Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1678: Eleven. Shooting down the meniscus(11)

No one can be replaced, especially weapons.

Perhaps in the early days there were warriors invincible and invincible swords. In the strategy built on the basis of this overwhelming combat power, heroes and famous swords are "irreplaceable precious things." But today is the era of total warfare, which is premised on mass production and continuous consumption. The value of all things has been digitized and formatted. The so-called life is just a name, a number, a number on the recruitment list or the list of deaths, let alone "Legion" and "Siren" made on the basis of the dead.

Like the "Legion", the "Siren" is also a weapon manufactured on the basis of the human brain, the difference only exists in the manufacturing process and the direction of use. She, or "it", has all the characteristics of modern weapons. With the continuous progress of technology, I believe that in the future, like the "Legion", the brain structure, combat data and simulated personality are stored in the rear database, which can be carried out at any time as needed. Mass production.

No matter how many times they are destroyed, no matter how much they are destroyed, even if they even have a hair, an inch of silicone simulated skin will not stay, the girl will appear on the battlefield again with the same posture, expression, voice and memory personality , Constantly engaged in combat, constantly being eliminated, and constantly reappearing.

As if nothing had happened, it seemed like a nightmare of endless cycles.

--so horrible.

Mach's heart echoed words that were enough to be crowned with great disrespect or contempt for superiors.

Life is only once, so it seems extremely precious.

Similarly, there is only one death, so everyone inevitably cares about death itself and its form and value.

From a theoretical perspective, both the "Legion" and the "Siren" are meant to avoid meaningless waste of life, reduce the casualty rate to a minimum, and exist in the most efficient and economical way of warfare. However, I witnessed the appearance of a girl who looked like a girl and went to the battlefield again and again, squandering the chance of death only once, rushing to Huangquan without hesitation, and then to the battlefield again and again... with a heart of stone. Mach also shuddered.

It's like... It's like turning the extremely empty words of "life or death, essentially meaningless or worthless" into a visible, tangible physical existence.

It is impossible to have no response to being born alive.

"Lieutenant Colonel, don't sympathize with weapons."

Peeling the wrapping paper and feeding the vanilla-flavored lollipop into his mouth, Menger said in a somewhat ambiguous voice:

"I can understand the act of projecting emotions on the weapon of life and death on the battlefield. To some extent, this is also an emotional catharsis to maintain mental health. But the necessity of the spiritual level and the necessity of the material level Sex is completely different."

"...Professor is very comfortable."

Hearing Mach's stinging spit, Menger, who was used to rhetorical questions, shrugged.

"Colonel will adapt sooner or later. Over time, you will fully understand the sympathy of a shell, because it explodes in a battlefield, factory, warehouse or residential area and is compassionate. It is an extremely meaningless thing."

There was no ridicule and bitter laughter at the end of the discourse, only a decisive indifference.


While Mach and Menger were discussing life and death in the safety zone, the soldiers of the "Liberty Army" were fighting desperately.

The performance of the new aircraft invested by the enemy is completely above expectations.

Ghost animal's motility, precise attack, and ridiculous ability to grasp the battlefield situation.

That is not a weapon.

It was a death with the appearance of a giant bee.

Even "Salamanda II" has never shown such an overwhelming power. In the face of this violence that seems to destroy and destroy everything, people will even want to worship and crawl on the ground.

——What a joke!

A checkpoint hidden on the second floor of a building scolded in his heart while holding his breath, waiting for the slowing enemy to approach.

They admit that the enemy planes are indeed terrible, but they are by no means impossible to defeat.

The so-called "perfect" and "universal" weapons do not exist.

Any weapon is designed for a specific environment. It is impossible for a submarine to go ashore to launch a torpedo, and it is impossible for a chariot to fly to the sky to knock down the fighter. There has always been only weapons to adapt to the environment, no environment to accommodate weapons.

The enemy plane is the same.

The unusual high speed and maneuverability may be invincible in the endless sky and the open field with excellent vision, but once the battlefield is transferred to the speed can not be arbitrarily increased, you must always pay attention to the surrounding movements, you must pay attention to avoid hurting the innocent On the street, what is needed is not speed, high motility, and precision attacks, but the protection ability to carry all-round three-dimensional crossover attacks and the heavy firepower that one blow is enough to destroy any buildings that harbor enemy infantry attack teams.

The fighters certainly know that their behavior is actually suspected of taking civilians as human shields, but at present, the disparity in strength between the enemy and the enemy is currently not at all luxurious.

