Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1623: 8. Sightseeing trip (4)

As the heads of state speculate on the emperor's strategy and formulate various countermeasures, the House of Representatives of the Republic is in an unusually quiet state.

Extremely quiet, there is no breathing or coughing, almost dead like a vacuum.

Obviously, it is not midnight, and the place is not empty. The House of Representatives, where all members are absent, is extremely quiet, and the atmosphere entrenched in the scene is extremely dignified, as if attending a funeral.

If it's really just a funeral, I'm afraid the staff at the scene will embrace and cry.

This is not to show disrespect to the dead, or that members of the Republic have different moral values ​​than normal people. It’s just that the problems and pressure they face are too heavy. Compared with it, losing loved ones or beloved ones will be sad, but it will definitely not let them swallow and sleep at night, and several hairy parliamentarians overnight Thanks to the top, several young parliamentarians were pale.

The warship parked overseas and the one on the ship are horrible, like the blades hanging on the guillotine, the Republic is waiting for the beheaded tortured, can not escape, can not hide, can only wait I don't know when the blade will start falling, silently praying that the gods can show miracles to save themselves.

This is no longer stressful.

Tragedy, tragedy, last supper, decapitation.

It may be more vivid to use these words to describe the current situation.

Looking around the former dragon and live tiger staged the full martial arts, and now all the members of the House of Representatives who are like death row prisoners on the eve of the sentence, Minerva said in a calm tone:

"So, what should I do next?"

The clear voice echoed in the House of Representatives, and the former eloquents were now dumb, staring down at the table with their heads down.

Maybe they think that if this happens, the problem will disappear and the pressure will disappear. But there are no such beautiful things in the world.

Minerva's voice continued to echo, every word turned into an unbearable weight, and accumulated on everyone.

"In the past twenty-six hours, the envoys of the embassies led by the empire have been watching the response of our country abroad. They are drinking champagne and eating ice cream, pointing to the slow and clumsy China... Let me just say it. The shame has been lost, but it is unacceptable to continue to be shameful. Regarding the entry requirements of the Great Emperor, I hope everyone will express their opinions."

Every member of the council present was an eloquent speaker. Everyone had cheered in the House of Representatives and on the street podium, but now they have become a group of cowards who are held in their hearts by fear. Apart from silence, prayer, and panic, no decent opinion can be mentioned.

It may be that he does not want to be crowned with the title of "incompetence", or it may be an atmosphere of fear of sitting dead, a senator tremblingly said:

"The only thing that can be said now is that it is impossible to answer the request of the party."

Reasonable remarks, undoubted nonsense.

Whether it is diplomatic practice, the principle of reciprocity or the consideration of the political ecology of the Republic, it is totally unimaginable to agree to the request of the emperor.

It was originally a request unilaterally made by the other party suddenly. There was no communication and coordination in advance, and there was no room for the Republic to think about how to reply. It directly stopped the main battleship overseas. The above behavior is completely inconsistent with diplomatic practice. It is clearly stated that the Republic is not regarded in the eyes, saying that it is "showing the sincerity of the expected peace." In fact, it is basically gunboat diplomacy.

For the sake of safeguarding national sovereignty and dignity, the Republic should decisively reject such unreasonable demands and publicly protest and condemn the impolite behavior of the empire. But when I think of one of the Great Emperor... Maybe there are civil servants in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who are not afraid of death, but the lords are not as brave as they claim. They still have a lot of beautiful plans for their lives, some of which are almost at their fingertips, and it is not what they want to stop at such a time...

It's one thing to scold the evil empire in the House of Representatives. It's another thing to refute the emperor's face in the world's attention. It's totally looking for death, and by the way, everyone should be buried together.

The people here are smart people. No one wants to die. They will still watch the people around them to avoid any madness from implicating themselves.

In this case, then lower your head and honestly admit it?

Not good.

Not to mention the question of face, agreeing to such imposed demands means that the republic succumbs to the dictatorship. Previously, the republic’s rhetoric that the republic was superior to the dictatorship was tantamount to self-defeating. People will think that "no matter how beautiful the mouth is, it is actually not a matter of life", "weak flesh and strong food are the truth", "the so-called republicans will only play tricks." Although this is a rhetoric in safety, it is true that these rude words are irrefutable.

In addition, no matter what foreign governments and people think, citizens of the Republic will be frustrated and angry, and then ask the parliamentarians to calculate the ledger after the emperor leaves. At that time, the mob will not care whether you are the Social Democratic Party or the National Party. They only know all about the House of Representatives. They are all national thieves, and all of them should be hung under the street lamps with the signs of "national traitors", "failors", and "non-nationals", and then burn them to ashes.

That kind of ending is also not pleasant to any Mr. Member present.

