Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1621: 8. Sightseeing trip (2)








No one can refuse long-distance travel that collects the above elements, especially the third-class tickets for passenger and cargo mixed ships require a skilled craftsman with a half-month income or more. No one can refuse the free fast floating boat luxury The Presidential Suite comes with drinks and various services. It may be regrettable that luxury cruise ships without casinos, indoor swimming pools, etc. are standard, but what are these trivial minutiae compared with taking the emperor's royal summons?

This is a great honor, and most people dare not think of a great honor. The man who suffered the luck of the sky seemed to lack interest in it, even uncomfortable.

For granted.

As the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Republic, John Jay sat in the emperor's cabin of the Great Emperor and sat face to face with the emperor... not to mention the parties, the onlookers also felt that this scene was too unrealistic, and immediately followed his head A series of vocabulary such as "traitor", "apostate" and various conspiracy inferences will appear.

In any era and in any country, "national traitors" are very serious accusations, especially in the Republic. You should know that the Republic still has many habits and ways of dealing with the old Charlemagne Kingdom. Those Republican nationals who love the motherland and are impulsive will see this scene or the version after they hear the oil and vinegar, and they will shout "Tianzhu Kingdom Thief" The slogan cut Justice Jay into a pile of minced meat to feed the dog.

The end is really bad.

Not only for Jay personally, for the Republic he serves, but also for the Empire. Taking into account the current form and the trend of public opinion in the Republic, all this cannot be avoided.

Really, it's too bad.

The emperor had different opinions.

"I believe in the reason of your people, just as you believe in the reason of imperial citizens."

Li Lin rubbed his fingers, and the waiter on the side quickly stepped forward to fill up with champagne.

"Maybe the systems on both sides are different, but also as a life with rationality and intellectuality, there should be no obstacles to normal communication and exchanges before each other, especially the artificially set obstacles."

"Is there an artificial barrier... do you think so?"

Jay, who was sitting opposite, was sitting upright, his eyes staring straight at the emperor's crimson pupils. Champagne, which had not been touched for half an hour, and the screaming sight of the captain of the guard from the emperor's back were completely ignored. There is only the emperor in his eyes.

Jay had no idea that the Empire would finally give him such a hand. At 9 am, Jay pressed the humiliation in his chest and planned his post-retirement life plan to declare that the Republic accepted all the conditions. Under the power granted by the government and laws of the Republic, the representative The Republic signed the protocol for handling the Rhineland incident. But when he entered the negotiation room, his jaw almost fell to the ground.

Baron Wright did not sit in his position, but stood respectfully beside the seat, where the emperor was sitting.

Jay instantly felt that his brain was a bit out of hand. What's the matter? Just send a diplomat for this kind of agreement and get it done? Why did the emperor appear suddenly? What kind of trouble is this? What conspiracy does the empire want to do?

Before waiting for Jay to come back, two strong guard sergeants gripped him from left to right, and could not help but put him on the Great Emperor, and then the Great Emperor carried the emperor, the envoys of the nations and Jay. The Justice flew to the Republic.

Show the sincerity of expecting peace-the emperor said so. According to the emperor, in order to show the determination and sincerity of both parties to seek peace, the highest leaders of both parties should sign a contract on a suitable occasion. If you let the leader of the Republic go to the Imperial Capital, there will inevitably be concerns about personal safety. In this case, fortunately, the emperor once came home to sign the agreement. By the way, he brought Jay to save the chief justice of the Supreme Court of a country, and went back to negotiate to return to the Ministry of Finance with a boat ticket and accommodation sheet.

The reasons given by the empire were grand and sounded sincere, but Jay was completely unimpressed. He was too aware of the nature of the empire, it was a country that thoroughly implemented realism and result theory, and was extremely good at strategy and public relations. These two characteristics make the empire more foresighted than any other country. When it comes to implementing strategies, the means are also more subtle than other countries. For such a country, even if the agreement is signed, it proves nothing. As long as they have that idea, they can always circumvent the restrictions of the treaty, or think of a sounding way to invalidate the treaty.

The empire can never honestly stop its plan to conquer the world. The emperor must have a conspiracy on this trip. The goal is the republic.

Jay no longer cares about his reputation and career. From the initiative to invite Ying to serve as the representative of the Republic for this negotiation, he is even prepared for the assassination. Where else he still cares about his reputation and career. But as a true patriot, he cannot but care about the fate of the Republic. If the emperor really has any conspiracy, even if he fights this old fate, he will try to find out and try to stop it.

