Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1679: 11. Falling down the meniscus(12)

When it comes to intelligence warfare, most people will subconsciously think of spies, agents, beauties, and encounters-anyway, they are essential materials in thrilling spy novels. In fact, in addition to the hidden front, there are other forms of intelligence warfare.

For example: visual horror.

The essence of intelligence warfare is the form of warfare around the acquisition or instillation of certain information. Its form is ever-changing, and it is not limited to a certain form and technique. In addition to concealing practices such as spying, there is also the ancient and simple practice of spreading fear.

Since ancient times, panic and gossip have been an important part of intelligence warfare. In an era of slow information dissemination and limited control methods, gossip has even had enough power to trigger a change of dynasty. And the gossip can be spread quickly and accepted by most people. The best material is "terror".

Material shortages, epidemics, wars, policy changes, high-level shocks – any rumors that may cause huge fluctuations or even devastating results in the field of people's livelihood can cause panic. In the face of no means to verify, the government has responded slowly. People who are at a loss can only act with a "precaution" mentality. Once the trend has formed, the rest of the people, no matter what their thoughts, can only follow the trend.

This is the power of rumors, sometimes even worth a fleet.

However, after all, gossip is rumor, there is no evidence, no entity can rely on, based on the wave of "unknown and invisible fear", once it is exposed or people feel numb about it, they lose their power. It will only evaporate and disappear like dewdrops exposed to the sun.

But "visualized fear" is not the case.

It is not a terrible event such as tyranny or war that "even if it is painful for a while, but as long as the body and mind are strong enough to finally have the opportunity to stand up again", it is "absolute violence" that can destroy human hearts like a large-scale natural disaster , "Visible Terror".

The emperor is an example.

Today, apart from a handful of people, who dares to raise a counter-flag to the emperor?

But the problem is that the emperor's time is precious. It is impossible to waste one by one on dealing with the Xiaoxiao, and as a subject, it is too incompetent to bother the emperor with everything.

In this case, through the technical force, to create a device that can create "visual fear", not only has a strong combat power, but also can output "resistance is futile" and "anti-imperialism is nothing." Ways of thinking like "meaningless" ensure that His Majesty the Emperor's world will last forever. This will solve all problems at once.

The "Legion" was the first platform that came to mind, but it was quickly abandoned because the development needs conflicted with the "Legion" design goals.

The "Legion" is a weapon developed to meet the overall overall battle. It is essentially a consumable that can be sustainably produced and replaced. The instructional intention of "visual horror" was born. It must be a model with special specifications of the most advanced technology. This kind of thing that is inefficient in killing the living forces and difficult to mass-produce is completely different from the idea of ​​the "Legion" and is abandoned. It can be taken for granted.

Soon, the empire technicians turned their attention to the "National Fighter Plan." In order to create the artificial intelligence needed by the next generation of "Legion", a trial machine that develops, manufactures and applies a large number of new technologies regardless of cost. This coincides with the demand of the "Visualized Terrorization Substantive Plan", so the two projects have cooperated and the result is "Salamanda III".

In order to pursue the limit that can be achieved under the existing technology-the main body, this body is exactly the same as the "unicorn", but due to the different completion time, plus the burden of no driver, In terms of body performance and performance, "Salamanda III" even surpasses "Unicorn". Coupled with the auxiliary support of the regional tactical computing network, in a one-on-one contest, the risk of losing the "unicorn" can be said to be very high.

Not to mention other opponents.

——At four o'clock, at a distance of 642 meters, a high-energy response was found.

——Confirm the brain quantum wave induction framework.

-Exclude the goal.

The super-fast whispering between the mechanical undead flashed by, and the iron-grey giant bee rushed towards the golden dragon that was lifted off.

The speed of "Salamanda III" is certainly amazing, but in the urban area it cannot show the speed it should have, because it will cause serious damage, and more importantly, it will disturb the ongoing international conference. But a dozen tons of gadgets flying at subsonic low altitude in the urban area is also enough to scare witnesses.

This time, Favna did not bring the entire Dendrobium orchid. After all, the thing was too big and too dazzling. Even if it was dismantled, it could not be sent in for assembly. Only some of the equipment was disassembled and added to the transformed Favna. .