"Anyway, anyway, the empire first violated the principles of international diplomacy. If we insist on this, we will say that our country also intends to be peaceful, but we do not accept rude visits. If we are sincere, why not follow normal diplomatic procedures?"

The speaker was a member of the National Party. This week-to-day parliamentarian who was full of belligerent speech seemed to be an angel praying for peace. He could not help attracting everyone's attention.

But the congressmen were not surprised by his contrast, but were shocked by the low IQ of this gentleman.

"Your excellency to reason with the emperor?"

I don't know from which corner there was a humiliation, all eyes looked more and more like idiots.

The emperor is not unreasonable, but no one can question his orders, nor can he bargain for what he has decided.

Not to mention categorically refusing, even a few days of delay is impossible.

Others thought of taking the opportunity of seeing the emperor for assassination. As long as the emperor is gone, the empire will immediately fall into disintegration. Not only can the Republic get rid of the crisis, it can also return to the country.

But this idea was abandoned even without the opportunity to enter into specific planning.

The codes of assassination of tyrants have been many since ancient times, and there are many successful cases. But... in the face of an emperor who has surpassed all the forces of the world by his own strength, who is so stupid and dare to take this task? Even if someone picks up, how many people believe that the assassination will succeed, and how many people dare to bear the consequences of the assassination failure?

One proposal after another was proposed, and then rejected one by one. No one could come up with a feasible proposal.

So it can only be so stiff, dragged back into silence, no one speaks, no one takes responsibility, waiting for the Emperor to see enough to turn around and go home or the emperor loses patience and solve the problem by himself.

However, this is just wishful thinking.

Citizens of the Republic will not allow it, Minerva will not allow it, and the emperor will not allow this group of guys to occupy the pit without shit.

"Fiveteen minutes ago, there was another communication on the Emperor."

Minerva took a telegram out of his pocket, dangled it in front of everyone, and read it aloud.

"Dear Honorable Speakers and Members of the House of Representatives, I came to visit with the determination and will to hunger for peace. It happened suddenly that the gifts were not enough, and I ask you to forgive me. But my determination to make peace is by no means false. In order to facilitate the agreement between the two parties, lift the confrontation, and join hands to promote the grand arms control and dispel the haze of war with the dawn of peace, we hereby arrange a trip to New Orleans. We look forward to your response with wise actions."

The quiet House for a long time suddenly fry.

After whispering and discussing, the House of Representatives seemed to be back to its usual days.

The condition of the emperor's opening was very good, and it was good enough to offset his rude behavior.

The lifting of the embargo is what the republic has long been eagerly anticipating, and the ability to participate in international arms control negotiations is what everyone dreams of. Now that the two conditions can be met at the same time, it is enough to make people forget the unhappiness caused by the sudden appearance of the Great Emperor. Now, it is only a little face-saving problem that prevents everyone from reaching consensus and accepting the emperor's surprise visit. After all, everyone is a decent person and still has to be reserved. Kneeling too quickly and simply makes people feel embarrassed.

Fortunately, the emperor is always considerate and considerate, and he has given a very effective solution to this problem.


Minerva's voice remembered again, the tumultuous venue was quiet again, and the parliamentarians stared at the stopped Minerva.

Their eyes were all focused on the telegraph in Minerva's hands, looking forward to the next content, figuring out how to get more benefits from it. No one noticed that the corner of Minerva's mouth rose slightly, and the original calm smile looked a little like a sneer.

"To His Highness Minerva Lowe de Bourbon~www.readwn.com~ If your parliamentarians do not intend for peace, it will be okay. I will still carry out my determination, and the visit will be conducted according to the scheduled itinerary after 24 hours."

The House of Representatives fry the pan again in an instant, and howling and screaming almost overturned the gorgeous dome.

The emperor's meaning was clear. Regardless of whether the Republic agrees or not, the Great Emperor will enter the territorial waters of the Republic after 24 hours. At that time, if there is any **** red deer on the front line shooting at the Great Emperor, even if only a bullet is shot, the Republic will fall into a situation of no end. Even if the Republic’s army has good discipline and the officers and men have excellent self-control, the Emperor passes through innocently and enters New Orleans to park all the way. The face of the government and the army must also be gone, plus some mockery in the emperor’s various activities afterwards...When the emperor leaves, the angry people will rush into the House of Representatives and let the lawmakers know what it means to be monstrous. Anger, what is the iron fist of the proletariat.

"Okay, let's vote on whether to allow the Great Emperor and its members to enter. Please raise your hands if you agree."

In an instant, all the contradictions and party struggles disappeared without a trace, and a few hundred arms were lifted like a brush in the venue.

For the first time since the establishment of the House of Representatives, a proposal was unanimously approved, which took no more than one minute.

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