Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1622: 8. Sightseeing trip (3)

Dedicated. Emperor. The country is really convenient.

This pungent, cold joke like a virus spread rapidly in the past 24 hours in all units of the government, parliament, court, defense department, prosecutor's office, the Ministry of the Interior, the General Police, the National Gendarmerie, and up to the head of the ministry, Down to the grassroots staff, everyone is nagging this sentence, every word is overflowing with malicious poison.

Their "convenience" has two meanings. The first is literal meaning, and the second is freewheeling.

"Slow action" is the inevitable chronic illness of the people, the master, the communist, and the political system, especially in the determination of major issues, and it is always impossible to get rid of the delay caused by procedures and coordination. And autocracy, monarchy, as long as it is not corrupt, can largely avoid this problem. Especially the current empire, rather than seeing it as a country, is rather a super-large machine with an ultra-first-class central processor.

Unlike any country, in the empire, there is no force that can contain the emperor. The emperor can use his personal judgment to arbitrarily adjust the national strategy and foreign policy, and once a decision is made, no one can change it. At the same time, under the empire's administrative system, where administrative efficiency is the top priority performance evaluation standard, anyone who does not want to go to the hard labor camp to smash the stones will use 120% of the efforts to complete the emperor's account.

Therefore, from the emperor’s order until all arrangements were made, the empire took only 17 hours, and after receiving a notice from the empire via a third party yesterday morning, a full twenty-six hours passed, and the Republic’s parliament had not even discussed a person. Ugly Yinmao, let alone submit proposals with planets or give meaningful instructions. During this period, the emperor's floating battleship loaded with embassies and embassies of the Republic and the emperor himself stopped outside the territory of the Republic, as if the audience in the box on the second floor of the Grand Theater, leisurely appreciate the slowness and chaos of the Republic. .

Of course, even with the help of advanced observation equipment, it is impossible to see what is going on in the government agencies and parliaments of the Republic from the Emperor. But if even the superiors can't hold their breath and fall into almost unreasonable chaos and quarrels, that kind of daze and panic will inevitably spread to the grassroots, and even the front-line personnel confronting the Great Emperor will be hard to escape.

"Look at these people."

Duke Marlboro struck a long birch match, lit the cigar in his mouth, and the fire flickered out, and the fragrant smoke of the apple quickly spread out.

The smoke of the cigar did not dissipate the boring atmosphere wrapped around the Duke. As the Duke put his eyes on the large telescope dedicated to the observation platform again, the relentless sailor on the Republican Navy cruiser appeared in his vision again, almost The sinister breath swelled more and more.

"If they are my subordinates, I will pick out the 50 most unremarkable people in them and choose the ten worst performers, each rewarding fifty whips, and the remaining ten whips each, and then all closed for a week. Confinement."

The Albian army has always been known for its fierce military discipline. The Royal Army is more ruthless than the infamous Royal Navy, relying on disciplinary measures that are enough to make people die, and a large number of farmers who can’t survive in society, such as Bingding and tyrants. Was cultivated into a prestigious lobster soldier. After the "education" of the nine-tailed cat and the steel saber scabbard, the soldiers in big red uniforms lined up neatly, lined up with guns and bullets, carrying rifles on their shoulders and holding the flag up on the drums of "Grenadier March" , Just like walking forward in a leisurely court, even if the comrades around you were shot by a bullet and even their heads were cut off by a shell with short eyes, they would not blink more.

Combining military experience and the long-standing battle between the army and the navy, it is not surprising that the Duke of Marlboro would speak maliciously about the Republican navy soldiers below.

"But they are soldiers of the Republic, not your men. Not to mention--"

Count Alexander Mikhailovic Gorchakov of the United Principality of Ross shook his head, and after looking around, he lowered his voice and said:

"They face the emperor."

In the Principality language, the origin of the word "tsar" is "great emperor". In order to distinguish it from the empire, they use the native language when they call the tsar, and the "Kaiser" in elf when they call the emperor.

When an orc who advocates violence and power refers to the emperor, his tone will also bring awe of near fear.

"Your Excellency, there are warriors who are immovable in the face of thousands of troops, and strong men who grind their teeth in the face of disaster, but those who can remain calm in the face of the emperor, according to what my generation has seen so far, one nothing."

Duke Marlborough opened his mouth and seemed to want to refute, but in the end said nothing and continued to smoke his cigar.

Faced with irrefutable facts, only silence.

Perhaps it was an attempt to improve the awkward atmosphere, or it might have been sentimental, Count Gorchakov changed the subject.

"That's what it said, but for a whole day, they didn't even have a formal response. This is really..."

"Let a group of guys with no culture, no experience, and no principles manage the country. Is it strange to have such an end?"

With a sip of a cigar, Duke Marlborough squeezed a vicious voice through his teeth.

