Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1663: Ten. BABEL (15)

Generally speaking, the credit of politicians is generally not very reassuring, because they are as cunning as bankers, as good as arguing and playing word games, and as greedy as professional fraudsters. Despite what they said in public, what they promised, I am afraid that they will not be able to fulfill it in the end.

The emperor is not a politician. Strictly speaking, he can be regarded as a politician, and he has a relatively strong credit.

The emperor's words will become reality, and his oral speech is even more trustworthy than the signed treaty text. In the case of the Principality, even the signing of His Majesty the Tsar does not prove anything. The Principality has done too much in history to tear up the agreement, and for them, only the treaties they are willing to abide are able to comply The value, on the contrary, is no different from the paper in the toilet.

The emperor’s credit is unquestionable, but the bottom line is revealed before the negotiations begin. Is this a proper move? Isn't the empire afraid to fall into a passive state in subsequent negotiations?

"There is nothing to worry about. In the final analysis, the negotiation is based on strength. The empire has actively taken the line to the end. Who has the strength to let the empire spit out more?"

Blowing away the fragrance, Luo Lan smiled bitterly.

"It would be better to say that the empire showed full sincerity and gave the most favorable conditions that Albion and the Principality can think of."

Several major powers are aware that once an arms race is launched, it is not the empire that will ultimately be brought down.

Before the meeting, Albion repeatedly claimed to maintain the "two strong standards", that is, Albion's naval strength must be the sum of the strengths of the second and third naval powers, or even exceed. The Principality has also repeatedly claimed that “it is ready to spend as much money as the Empire to build warships”. But these are just fat faces. These two countries are tied together, and hard indicators such as steel production, electricity generation, and per capita income are less than half of the empire. Once the comprehensive arms race is started, they cannot sustain it anyway. The current expansion alone has already overwhelmed the two countries. Why did they capitalize and compete with the empire? If they really have that strength, why do they craft a bunch of fish-net-dead battle plans and prepare to start the world war before they are dragged down? It can be spent with the Empire.

Albion and the United Principality of Ross both have an overwhelming but inadequate strength in the arms race. They have the capital and the strength to build an all-round military hegemony in land, sea and air. But the emperor and the nations knew that the arms race would inevitably lead to war. In order to avoid a vicious result, the empire offered to initiate disarmament talks. The emperor also directly outlined a rough outline of the opening speech. It can be said that the empire has fully demonstrated its sincerity, and the countries have also responded enthusiastically.

"Most of the negotiations will be fine-tuned within the limits set by the emperor."

"Albion and the Congress recognize this ratio?"

"This is already the best condition they can get."

Roland's tone was very determined.

Perhaps in the eyes of some people, the demands made by the empire are harsh, even humiliating. Especially for Albian, who is particularly sensitive to sea power, the Empire's request for the same fleet tonnage as Albian is a challenge. But in fact, this is the greatest concession that the empire can make after fully considering Albian's practical capabilities and needs.

The size of the Imperial Navy may be slightly inferior to that of Albion, but it is far ahead of the technical level. What is more terrible is that the Imperial Navy has a large number of submarines. These underwater killers have fully proved their power in previous wars. At the current technical level of various countries, underwater wolves who want to discover, locate, and destroy the empire in the vast ocean are almost impossible tasks. So in the face of the empire's naval strategy of dominating assaults, Albion actually needed a large number of frigates that could protect the merchant ships, but the main ships were secondary. The reason for the desperate construction of the main battleship was that the strategic focus of the Wangjia Navy was still the decisive battle of the fleet. To reverse this inertia, it is by no means an overnight success. Secondly, Albian received information from the Empire that he was working on a new type of battleship. This battleship revolutionaryly canceled the secondary gun and adopted an unprecedented full-heavy artillery design. Its performance parameters are even more outrageous. . Among the two design information obtained so far, one of the designs with a standard displacement of 80,000 tons uses five triple-mounted 460㎜ main gun turrets, while the other design only uses 406㎜ main guns, but its turret has It is an unprecedented four-seat six-unit assembly... and this is not the craziest. Some unconfirmed information shows that the Imperial Navy Shipbuilding Commission requires the technical team to install a four-seat two-unit 800 for a standard displacement of 150,000 tons. ㎜The feasibility study of the main gun super battleship...

This is really crazy.

