Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1665: Ten. BABEL (17)

"Our country believes that the standard displacement of battleships can be greater than 10,000 tons, the upper limit should not exceed 35,000 tons, the caliber of the main gun can be greater than 203㎜, and must be less than or equal to 406㎜. Within this range, countries can use their own tonnage limits Design and manufacture of main ships. Auxiliary ships are cruisers with a standard displacement of no more than 10,000 tons and a main gun caliber of no more than 203 mm. Similarly, within the allocation limit, countries can build cruisers on their own."

After the emperor finished speaking, he quietly drank his coffee, allowing delegates to digest the information themselves.

He has no doubt that there will be no results in a while and a half, just as there is no doubt that the countries will eventually accept these conditions.

They have no way to refuse such conditions.

It can be said that everyone's requirements are reflected in this framework. Whether it was Albian and the Republic’s demand for battlecruisers and miniaturized battleships, or the United Principality’s demand for heavy armored and heavy-fired turtle-speed battleships, all were met. The most important thing is that the empire can only build ships within this framework, and the extremely crazy designs on the drawing board have no chance to get off the drawing board.

It's perfect, isn't it?

Of course, everyone here, especially Minerva, who has always been highly vigilant about the empire, is very clear about the truth of "there is no free lunch in the world". They will inevitably doubt, discuss, study, and continue to hold analysis meetings to try Find out the traps and loopholes hidden in the terms of the empire, but they will eventually find nothing. It wasn't until many years later that they realized how the framework was pitting.

The framework given by Li Lin is actually the performance limit of treaty-type battleships and treaty-type heavy cruisers. With the technical level of the powers in the 1920s and 1930s, in the end, only a bunch of deformed thin-skinned warships with various defects can be produced. . Letting countries do the same thing will only get worse results.

Especially the Republic and Albian, they are more urgent than any country in chasing the military technology of the empire. If you are not careful, you will embark on the old road of the Japanese and desperately pile up equipment on the ship. As a result, a bunch of top-heavy, resilience and structural strength are amazing.

"Gentlemen, there are ladies. This is just a general intention. After that, you have a lot of time to discuss and study. We still have ten minutes. Before we cause trouble, the last item is about the limitations of new weapons. "

After a pause of one second, giving the listeners time to switch their thinking, Li Lin raised his mouth.

"Each contracting country shall not obtain or construct submarines with a standard displacement of more than 2,000 tons or equipped with naval guns with a caliber of more than 130 mm; submarines of various countries shall abide by the same international rules as surface ships. If the merchant ship does not refuse to suspend or counterattack, only the sailors Introduce to safety with passengers to sink

The uproar was again in the conference room until the emperor raised his hand again to remind the guests that the "missing" would cause riots at the goodwill reception and the debate subsided. After saluting the emperor, the distinguished guests retreated with unease and excitement.


"……Do not understand."

In temporary suites, gramophones and radio stations are making deafening noises—regardless of whether they play symphonies, light music, or anything else, turning the volume to the maximum will inevitably make people want to go crazy.

If the intelligence agencies of the empire are monitoring, they may be quite uncomfortable.

Minerva is equally uncomfortable, not only because of the difficulty of being forced to think deeply in the center of the noise storm, but also because of the conditions proposed by Li Lin.

Even in the most realistic terms, Li Lin's three conditions are too generous.

Gross tonnage limits, performance limits for battleships and auxiliary ships, and restrictions on the construction and use of submarines.

It can be argued for months if any one is taken out separately. Li Lin has been arguing for several months for the one-ton two-ton quota, the increase and decrease of the main gun caliber, etc., but Li Lin suddenly retreated to the bottom of the negotiation and released Many good news. This unnatural behavior made Minerva have to be vigilant.

The retreat is for the next step forward. The reason why Li Lin will give such preferential conditions is also to get something from the countries, otherwise it is what traps are implicit in the terms. But Minerva couldn't see Li Lin's goal at all, and there was no place like digging in the conditions. It seemed to be a very favorable and conscientious clearance sale.

But the more so, the more Minerva felt suspicious.

——Even as a “subject to prevent the exchange of interest in open telecommunications technology”, this handwriting is too big.

In the previous sand table deduction, the republic has deduced that the empire is very likely to make concessions in fleet tonnage and ship performance in exchange for countries no longer requiring patents on open telecommunications technology. The deducible result is that the empire will only choose one of these two to make concessions, or one side will make more concessions and one side will make less concessions. Not only two full concessions, but also the submarine, a weapon of the assault, made major concessions-let's say this kind of thing is in line with common sense, even the most whimsical strategists will not think of it?