The person hidden in the building pulled the rope, and the tripping flares removed from the Ludes wall hit the red light into the sky. The sensor showed that the rooftop serving as the launch point was empty. To confirm the situation, the bee-shaped aircraft carefully lowered Height and speed, slowly approach the target. Just a dozen meters away from the building, another gift from the Rudes wall exploded.

All eighteen broad-sword anti-infantry mines enveloped the target from different directions at the same time. Tens of thousands of steel **** with an initial speed of up to Mach 2 enveloped the top, bottom, left, right, and front and rear of the "Salamanda III". At the moment when the mine detonated, the soldiers in the checkpoint cheered together. They believed that this monster would become a sieve.

This is a reasonable expectation and prediction. If it is another model, it may actually be shot down on the spot.

But that is "Salamanda III", the crystallization of the military technology of the empire, one of the most advanced self-disciplined unmanned fighters in the world today.

The complicated environment of town operations and the heavy rain of shotguns cannot take this sophisticated killing machine.

Tens of thousands of steel balls, none of them touched the shell of "Salamanda III".

The silver light flashed, and the steel **** hitting 360-degrees in all directions were turned into fine gravel, which fluttered with the wind. The silver-black wind silently told the horror of the previous moment.

Hitting tens of thousands of projectiles, the accuracy of it is naturally needless to say, what makes people fear is the power of attaching to the attack and crushing the metal projectiles.

Low frequency vibration liquefaction.

The moment it touches the target, it sends out low-frequency vibrations, triggering the collapse of a molecular structure similar to soil liquefaction after an earthquake. Since the contact object is steel without moisture, it is directly reduced to metal grit.

The ability to deliver such a precise blow with ease can be imagined.


There was only one time to make a roar, and the five people in the inspection post changed into headless bodies.

"T-6 contact interrupted."

In 9006 (Integrated Information Center), a girl with tears in her eyes broadcasts in an unwavering tone. The sandbox operator on the side nodded and silently turned the red icon on the T-6 coordinate to white.

Whether it is 9006 or 9005 (command center), there is an atmosphere of anxiety and depression.

All the problems come from the new aircraft that the enemy forces broke into our position.

With only one machine, the entire area was suppressed. It took only three minutes to enter the battlefield and destroyed nearly 40% of the checkpoints. It also broke down a number of street fighting traps specifically aimed at the "Legion". Cleared the way for the follow-up troops. Following this rhythm, I believe that the entire position will be suppressed in a short time.

Awesome and scary.


"Why did the empire develop such an organism."

Fafna muttered in a low voice.

Originally thought that the "National Fighter Plan" was a plan to develop a new type of artificial intelligence, in order to seek to serve as the commanding backbone of the future "Legion", for this reason, it even did not hesitate to weaken the greatest advantage of the drone-without carrying a flesh and blood It is to learn from the brains of living and thinking people and accumulate samples for the preparation of pure artificial intelligence.

However, let's not say that the body in front of it is different from the original plan, that is, compared with the conventional "Legion", there is also a deviation in development intention that is difficult to understand.

The essence of the "Legion" is weapons, and the development of weapons follows the simple principle of "in a safer way and in a shorter period of time, causing greater killing" ~ www.readwn.com ~ perhaps this machine’s The performance does meet the above requirements to a certain extent, but compared with the strategy of "manufacturing more weapons of mass destruction and enough "legions"", whether it is killing efficiency or cost performance, this new machine is far from Far worse.

To put it bluntly, superhuman soldiers, heroes, and new planes that are enough to subvert the entire battlefield with one machine-these can be regarded as "silver bullets", powerful and expensive, so the number is scarce, and therefore has Only a few are enough to affect the ability of the battle.

The problem is that this anomaly and quantity-focused "legion" are incompatible. Even if it is used as a test machine for project development, this performance is too outstanding, people can't help but wonder how much fighting power can be exerted by artificial intelligence developed based on this high-performance body into conventional models.

I always felt that I could not understand the development ideas of the Imperial Technical Department.

If there is time, she really wants to discuss this issue with too many mysteries with the R&D department of the Republic.

There is no time for her to think about it.

Time to work.

"9005, here is 9007 (reserve team), let the remaining checkpoints stop attacking."


"If you continue, you will not be able to maintain surveillance of your position. Now that you know the strength of the other party, there is no need to increase unnecessary sacrifices. The future battle is still very long. It is also good to keep one more person."


"Leave it to me later."

Favna grinned as she pressed the button to release the standby state, feeling the surging power.

"Rarely asked by him, lost facelessly."


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