Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1662: Ten. BABEL (14)

At 8:30 in the morning, a wave of cheers suddenly broke out in the southwest. The envoys of the countries that were busy with the fight and the relationship with Latin America closed their mouths and looked in the direction of the sound. Everyone knows this. The unveiler of the grand ceremony, the lord of the empire, is coming soon.

Under the guidance of the motorcycle team, the black luxury convertible parade with the imperial flag and the emperor's exclusive eagle flag quickly drove into the guide lane, and the crowd gathered in front of the "Language Tower" square burst into loud cheers.

Long live the emperor; long live the empire; the empire will win; my emperor will win;

Various slogans and even meaningless syllables merged into a huge tsunami, almost overturning the viewing platform.

Compared with the pale-faced diplomats of Serres beside him, and the energetic envoys of Albion and the United Principality of Ross not far away, Minerva’s calmness and indifference are eye-catching. You know that she is standing now In the territory of the enemy country, in the face of these mountains and the tsunami, the momentum is still calm, deserved to be the blood of the royal family, shouldering the heavy burden of the whole country.

In fact, Minerva is no stranger to the scenes in front of him. The old Charlemagne era is much larger and more fanatical than this scene. Compared to the Charlemagne at that time, the elves' behavior was rather restrained.

But even if it is so, it is deceptive to say that there is no feelings or feelings of love and sorrow for the old country.

Under the indifferent mask of Minerva, he was desperately suppressing anger and sorrow.

Not only as the representative of the country can not make the republic a laughing stock in other countries, but also because the man in white dress and walked on the podium, no, monster.

Any minor flaws and shaking will become the subject matter for him to operate, and Minerva has already learned this in the struggle with him. On such a big occasion, she will never reveal her inner emotions easily.

It's just that one thing is one thing, and whether it can be implemented is another.


Staring at the emperor's formal attire, Minerva narrowed his eyes slightly.

Most of Li Lin played in black or dark clothes, which once made him think that he had a black addiction. However, in the view of Minerva, a royal family that has undergone the aesthetic development of the royal family, the choice of black to reverse is also in line with Li Lin’s hair color and physique. The calm and solemn black is also in line with Li Lin’s consistent style. .

As for the white color... it's not an abrupt violation. Anyway, Li Lin is the best hanger in the world today. Anything you wear is suitable, even if you wear pajamas, you can wear a philosopher's temperament. However, with white as the background, the patterns and ribbons twisted with gold wire are obviously dazzling clothing, but they are not exaggerated when worn on Li Lin, and there is a vaguely dignified majesty.


Minerva thought for a long time. The only thing that can accurately describe the atmosphere wrapped around Li Lin is the word.

Not cold, nor cold.

He will not refuse people thousands of miles away, nor will he use pressure to force others to bow their heads in front of him. Those who have contacted Li Lin will not forget the emperor's spring-like attitude and signature smile. But only people like Minerva who have had in-depth contact with Li Lin know that Li Lin is fair to anyone-there is no difference in indifference. No matter who the other party is, what kind of experience and identity he has, it is just a symbol, a name, a number in his eyes.

Even Roland is no exception.

If equal treatment of the world is an essential element of the **** messenger, Li Lin is undoubtedly a qualified **** messenger.

Just as Minerva's mind floated with cynicism, Li Lin was already on the podium.

"All silence!"

The solemn voice of the master of ceremonies was echoed through the city through loudspeaker equipment. The almost crazy wave of cheering immediately subsided. Foreign tourists and citizens stared at the emperor on the podium through the telescope and the projection interface all over the city. All were breathless. , I'm afraid I missed any details by mistake.

The political world also has high requirements for face value. The handsome and courageous are always more popular. The emperor's face value is also outstanding among the elves gathered with handsome men and beautiful women. In this respect, even the old royal family can only Gambe downwind. Coupled with the identity of emperor emperor and divine agent, the emperor also has many female fans among the people, many of whom are confused with iron powder.

At this moment, the emperor moved the image of "Prince Charming" in the minds of countless girls into reality, but the atmosphere at the scene was completely different from concerts or gatherings of celebrities.

The fanatical air at the scene, the tension and unhappiness of the foreign guests, and the various calculations lurking under the table were all engulfed by Li Lin's overwhelming presence.

Everyone's brain is blank. Everyone is turned into a piece of musical instrument. It is Li Lin who conducts the instrument. He who has mastered the atmosphere of the scene does not need a baton and sheet music. Every turn of the **** eye pupil will make the instruments sound, and if there is non-existent music, it often accompanies the emperor.

It wasn't until the emperor formally stepped on the podium that the ceremonial dignified order sounded and people woke up like a dream.