Albion has only just begun to master the structure, principle, manufacture, repair and maintenance of the three-strength steam engine and transmission gearbox. In other words, they have only entered the steam era with one foot. And the Empire came up with a super-dreadnought ship, or even an exaggerated design comparable to a mobile fortress... Can it continue to play without turning the table?

Now the Empire has offered to freeze the construction of new battleships and is willing to hold the same tonnage share as Albian on the basis of eliminating old ships. Considering that the ships of the Imperial Navy are mostly new ships of about 8 years, Albi More than 70% of the huge lineup of Ang Wang’s navy is an old wooden sail warship. According to the proposal that a new ship can be built and replaced after 20 years of age, Albion can gradually update its fleet by replacing it with a new one, and it can also expand part of the tonnage limit, while the empire will not start construction until twelve years later. It takes at least another five or six years for a new battleship to go from design, planning, construction, outfitting to completion. As a result, Albion has nearly two decades to strengthen the naval fleet. After that, as long as the tonnage and performance parameters of the main and auxiliary ships are limited, basically the gap between the two sides in technology, production capacity, and the size of the new fleet can be considered within 20 years, and then only need to use their brains to find opportunities to drill holes. , Maybe the gap can be narrowed.

The situation on the Principality side is similar, and the size of the Principality Navy is not large. It is already a surprise to receive 60% of the share of the Empire or Albion.

This is the best condition they can obtain, and even the best dreams have never been so good before. At the moment when the emperor's speech ended, the hard applause of Duke Marlboro and Count Gorchakov was absolutely sincere.

It is just that the empire is by no means willing to give up in vain. The current retreat is for a greater step forward in the future.

Roland can roughly guess what Li Lin thought when making this decision, and at the same time guess what kind of reward he wants to get.


While Roland was making coffee, the welcome venue in the "Language Tower" was holding a friendly reception.

Generally speaking, cold dinners are popular in diplomatic banquets. However, this banquet has a large number of guests. Almost half of the world’s head and face are here. These guests have different positions, customs, customs, and tastes. If they continue to be held in accordance with tradition, it is inevitable that there will be problems that are difficult to adjust.

In order to avoid the risk of diplomatic issues, and to reduce the pressure of the chef and facilitate the exchange of feelings between the guests, the friendly reception is set up as a buffet party, and guests can take their favorite food and drinks according to their own preferences. If necessary, you can also appoint a chef to prepare the food on site. The chefs present are all chefs recruited from the top restaurants and restaurants in Yalfheim. Even if the taste is more curious, the guests can comfortably serve him. .

But even so, there were still some conservative customers who thought that standing with a plate and eating was a barbaric act. But soon, as the musicians of the Alfheim Philharmonic Orchestra played soothing and melodious light music, with the help of food and wine, guests began to gradually forget the small pimples at the beginning and talked happily.

In the brisk tune of "Wein, Weib. Und. Gesang", a group of negotiating experts and naval officers are expressing their opinions.

"We believe that the tonnage and caliber of the new main battleship should be specified in the treaty. The standard displacement is 10,000 tons, and the caliber of the main gun should not exceed 305㎜ should be the upper limit."

Lord Arthur Coster, the technical consultant of the Albion delegation and the design director of Armstrong Shipyard, was speaking. The veteran who has designed battleships for a lifetime knows exactly what kind of battleships his motherland and the royal family need, and what kind of demand should be reflected in the treaty.

In a nutshell, Albion’s technical power and the need to protect the sea power determined that they needed small battleships~www.readwn.com~ The roots of small battleships can be traced back to the 74-gun battleship in the sail era, and hundreds of artillery cannons. Compared with the first-class warships, the former has three-quarters of the firepower of the latter, is cheaper and easier to mass produce, and the actual combat deployment is also more flexible. It can be said that the 74-artillery battleship with the best cost performance is the backbone of a country’s maritime power.

The success of the 74-artillery battleship had a profound impact on the development of the navy. As soon as financial difficulties were encountered, a group of "smart men" jumped out inside the navy to clamor for "building a second-class battleship." According to their ideas, since finances and technology cannot allow the construction of giant super battleships, the need to maintain the fleet size, maintain sea power during wartime, and carry out assault wars, build warship-level firepower in peacetime Large cruisers or shrinking battleships have become the only option. In peacetime, these warships carry the important task of maintaining the connection between Albian and the overseas colonies, and maintaining the smooth passage of the sea; during wartime, they can either invest in the task of escorting the ship regiment or carry out a maritime attack against the enemy country if necessary. Need to be able to be incorporated into the main fleet and put into the fleet battle.

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