Nobles disdain approachability, especially the expensive Albi. The education received by noble lords since childhood and the management experience accumulated by their ancestors tell them that rank is the cornerstone of social stability. The lower class must obey the strong and the elite at the top. Anyone who attempts to change or destroy this should be ruthlessly eliminated. In such a society with a high level of hierarchy, if an official behaves modestly and kindly in front of civilians, he will be treated as a weak and weak performance by those rogues. If you don’t believe it, you can look at the attitude of the sailors in the Wang family navy to the non-commissioned officer trainees. The politeness of the group of soldiers will eventually be run down to stay. Either you apply for retirement or take a cannonball and jump to the sea. On the contrary, those non-commissioned officers who displayed sufficient strength would be respected and obeyed by sailors, and eventually grow into excellent naval officers.

The Duke of Marlborough, as a top noble, certainly would not be extremely disgusted with the Republican cold that allowed the public to discuss and even control the political situation. If there is no empire, I am afraid that the duke’s crown of "Albion's number one imaginary enemy" will be returned to the Republic.

Albi's expensive people, conservative tendencies, and military origins-His Royal Highness Duke, which combines the above three elements, will certainly not have a good look at the Republic formed by the Charlemagne. But there is a deeper reason why he will talk badly about the Republic.

From the beginning, Albion positioned the republic as a tool to contain the empire. As long as the republic exists for a day, the empire will have to devote a part of its energy to focus on the republic, and thus cannot concentrate all its energy on expanding hegemony. Therefore, maintaining the republic's existence and growing it into a threat that the empire cannot ignore, and taking this opportunity to seek benefits from the hostility between the two countries has become Albian's diplomatic strategy.

Supporting the No. 2 power to attack the No. 1 power-this seems to be Albion's consistent strategy of **** sticks. But the real Albian people never expect the republic to overthrow the empire, which is beyond the capabilities of all countries except the empire, as long as the republic can contain the empire and continue to provide technology and markets to Albian. But as far as the performance of the Republic is concerned, it is really...

Even if you can’t use the cavalry as a warhorse, you can’t even pull the cannon, and you can see that the big investment is smashing down, and you get a horse that is almost like waste. No one will be in a good mood.

"Your Excellency, no matter how much you scold the Republic's sluggishness, it does not help. I think we should change our mind."

"what do you mean……"

"What did the emperor want?"

The air pressure instantly drops a lot.

What is the emperor thinking about? What is his goal for this operation? What does he want?

This is a question that all heads of state are now pondering. No one dares to act rashly, even before a general direction is figured out, but so far no one has come up with a convincing answer.

Demonstration to the Republic;

This is the most widespread speculation. It seems reasonable to combine the great oppression brought by the Great Emperor and the emperor. But once you think deeply, you will find that you cannot afford to scrutinize.

Demonstration is to achieve a certain purpose, usually a gesture of intimidation to oppress the opponent to accept certain conditions proposed by him. But now all the republic's requirements for the Empire to deal with the Rhineland incident have been accepted. Regardless of whether it is a demonstration, the Republic will sign to recognize it. At this time, demonstrations are not only meaningless, but also cause unnecessary and bad perceptions to the people of the Republic, causing strong dissatisfaction with the government, and even brewing pressure to oppress the government to refuse to negotiate.

Prepare for military invasion of the Republic;

Inciting the crowd to create trouble, escalating into an international conflict at one go, and then finding excuses to wage war is the usual method of the empire ~www.readwn.com~ Combined with the previous inferences, it is not impossible. But if you think about this kind of thing carefully, even if you can't move the Great Emperor and the Emperor, you can achieve the effect by randomly arranging the fleet to invade the door. On the contrary, because the emperor is coming, the people of the Republic will not have much rebellion at all, and people will only be afraid because the nightmare of the past will come again. It is simply impossible to form the fanatical atmosphere needed for the war.

There are other hypotheses such as Xingshi's accusation of crime, intimidation and merger, etc., but none of them is convincing. The puzzle set by the emperor tortured everyone's curiosity, just like a ring of wisdom that no one had ever unraveled, and challenged them to challenge, but in the end all came back. People can't help but sigh while losing their heads. It's not an imperial emperor, the agent of the mother goddess in the world, who wants to speculate on his thoughts and the deep meaning behind his actions is an impossible task.

People who persuaded themselves with the above reasons did not find that among the many hypotheses, there was a hypothesis that was too bizarre to be used as a joke by everyone. Even the author himself was holding a similar joke when he made the hypothesis. Mentality, turning around and forgetting the jokes he said.

"Will the emperor just want to go sightseeing in the Republic?"

The person who put forward this hypothesis will never think that his unintentional joke is closer to the truth than any inference by experts and scholars.

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