"Heavenly Holy Majesty Emperor of the Gilmanian Empire! My Emperor!"

"Long live!"

"Long live my emperor!"

"Long live my emperor!"

In accordance with established practice, all citizens of the empire stood upright and greeted the emperor for three years.

Li Lin raised his scepter, first faced the VIPs and men on the viewing platform, then turned around to return to the citizens and tourists who were watching around. There was a burst of cheers and applause louder than before at the scene. The colored paper petals flew like snow flakes, and the roar of "Long Live" was endless. For a moment, there was only a buzz in everyone's ears.

Bathed in this frantic atmosphere that was almost out of control, the envoys of Albion and the Principality could not help but change a little. Among the foreign guests on the viewing platform, only Minerva looked as usual.

The voice of the master of ceremonies "Silence! Concert Song!" sounded. The conductor of the military band who had been waiting for the command vigorously dropped his baton, and a rapid prelude sounded. The powerful tune of the fourth movement of the "Symphony No. 9" echoed throughout Bonn. .

According to the usual practice, the national anthem of the host country of the conference should be played first, and then the concert anthem, but obviously the empire made adjustments in order to lower its body and avoid too strong arousing the unhappiness of other countries. Minerva glanced at the left and right sides with an afterglow, and the expressions of the envoys eased.

Of course, all the people sitting on this viewing platform are elites. Such small details and even the emperor's next speech will not make them shaken. For them, what matters is the following negotiations, what cards other countries may offer, what prices to offer, how should they respond, how to bargain, how to deal with pressure, how to exert pressure... For professional diplomats, these It's the highlight.

The emperor also seems to know this very well. In the speech after the performance of the military band, he did not talk too much about doctrine and proposition. His speech has always focused on mourning the tragedy in the previous war, and on the young people who fell in the war. Life expressed regret, followed by expectations for this joint meeting, and confidence in reaching a disarmament agreement and establishing long-term peace.

Just when the representatives of various countries thought that this speech was a traditional, elegant and empty opening speech as they expected, the emperor threw the first card of the empire straight.

"The whole world is paying attention to this meeting, hoping to reduce the heavy burden caused by the arms race."

The emperor raised his index finger and said word by word:

"The imperial government believes that we should meet this desire without delay. Here, I propose to the representatives of all nations and all the monarchs and leaders of all countries: to stop the arms race, the main naval powers, the Empire, Albion, and Ross. The Principality, Castile, Lapland, and the Republic reduce the naval armament in the ratio of 5:5:3:1.75:1.75:1.75, and all the main ships and auxiliary ships exceeding this ratio will be abandoned or scuttled."

One minute after the emperor's sudden speech, ecstatic thunderous applause rang in front of the square.


"That was really an impressive speech."

Unscrew the faucet and turn on the phonograph. Favna poured herself a glass of gin. Roland was placing a filter paper funnel on the coffee cup. The kettle was gurgling beside it.

In the empire, eavesdropping and monitoring are ubiquitous. With the work enthusiasm and dedication of the Imperial Social Order Security Bureau, Bonn’s large and small hotels, public toilets, beer halls, and other places must have eavesdroppers installed in this environment. , The noise can bring a little sense of security.

"He has always been very good at this kind of things-surprise others and put forward conditions that others cannot refuse ~ www.readwn.com ~ pour the ground coffee beans into the filter, Roland said while adding water to it:

"Now the ball has reached the feet of the nations, it's hard to think about it."

Until the joint meeting was held, the total tonnage ratio of the three navies of the Empire, Albion, and Principality was 10:13.5:4.9, and the tonnage ratio of active battleships was 10:13.9:6.8. If the part that has already been constructed is included, the main force The ship tonnage ratio is 12.8:10:5.8. The veteran naval power Albion does not have much advantage, especially in terms of industrial production capacity and shipbuilding technology, it lags behind the empire in a comprehensive way, and the aging degree of the main battleship is much higher than that of the empire. Once the empire is full-powered to build warships, Albion will inevitably face the crisis of imbalance in quantity and quality, which is obviously unacceptable to them. The issue of the United Principality of Ross is similar, and the Principality is a traditional land-power country. If the resources are tilted to the navy for a long time, it will inevitably occupy the army’s share, causing financial pressure and affecting the progress of the army’s modernization and the country’s transformation from an agricultural country to an industrial country.

The emperor’s proposal was tantamount to lifting the predicament of all countries. The empire revealed the cards early, and it seemed full of sincerity. More importantly, the empire is willing to take the initiative to reduce the warships outside the proportional share and stop building new battleships. This is a good news for countries that have been exhausted by the naval arms race.

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