Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1620: 8. Sightseeing trip (1)

Weak nations have no justice, and weak nations have no diplomacy.

In just ten words, the truth of the international community has been exhausted. The diplomat who said this warning motto once believed in justice and justice, and in the face of cruel reality, he was shattered, and he carried one. The notoriety of the "national thief" eventually saw Hong Chen as a monk. In the last days of life, use his life to sum up the truth of international diplomacy.

The only supreme rule of the international community has always been the jungle rule of weak flesh and strong food. Axiom and justice are nothing but shame cloths for achieving ends. Only the weak will believe in and rely on such a shameless cloth, and the strong—especially those who set the rules of the international order—are responsible for setting standards and defining what is axiom and justice.

Talents that conform to the interests of powerful nations are called justice and justice, and vice versa is evil and brutality.

What? Double standards? Don’t cheek yourself?

First of all, what is the skin? Can it be eaten or worn? Secondly, you have opinions, you can roll up your sleeves and let us both use fists to debate, as long as your fist is bigger than me and harder than me. Big allows you to define what is axiom and justice.

The so-called international coordination, the so-called big power diplomacy, in the final analysis is power diplomacy. Without strength, there would naturally be no diplomacy, only unilaterally allowing the strong to dictate or torment. This is the fate and sorrow of all small and weak countries.

Now, Justice John Jay has a thorough understanding of the taste, what is meant by man-made knife and I am fish, and what is called power is axiom, he has a heartfelt understanding.

"Your Excellency Jay, this is the last bottom line of the empire, and any modifications and bargaining on this basis are unacceptable."

Baron Constantine von Cowright shook his index finger.

"Not a single word."

Just a little, a little less, the Supreme Justice would take out his cane or throw out his gloves and the **** in front of him for a duel. After all, Justice Jay was a gentleman with enough self-cultivation and self-control, which didn't cause the tragedy of the negotiating table.

He was not cowardly or fearful. He had duels with people 23 times in his youth, without losing. If you really throw out the white gloves, and Baron Wright will fight for life and death, the one with the pointed ears on the opposite side will surely fall.

However, Justice Jay controlled himself. He knew that Baron Wright was just a megaphone, and it was the emperor who really controlled the negotiations. Facing the demands of the emperor and the imperial army ready, the Republic, Albion, the Principality of Ross, Serres, Castilla-who can say "no"? Who dares to say "Do not"?

Even aside from the national strength and the emperor's personal factors, Jay did not admit that such a treaty is already the most favorable condition that the empire can give. Instead of sitting in the seat of Baron Wright, he would also not allow the Republic to bargain.

The Republic of China apologizes, compensates, and handles those responsible for the Rhineland incident;

The Empire promised to lift the blockade on the Republic as soon as possible, and allow the merchant ships of the Republic to go to the ports designated by the Empire for port trading;

The Republic recognized the legitimacy and legitimacy of the empire. In return, the empire recognized the facts of the republic and sent high-ranking officials to stay in New Orleans to coordinate and deal with the issue of trade between the two countries;

In order to ensure the safety of the diplomatic public officials of the Empire, the Empire will send a Marine Corps battalion, permanently stationed in New Orleans;

The imperial warship does not enter the twelve nautical miles offshore of the republic. Outside this range, the imperial warship has the right of temporary inspection of ships sailing at sea, and all vessels found to have committed illegal or criminal acts will be seized;

The Republic promises not to support any form of terrorism and anti-imperialist organizations, and shall not fund, contain, hire, or arm terrorist organizations or individuals officially recognized by the Empire;

The Empire has the right to extradite criminals who fled to the Republic, and the Republic shall provide assistance to it, and shall not refuse extradition requests;

The Empire promised to allow the Republic to participate in multilateral negotiations on international arms control in the form of "the existence of political entities";

Compared with the previous text, the empire withdrew some harsh conditions that were too explicit, but this does not mean that the empire was transformed. In exchange, they added some "justified requirements" in their eyes. This final version of the contract, for the nationals of the Republic, undoubtedly throws their dignity into the mud and tramples on it.

The requirements of the Empire can be roughly divided into three categories.

Acknowledge the status quo;

Establish the position between the Empire and the Republic;

Cut off the link between the resistance organization and the Republic;

Recognizing the status quo, it’s better to say that, given the empire’s military superiority, the only republic that can’t break the status quo can do is to admit.

The problem is in the last two items.

The sending of high-ranking officials instead of ministers or ambassadors, and only the empire unilaterally sent in, said that the empire did not recognize the republic as a legitimate country, but placed it in the position of a colony. Sending troops-even if there is only a symbolic battalion-is also a violation of the sovereignty of the Republic. As for the extradition of the criminals, the empire made unilateral requests, and the republic can only obey and provide assistance. This amounts to the fact that the Republic is regarded as a colony or a dependent state.

