Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1624: 8. Sightseeing trip (5)

Huge things always have special appeal.

Forming an impact with huge specifications, highlighting the gap between the viewer and the work with magnificence, creating an atmosphere of oppression and shock, thereby branding the intended expression into the mind of the audience-this is something that has existed since ancient times way of doing. The huge tombs of ancient emperors and over-sized buildings can be regarded as the products of the earliest practice of "big is beautiful". In modern times, with the advancement of technology, a variety of mobile platforms have also joined the ranks. Super heavy tanks, battleships, airships, giant cruise ships, etc. are all portrayal of "great beauty" in people's eyes.

Among the many steel giants, the greatest sense of oppression is definitely the air giant.

It combines heavy armor, surging power, fierce firepower, and super-normal style, plus a smooth shape optimized according to aerodynamics. Air battleships are a symbol of power in this era. When people say that the overlord of the sky will think of warships with prominent names, and those outlines that combine elegance and power.

Among the many impressive air battleships, the Great Emperor makes all those who have seen this battleship memorable for life. Even the historians of later generations often mentioned the unusually large size and prominent status of this ship, and even talked about its legend as a witness of important historical moments.

This is a battleship destined to be extraordinary, even the Republican soldiers who hate her are reluctant to deny this.

From the pilots leading into the port to the government officials, soldiers and civilians gathered in the port, they are all convinced by the majestic appearance of the winged eagle, and overwhelmed by the spirit of overriding everything and all things. When the Great Emperor began to lower the height and entered the berth reserved for her, the waves that were stirred up caused a burst of exclamation from the crowd who ate melons.

"This is such a big guy!"

A lady covered her mouth and exclaimed in a low voice. The companion beside her was shocked, but she didn't respond. The exclamation was not suitable for speaking from the lady's mouth.

Looking at the simple shape of a wooden or iron shell floating ship, then look at the Great Emperor, which has the size of fortress and powerful armament in front of it, and has the shape of almost artwork. In contrast, the people of the Republic are ashamed In addition to envy, he was more afraid of the empire that could build such giant ships.

Although it is because of the emperor's exclusive royal call ship and the flagship of the three armies of the emperor, the investment of the Emperor in the design and construction of various resources is extremely refreshing. There is no comparison with the baht when building a conventional warship. But conversely, as the facade of the empire, the Great Emperor is a symbol of the empire's financial strength, technical strength, and industrial strength. With ambitious ambitions alone, without the support of finance, technology, and a strong industrial system, the warships depicted on the drawing board are no less powerful and powerful, nor will they change from lines to objects.

Take a look at the Olympia built by Albion's national strength. Whether it is performance parameters, interior decoration or service level, the empire's 450,000-ton super-luxury cruise ships have been thrown out of several streets, not to mention the emperor. No. As for the republic that can't afford to build the Olympia...it's tears when we say too much, let's not mention it.

Looking up at the tall hull like a city wall, gazing at the 406㎜ cannon pointing to the sky (in order to show harmless passing, invincible meaning, when passing through the waters of other countries, the sail warship will close the gun door, and the modern warship will raise the main gun. From). The citizens of the republic who curse the empire day and night and curse the empire have a more intuitive understanding of the strength of the empire.

"There is such a legend."

The silver spoon stirred the coffee, and the voice of the emperor spread along the bridge with the fragrance of coffee. Through the optical sensor, all the actions of the crowd on the shore are displayed in the bridge terminal interface.

"The northern territory of a certain kingdom has a separatist tendency, and all the kings have suffered for it. One day the king in power invited the lords of the north to the kings for talks. The lords of the north did not refute the king’s face, all came Attended the meeting. But they did not take the talk seriously in their hearts, but regarded it as a strategy of the king and the central government trying to delay the war. The nobles in the kings regarded the northern lords as barbarians who intended to split the sacred territory. The attitudes and requirements of the two parties are completely on two parallel lines, and it is thus deadlocked to the meal time and ushered in a dramatic turn."

Justice Jay standing behind the emperor's body was tense and his eyes moved back and forth between the terminal interface and the emperor's back.

Jay is not surprised that things will develop to what they are now. The "Mouth King" in the House of Representatives weighs a few pounds, he is too clear. Not to mention letting them on the battlefield, even if the Great Emperor hits a few rounds of bombs, these usually brave guys will scare their pants and pack up their belongings and leave New Orleans at the fastest speed. In the face of the emperor's telegram of sticks and sticks, the parliamentarians had no choice but to obey.