Relying on terrain and anxious weapons to entangle with enemy aircraft-this is Favna's tactics. According to her judgment, it is impossible for enemy aircraft to use heavy firepower in urban areas. Due to space constraints, it is impossible to swarm. The most likely way is to use the quantity to build a surrounding net, limit the range of the opponent's movement, and then close the combat distance to solve the battle with fluid metal at a stretch.

This was just Fafna's arms.

The goal is not to shoot down enemy planes, but to fight for time. As long as the enemy planes can be dragged down and get time for Roland to rush into the "Language Tower", it is a victory.

I don’t know if “Salamanda III” has noticed Favna’s intentions, or if he didn’t plan to play with the target in a circle from the beginning, the giant bee’s long abdomen sprayed smoke and flames at Favna.

"Using missiles in urban areas?!! Did this guy get water in his head?!!"

When he realized what was coming from behind, Favna cursed and pulled her height.

Here is the urban area, even if the other party shoots a small missile specifically for air combat targets, but it is still loaded with full-scale explosives, and sometimes radio proximity fuses and steel ball shots are added to increase the destructive power. If this kind of thing falls into a private house, the right position may collapse the building on the spot, and luck may also let one or two families report directly to the mother goddess.

Dare to fire fourteen rounds of missiles in the city in one breath-as Favna said, it is a completely crazy behavior, the artificial intelligence and the artificial intelligence design guy should really do a comprehensive inspection.

However, it turns out that Professor Menger and his team may be a little crazy, but they are not stupid, and "Salamanda III" will not be untargeted.

"Thermal bomb is invalid? Is it radar guidance? But the chaff is useless, in the end is--"

A corner of the field of vision reflects a missile that depicts a snake-shaped trajectory killing quickly, ignoring every interference method known to Favna, cleverly avoiding the metal clumps that intercept firepower, and emitting a sharp like induction gun. , Cold murderous.

At this time, Favna did not know that she had become the first actual combat object of "brain quantum wave directed guided missiles", and accidentally created a historical record.


"It seems that everyone has no objections."

From the left to the right, the representatives of the countries sitting at the round table looked at each other. A face that nodded indifferently passed by, and the red pupil finally fell on the girl who raised her right hand.

"Have you any questions?"

"Before deciding whether to agree and join your motion, I, and the people of the Republic, want to know one thing."

Fingers combed the temple hair, and the green eyes looked back at Li Lin without showing any weakness.

"Empire... No, you personally, what exactly do you expect from this world?"


It seems to have encountered a side attack that was unexpected, and Yun Danfeng's face always spit out a meaningful sigh.

"It seems that this meeting..."


Without giving the opponent the opportunity to change the subject, Minerva said as if he was staring urgently:

"As the leading country of this meeting and the entire common meeting, your will is the will of all of you. All your proposals and proposals are basically your own will, and most of the meeting process is nearing the end. At the moment, I want to confirm your personal philosophy... What are your expectations of this world?"

"Can I think this is the republic's disruption of the conference process ~www.readwn.com~ undermining everyone's previous efforts?"

Li Lin's counterattack was unimpressive, but he was full of weight.

Whether or not to kick the Republic out of the new order was originally a one-line matter, and now there is the justifiable reason that the “Republic ruined the agenda of the conference and cut itself out of the international community”, let alone continue to make the Republic an international orphan, It is not difficult to let the Republic taste the stick of economic sanctions.

Some people may say that Minerva’s request is not excessive, and even if it is agreed, it is nothing. Why do you get so ugly?

Most people who say this have forgotten a simple philosophy-never reason with life, you will never make sense before life.

Minerva certainly knew this, as did all the participants present.

But she has made up her mind and will never step back.

"As leaders and representatives of the country elected by the people of the Republic by ballot, I must be responsible for the people who hand over the country and themselves to me. This is the founding philosophy of the Republic and the foundation of the nation. It is based on the expectations of the people that I Attended this grand international diplomacy with many colleagues, trying to explore a path of peaceful coexistence with other countries."

The clear voice was neither humble nor overwhelming, glancing around the thoughtful representatives of the nations, Minerva continued to say:

"I value the relationship between you and us, just as you value the relationship with any country in the world. In order to ensure a hard-won peace and a bright future, it is necessary for the young woman to listen to it based on national obligations and personal judgment. What do you want to see in your future expectations?"

After speaking, Minerva sat back and stared at Li Lin without a word.


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