forward to children who can make friends.

Before Marseille and others had recovered, Minerva turned back and smiled softly.

"Welcome to the new home, would you like a coffee first?"


After the early meal, the three of them went back to their assigned rooms and rested.

Being in a state of high tension for a long time, combined with the impact of the unfamiliar environment, it is inevitable that the three people who are used to the battlefield and under the rule of the empire will feel tired. Suddenly they entered an environment where they could feel at ease, the string that had been tightly stretched out finally relaxed, and the fatigue that had been accumulated before was completely released.

"...Only know the children who obey orders and die?"

Sipping coffee, Minerva whispered.

In the living room, there was only Minerva enjoying after-meal coffee, and Shire sitting on the chair with his lips muttered.

"They all fell asleep. I wanted to hear them talk about the local side, which is really disappointing."

With such a complaint in his mouth, he was holding a brand-new box of playing cards. It seemed that he couldn't wait to play with them in the name of hearing the news.

Seeing the younger brother's rare childish side, Minerva couldn't help but a little guilty, and at the same time a slight sense of guilt appeared.

Judging from the report, there seems to be no intersection in the lives of the three people. Even the two girls who are also part of the "Liberty Army" have many differences, but they all have one thing in common. That is, living under maliciousness, death, and oppression for a long time, familiar with the army or army-like environment, and lacking the concept and adaptability to the so-called "normal society" or "society outside the empire."

Adults who are upright and moderate have experienced a brutal war and are unable to return smoothly and adapt to normal society. They are the same.

"Nightingale" and "Robinbird" lost their loved ones in the childhood when they needed the most care and attention. After that, they lived in the "Legacy of Freedom". Every day they heard, saw, and were exposed to death and killing. Otherwise, it is all sorts of intrigue and intrigue. The situation in Marseille is better than them, but the military education and management of the empire has left a deep impression on him. As before, he read the immigration laws in a short time and quickly remembered the urgency and practicality. The part—even if it’s a simplified booklet that’s easy to read—is something that peers under the Republic can’t do.

For them, accustomed to ease and goodwill, without suspicion and vigilance to look around, is probably more difficult than adapting to a new battlefield environment.

Let these three people adapt to the republic of today, and let them see all aspects of the republic, good, bad, beautiful, ugly... all to see.

——I really don’t want them to see it, the Republic today.

Roland's last sentence in the message is full of bitter smiles ~www.readwn.com~ Minerva feels the same with what he wants to express.

If she can, she also wants these young people to see a perfect country, like an ideal country. However, the gap between reality and ideal is always so desperate that the Republic is too far away from the so-called ideal town. Looking at the entire world, in the sense of various indicators, the closest to the ideal country is the empire...

This is too ironic. People with insufficient mental capacity may even be sluggish or even commit suicide. Better ones may shake their minds completely. Instead, they believe that the empire’s lifestyle and values ​​are the only correct answer.

Is it too early to show them all aspects of the Republic?

Considering Roland’s proposal and the current situation, it is not an exaggeration to say that this is a gamble. But today's Republic simply does not reject this gambling option.

"The rise and fall of the country, in one fell swoop...?"

Minerva looked down at the black coffee in the cup, and there were black ripples in his heart.

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