Regarding the Republic’s severing of ties with various resistance organizations, it is unacceptable to all the Republic’s nationals, which is equivalent to the last possibility of cutting off the return of the Charlemagne, allowing the Republic’s nationals to watch those resistances killed by the Empire. The citizens will never accept this condition.

Of course, the empire is not without giving. Although they were reluctant, they recognized the fact that the Republic existed, and the extradition agreement was regarded as a disguised recognition of the laws of the Republic. The disguised recognition of the 12-nautical-mile territorial sea and the lifting of the maritime blockade were thoughts of countless people who relied on the sea to eat. Allowing the Republic to participate in international arms control negotiations amounts to recognizing the Republic’s international status. But this is all that the Republic can get, and it is completely impossible to equal the heavy work, and it has suffered additional humiliation and loss.

Regardless of national security and dignity, or national sentiment, the Republic cannot accept such rude requests. The government and people of the Republic also have every reason to oppose these harsh and extreme conditions.

However, as I said before, in order to refuse, to get more, we must first have strength. Diplomatic negotiations only trust strength, not tears.

"Your Excellency Jay, this is the final condition set by my emperor. You have to think about it."

The Baron Niu Wright stared at the pale Supreme Court of the Republic, saying one by one:

"Survival or destruction?"


"...Let him ask for instructions. Anyway, it is the Republic's own troubles. We only need someone to sign. As for who is signing, is that important?"

Li Lin's face turned slightly, and a faint smile resembled a sneer in the afternoon sunlight.

In his capacity, don’t sneer and express your irony to the Republic. Even if you say a bunch of harsh and harsh words, you will only hear "Your Majesty is wise, what His Majesty said is very true." But he never wastes time on this childish behavior, and there are many things waiting for him to deal with.

"In view of the strength gap between the two sides and the international situation, the Republic will eventually sign, and as the Plenipotentiary, Justice John Jay's political life is also over. Now we have to consider how to extract further benefits from this matter. "

"Do you want to choose a collaborator from the political parties of the Republic and put him in the position of chief justice of the Supreme Court?"

Niederhogg asked with a bow.

When it comes to further squeezing profits, the first thought of the Guards Captain is personnel.

The text of the agreement with the Republic has been determined. Taking into account the affordability of the Republic and the direction of public opinion, it is unrealistic and unnecessary to continue to squeeze the economy or force the Republic to make concessions on sovereignty issues. Rather than killing the goose that only lays golden eggs now, it is better to keep them to contribute to the strategic planning of the empire.

Since the Republic will continue to exist, and as far as possible to meet the interests of the empire, then use the high-level personnel changes of the Republic to allow various "talents" to enter the parliament, government departments, and the Supreme Court, and let the Republic follow the road map planned by the empire. Development is undoubtedly the most favorable development now.

"No need."

Without hesitation for a moment, Li Lin categorically rejected Niederhogg's proposal.

At the top of the republic, people who obeyed the empire were installed. It sounds very attractive, but in fact it is not feasible and necessary at all.

"The strong anti-imperialist sentiment of the people of the Republic makes it impossible for any politician to make pro-empire speeches, and we now do not need right-wing politicians with hard-line positions to come to power, so that this goose that lays golden eggs will hit the wall and commit suicide by itself. The ability of Minerva and his team, even if we really support some people up, it is difficult to hide them. As for those who can add to Minerva's chaos and hinder this kind of people need us to specially cultivate and select? Just As soon as the general election arrives ~www.readwn.com~ these people will go to the Imperial High Commissioner themselves to report in line."

Elections are a lot of money. For politicians who want to go further, any election funds are precious and necessary. As for whether the silver dollar coupon or the imperial mark were given by others, it was a matter of having time to think about it after the election. In view of the reluctant economic situation of the Republic and the depreciation trend of silver dollar bonds, the Empire State Mark will become a hard currency among politicians of the Republic for a long time to come. Considering that there is never a shortage of experts in the politicians of the Republic, there is no need to deliberately train and select, as long as enough money is prepared.

So as Li Lin said, there is no need to care about them.

"What we need now is a stable Republic government that can bring benefits to the empire. At the same time, it is best to let the **** crows in the Republic shut up so that the Republic can smoothly enter into arms control negotiations and reach a deal. The arms limitation agreement we want. This is the one that best meets the needs of the empire at this stage. For this—"

Raising one eyebrow, the emperor smiled happily.

"As the sincerity to show the hope for peace, and the hard work for the hard work of His Excellency Jay, let the Empire provide him with a comfortable and safe journey back home."

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