Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1664: Ten. BABEL (16)

If the emperor was in this small circle and heard Lord Coster’s statement, he would probably comment in his heart: There are fans of battlecruisers and miniaturized battleships anywhere in any era.

The ideas of the Royal Navy of Albion have already appeared in another world. The Republic is actually conducting research on such schemes and has made some progress. But no matter how hard they try, the result is already doomed-investing in something that is not high and low, no matter how much money and resources are smashed, it will eventually be nowhere.

Battlecruisers, miniaturized battleships, and so-called "cruiser killers" are essentially "cost-effective" thinking extended from 74-gun battleships. Designers and navies tried to make a trade-off between maintaining fleet size and warship performance when the military budget was limited. Therefore, theorists tried to maximize the cost performance by reducing the size of the battleship or reducing certain performances (such as armor protection) based on economic theory. However, reality-especially the basic facts revealed by the technical level and actual combat experience-gave these idealists a very cruel lesson.

Their theory may be applicable in the era of sailing battleships, but shipbuilding in the industrial era is a systematic project that incorporates hundreds of the latest industrial technologies, and it is called the whole body. If the armor protection is weakened, the survivability will be reduced; if the firepower is weakened, its combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced; if the speed and seaworthiness are weakened, then it can only be used as a diving heavy artillery ship. Even if it can barely achieve a certain balance, it will ultimately fail to achieve the "highest price-performance ratio" imagined by theorists.

Battlecruisers were once regarded as stars in naval battles, and as a result exposed the fact that their survival was extremely fragile in the Jutland naval battles. The pocket battleship was once considered a future maritime threat. The result was either self-sinking or inaction, and was eventually blown into a pile of scrap iron. The Alaska-class large cruiser, which is a model of "cruiser killer", was rejected by the US Navy as "slender, elegant, beautiful... the most beautiful failed work", and there was almost no performance worth mentioning in the entire war.

Albion has not experienced failures and lessons in this regard. The construction of battleships with a displacement of 10,000 tons or so has become the limit. It is also understandable that miniaturized battleships and battlecruisers are considered to be the correct future direction of development.

In comparison, the Principality’s insights or “intuitions” in this regard are more accurate.

"Our country believes that the caliber of the main gun should be relaxed to 356㎜, and the standard displacement should be relaxed to 25,000~30,000 tons."

Speaking is the engineer Vladimir Poletovich Kostenko of the Principality delegation. This young man in his early thirties is the star of the shipbuilding department of the Principality. He is young, ambitious and visionary. Excessive energy. Recognized as the future pillar of the Principality naval battleship design team.

In Kostenko's view, the so-called miniaturized battleships and cruisers equipped with heavy artillery are "expensive toys" that are only suitable for Albian's special national conditions. For the Principality Navy, which does not have overseas colonies and does not need to consider guarding the maritime traffic lines, these empty and non-competitive "toys" are not as good as chicken ribs.

The navy of the Principality has only one task—decisive battle of the fleet, which is to guard the fjord at all costs, to prevent the enemy navy from tracing up the river, and launching a raid landing operation against St. Petersburg. It is impossible to achieve this goal by quantity alone. In addition, the size of the Principality Navy is destined to be smaller than that of any potential opponent. It can only achieve its goal by pursuing a certain degree of quality advantage within a limited quantity. Strategic goals.

In the eyes of professionals like Kostenko, the Principality Navy needs large, heavy-duty battleships with heavy protection and firepower, and even shallow-water heavy artillery ships equipped with heavy firepower.

Equipped with four triple-mounted 356㎜ main guns, an armored cruiser with a displacement of 25,000 tons, and even equipped with three triple-mounted 406㎜ main guns, and a super battleship with a displacement of 30,000 tons, this is the ideal battleship that the Principality needs. It doesn't matter if you can't create it right now, as long as you leave a redundant space in advance, you can always come up with a solution as technology accumulates.

With this idea, Albian's proposal is obviously unlikely to be welcomed by the Principality.

"For my country, a proposal with a standard displacement of 10,000 tons and a main gun caliber of 305 mm or less is not technically feasible and unacceptable from a national strategy perspective."

Kostynco’s statement is undoubtedly correct. The use of electric welding technology, pocket battleships that weaken structural protection, and treaty-type heavy cruisers generally exceed the standard displacement of 10,000 tons, even the "top" and "Brooklyn" classes. The so-called "light patrol" has a displacement of more than 10,000 tons. Albion's idea is technically difficult. In addition, with the current technology, it is indeed impossible to build a 10,000-ton battleship with a main gun of more than 305㎜. But with the advancement of technology, it may be partially realized after ten years, and fully realized after twenty years. For the Principality navy that does not need to send warships to cruise the distant seas, it is entirely possible to give up part of the performance of endurance and speed, and to make the iron turtle battleship they want in about ten to fifteen years. In view of this, Albian's proposal is of course unacceptable.