Minerva pondered for a moment and listed Li Lin's possible motives in his heart.

One is to win over Albian and the Principality and continue to maintain a strategic balance based on the premise of an isolated republic.

impossible. If he did so, everything he had done before would become addictive and cause trouble. Now that it has been decided to include the Republic in the international order, there is no need to consider this kind of thing at all, and even if there is a certain restriction on the Republic within the system, there is no need to use this generous. There are more effective methods than this. .

Second, through concessions in exchange for recognition of Lapland’s permanent neutralization.


Although this matter is a bit troublesome, there is no need to make such a degree of concession. On the other hand, the two things are completely one code one code, and it is completely not expected to use the concession at sea in exchange for the Principality to stop expanding on land. realistic.

Thirdly, the alliance between Albion and the Principality is alienated.

It is possible, but the possibility is not high.

Because of the relationship between Lapland’s proposal for permanent neutralization, it is an indisputable fact that the relationship between Albion and the Principality has become somewhat subtle. However, there is still a distance between the subtle distance and the seeds of discord. It takes a lot of time and a suitable external environment for the discordant seeds to take root and germinate to thrive. At the stage that can only be called "subtle relationship", it's just a matter of turbulence... If you don't do much with less, you may even be tempted to do so simply by doing something too obvious.

Fourth, in exchange for the dominant position of continuing to stick to technology patents.

The probability is still too low.

Technical patents are indeed the foundation of imperial dominance, but the pillars of imperial dominance are originally an integrated two-sided structure composed of "technical superiority" and "military superiority." The method of demolishing the east wall to supplement the western wall cannot maintain the stability and balance of the pillars . Not to mention the dismantling of the fleet that is the backbone of national security...

A trace of violation suddenly flashed in Minerva's head, the noisy symphony, the discomfort brought by the secret, and the inexplicable depression-all disappeared without a trace. There are only two words left in the thought.

National security, fleet.

After a while, these two words formed a key issue that had not been noticed before, but can be said to be extremely important.

Is the huge fleet really a national pillar for the empire?

At the moment of doubt, a strong chill swept across Minerva's back.


"The big fleet is indeed essential to control the ocean and protect overseas interests, and overseas resources and wealth are indeed indispensable for victory in future wars. But to say that the foundation of the country... we are not Al Bion, without overseas blood transfusions will collapse. Moreover, our current fleet size is actually enough to cope with most of the situation. It is already profitable to obtain a quota of 260,000 tons to strengthen the fleet. As for the performance of the ship ...And continue to bet on resources such as battleships, artillery cruisers and other outdated toys, and let other countries do it."

In the secret meeting room dedicated to the upper levels of the empire, the chief emperor habitually tapped the table with his fingers, and said slowly:

"The time when the big ships and big guns dominated the ocean is over, the future belongs to the sky."

To be more precise, the future belongs to nuclear weapons that use strategic bombers, strategic nuclear submarines, and land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles as "Trinity" ~www.readwn.com~ If the Cold War is intensified into a hot war, then offshore platforms such as aircraft carriers and cruisers It may indeed be what Comrade Khrushchev had imagined, but it was just an iron coffin that could not be beaten. In those days when nuclear bombs were used for air defense, fire fighting, reservoir repair, and manhole cover explosions, the two superpowers made nuclear bombs like sausages. Once a full-scale nuclear war broke out, everything floating on the water was vulnerable. This has been fully verified in Operation Crossroads. Aircraft carriers, battleships, cruisers, destroyers, landing ships, and transport ships - even if they are not sunk on the spot in front of a nuclear explosion, nuclear radiation will seriously damage the internal crew. According to animal experiments, except for individuals used to study whether nuclear radiation will produce mutant offspring, the vast majority of experimental animals have not survived for four days.

In the face of the terrible sight of terror balance and world destruction, the final nuclear war did not erupt. From the current point of view of this world, it should not be necessary to solve the problem by means of planting mushrooms all over the world.

"In future wars, air control and information control will determine the direction of the battle. Our advantage is still obvious, but it may not be as obvious as in the previous war. Taking the opportunity of disarmament negotiations, we will make a direction for the development of surface ships. Appropriate adjustments to make it more suitable for future wars-wars in coordination with the "Legion"."

As if the aftertones like singing hadn't dissipated, Li Lin once again injected a chill into the cold air.

"I repeat, the future war will be based on the "Legion", and the war that begins with the fight for air supremacy, as long as it captures the sky, whether it is Albion across the sea, or the vast and terrifying United Principality of Ross, All will be ravaged and crushed by the steel torrent."


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