The current situation certainly embarrassed the Republic, but somehow reluctantly gave the correct answer on the edge of rudeness. Even though there will be criticisms of the Republic’s slow response or kneeling in front of the empire and the emperor, the empire violated diplomatic practice. In general, the incidents that are provoked should be tied in the battle of public opinion.

But as long as the emperor had not left for a day, things could not be finished. The current focus is still a puzzle that no one can figure out-what exactly did the emperor want to do on this trip?

Including Jay, the envoys of the nations with the same doubts cast their eyes that suppressed the doubts on the back of the emperor, listening to the emperor's remarks, trying to find clues.

Taking a sip of coffee and throat, Li Lin spoke again.

"During the banquet, the king prepared hearty dishes with many ingredients that the northern lords hadn't even heard of. But what attracted them most was the northern style roasted whole calf."

Count Gorchakov nodded knowingly.

For a long time, animals have been a symbol of wealth. The number of animals, the quality of their varieties, and the degree of health can largely represent the financial strength of a place or someone. In order to protect the animal power used for farming, the state has introduced a law prohibiting the slaughter of animals without permission. Theft and reselling of animals will be punished with severe sentences. In the Principality, people who steal animals will be punished with death if they are caught-if he can withstand the lynching of the peasants and still have a breath enough to support the gallows.

In this social background, ordinary people can only eat old and dead cattle, and rich people and even nobles do not often eat beef. Bring the whole newborn calf to roast. This kind of big meal is probably only available on important occasions such as royal marriage, war victory, etc. It is only limited to a certain status that you can enjoy this delicious food. Noble.

It is not difficult to understand how excited and expecting the nobles present will be when a whole roast calf is served on the table.


"Because it was too big and too heavy, the young waiter serving the plate accidentally fell and the calf also fell to the ground. The northern lords who witnessed this situation sighed together."

Duke Marlborough, the self-proclaimed foodie, nodded slightly, and was waiting for the delicious food to come to the front, but he encountered this kind of thing. Anyone on the stall will sigh because of disappointment.

But the most dramatic scene is played here.

"When people sighed and sighed, the other door of the restaurant opened, and another group of young servants appeared carrying a more impressive roast calf. The northern lords no longer sighed, and a shocked expression appeared on their faces. Then, in accordance with the rules of the north, they lined up with dinner plates and asked the king to divide the beef-in their hometown, it was a form of surrender. The subsequent negotiations also began smoothly, and the crisis of division was eliminated in the invisible."

The story has been finished, the emperor continued to drink his coffee, the urgent sight condensed behind the emperor disappeared without a trace, and the envoys of various countries all showed thoughtful expressions.

Everyone present is an elite, otherwise he will not be entrusted with the heavy responsibility to participate in multilateral diplomatic negotiations. If at this time it is silly to ask "what does the emperor really want to say", 80% will be treated as a fool by others.

At the end of the story, it was not the calf that convinced the northern lords, but the bottomless financial and national power that was reflected behind the big meal.

Of course, those northern lords know that the so-called fall, the so-called preparation of two roasted calf Yunyun, are actually designed dramas. But even if you know that this is a play, the other party can invest resources to implement it without blinking. The national power and financial power behind it and the fighting power transformed into the war... With these cold numbers, the fanatical separatist tendencies of the northern lords finally ceased, and the civil war crisis was successfully lifted.

As for why the emperor wanted to tell this story, everyone present also understood.

The roast calf in the story;

The visit of the Great Emperor and the Emperor;

The two are essentially identical. It is through a certain platform to show strength to deter opponents and force opponents to give up unrealistic delusions. The difference between the two is limited to one gentle and euphemistic, and the other crude and direct. However, considering the actual situation of the Republic, the envoys other than Justice Jay basically agreed with the emperor’s disposal~www.readwn.com~ To put it bluntly, the arms control agreement is what everyone wants, and it is impossible to accommodate some The emotions of the nationals of the country create a bunch of hands that cannot be cleaned up. Instead of worrying about it at that time, wasting precious time waiting for the Republic to get rid of their group of nationals who are always dissatisfied and always like to oppose the right, it is better to let the emperor give These guys go to class and let them know what is high and what is self-knowledge.

Before the envoys regained their thoughts, the emperor had finished his coffee, handed the empty coffee cup to the captain of the guard, and slowly rose from his exclusive seat.

"You guys."

Li Lin looked back at the standing envoys and made a gesture of invitation.

"Let us go to this magical land together to understand their thoughts and let them understand the changes in the outside world."

Faced with the emperor's decision and invitation, everyone lowered their heads deeply.

This also included Justice Jay, whose face almost parallel to the deck was covered with tears.

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