"Gentlemen, please don't forget the technical advantages of the empire."

Dr. Rodriguez Du Gasquet, Deputy Commissioner of the Republic’s Ship Performance Committee, plugged in and pointed out the blind spots of foreign colleagues.

"The Empire has long been able to produce high-power 406㎜ main guns. If they wish, they can also produce high-muzzle heavy-bore guns with smaller calibers, larger multi-paths, and more charge in the drug room."

This is actually the idea of ​​the French and Italians in another world. In the 15-inch (380㎜) class guns of World War II, you can take out the French chicken and Italian cannon. The French MLE1935 type 380㎜ main gun and the Italian Ansaldo 1934 type 381㎜ main gun both rely on a crazy charge (both are 456 liters of frustrated, but the Italian gun has a higher diameter and a slightly higher performance index Higher and shorter barrel life) To achieve performance indicators, its power is almost the same as that of the US-made MK6 naval gun, second only to the Japanese 94-type 460㎜ gun and the US MK7-type 406㎜/L50 gun.

It is not difficult to manufacture high-strength and long-barreled main guns with Empire technology.

"Our country also hopes that the displacement will be open to 25,000 tons to 30,000 tons, but the caliber of the main gun must be limited to about 280㎜."

"This requirement is not feasible."

"Technically it can be done."

"But it does not meet our country's needs."

"I think it's still..."

Just as technical experts and naval officers are arguing, the most core negotiations are also taking place in a secret reception room.

The "Language Tower" is essentially a building used for negotiations and ceremonies, including public and secret negotiations.

For those who are inconvenient to negotiate in public, this super high-rise building has a large number of small rooms dedicated to hidden talks. Minerva is now in one of them with the heads of delegations.

"Great banquet, Your Majesty the Emperor."

"I'm happy to make you satisfied, Your Excellency the Duke."

"The perfect start, I believe the joint meeting will surely become a model for internationally coordinated diplomacy."

"With the efforts of all parties, success is inevitable, count."


The emperor shook hands with each representative and finally came to Minerva.

"Welcome to join the international family, Your Excellency Speaker."

"Thank you for your sincerity in international coordination."

The no-nutrition and hidden mysterious opening remarks vaguely hinted at the subtle relationship between the two parties, as if to suggest this joint meeting.

Fortunately, there are old foxes who are good at the world. Even if they hear the implication, no one will point out uninterestingly. A professional smile like a mask hung on everyone's face, sitting on the sofa like a normal salon. The waiter in white dress brought drinks and refreshments and quickly exited the reception room.

"Regarding the issue of fleet ratio, I believe everyone has no opinion. The next thing we need to pay attention to is the restrictions on quotas and performance parameters, as well as the regulations on new weapons."

Because time was tight, Li Lin picked out the intention of the empire as soon as he sat down.

"We believe that the benchmark of fleet size can be based on the current total number of ships in service of Albian plus half of the total tonnage of ships under construction. Tons, the navy of the United Principality of Ross is 156,000 tons, the navy of the Kingdom of Lapland and the navy of the Republic are both 78,000 tons. For the relevant amount, if you have any questions, please raise them now, and everyone will solve them together."

After a quick and brief whisper, all representatives, including Minerva, agreed.

It is impossible to disagree. This is already the best balance between face, national defense needs, and financial affordability. Too much to raise, less to say without a face, is also a big hidden danger for national defense. It can be said that the emperor's proposal is exactly what everyone wants.

"Since everyone has no opinion on this part, then enter the next link."

Li Lin's fingers began to knock on the armrests of the sofa, and Minerva frowned slightly after noticing the movement, and then the emperor gave Minerva a familiar smile.

"Gentlemen and ladies, let's discuss the limitations on the performance parameters of the main and auxiliary ships."

When the corner of the emperor’s mouth bends into that dangerous, hunter’s smile when he sees the prey falling into the trap~www.readwn.com~Everyone in the reception room begins to enter the state, ready to capture every possible next hearing Words and write them down completely.

Minerva suddenly had the urge to laugh-she found that the hands clasped by Duke Marlborough and the hairy face of Earl Gelchakov were shaking slightly, as if the emotions were gradually losing control-obviously, Due to the generous performance of the emperor, they may feel that things are easier and smoother than they thought, so they are somewhat relaxed. But this is just the beginning. Li Lin hasn't played the second card yet, and the two envoys are too happy.

Minerva was waiting for Li Lin to play a second card, and others were waiting, and he prepared a bunch of bargaining rhetoric and plans. However, Li Lin never planned to play in order. Bargaining with a group of senior politicians and diplomats is a very hard and time-consuming task. He does not have so much time and energy to waste on it. So he decided to make things easier: the next second, he threw out the cards in his hand.

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