"The reason why both you and us have entered the current state is that in addition to the artificial obstacles in your mouth, I am afraid there are historical factors. To remove these obstacles, it is not enough to rely on the so-called "sincerity" and "efforts."

"Oh... What do you think is missing?"

The blood-red eyes reflected Jay's tight face, and the playful tone sent out the questions he knew to ask.

——Republic and Empire, Republic and Autocracy. Only when one side falls between the two, the war will end and peace will come.

This is the standard answer that exists in Jay's heart. Out of politeness and temptation, he didn't say it directly, but in the form of a side ball, he cast the blame back to Li Lin.

"People who grew up in different places grew up drinking different water. If you are not used to drinking water, it will inevitably cause a burden or even hurt your body. If you are forced to press in the manger and drink the same water as the animals , I believe no one will say with joy,'Oh, this tastes so good'."

"You guy...!!!"

The captain of the discoloured Guards took a step forward, Li Lin raised his hand between the angry Niederhog and the calm Jay.

"My Excellency Jay wants to say that the people of the Republic do not want to drink the water of the empire, do they?"

"If you treat each other with equal friends, whether it’s water in paper cups, broken bowls, or in your hands, we will be happy. But we don’t want to drink water from the Lord’s alms, even if it’s We can’t happily wear a collar to drink the highest grade mineral water in the golden bowl."

"Isn't it free to die?"

"Yes, sir. Either give us freedom or let us die."

"Don't you think the latter option is the most convenient and fast for me? Just move your finger..."

A flash of electric light leaped from fingertips, and the wonderful golden light illuminated Jay's indifferent face.

"If you really want to do that, no one can stop it. In the face of your strength, the Republic can't sustain it for a day."

There is no point in bargaining with the natural disasters. In the face of the advent of the disaster, people can only shrink into a ball, silently praying not to be affected by the disaster, waiting for the disaster to come on their own, or pass by.

This principle also applies to the emperor.

As Jay said, as long as the emperor has that meaning, who can stop it?

Li Lin did not do that.

"Because for the lord and the empire, the republic is a'necessary enemy'. With the existence of the republic, your plan can continue to advance."

Jay's tone is still serious, but there is unhappiness in his face that can't be concealed.

Contrary to the judge's stale face, the emperor's smiling face is still elegant and calm.

The long-term strategic goal of the empire is something that is obvious. As long as it is not a problem in the mind or pretending to sleep, everyone knows that under the leadership of the immortal and invincible emperor, the empire’s conquest of the world is only a matter of time. How long is how much the emperor and empire are willing to pay for it.

The emperor went straight, and all countries that dared to resist were burned to white ground-this is the fastest strategy of conquest. With the fighting power displayed by the emperor in the battle of the Rhine, I am afraid that after seven days like a fierce purgatory, all resistance forces Will be swept away from the ground. But in this way, the empire can only get a wasteland world that is not able to grow.

Implement long-term strategies with sufficient patience to enrich the national strength and military power of the empire. When everything is ready, the imperial army will come out of the nest, as if picking up the ripe fruits, the whole world will be included in the bag-the disadvantage of doing this is that it takes too long , But the benefits are the best.

It is obvious that the emperor, who adheres to the principle of efficiency and realism, will choose.

In order to obtain a reasonably reasonable and legitimate reason for expanding armaments over a long period of time, "enemy" is indispensable.

So the Republic must exist ~ www.readwn.com ~ wonderful analysis and insight, noble and pure patriotic enthusiasm and dignity. Jay, you have not let me down. It is worthy of being the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Republic and the best candidate for this diplomatic negotiation. In the following arms control negotiations, the representatives of the Republic are the strongest candidates. With smart people like you who are not overbearing and understand the situation, the Empire can safely let the Republic participate in arms control negotiations. "

"You... what are you talking about?"

The sudden appreciation and the overwhelming amount of information made Jay flat-footed. He even forgot to say that he watched dumbly as the emperor raised his glass and made a toast.

"If the republic is full of people like you from the government to the people, the empire might be afraid of it. However, fortunately and unfortunately, there are so many fools and profitable animals in the republic, they make many things change. When it’s easy, it also makes many things tricky. So—”

Lifting the wine glass and drinking it, the emperor's voice was not only indifferent, but it also sounded pitiful.

"I want the Republic to see reality."

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