Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1680: 11. Falling down the meniscus(13)

In the negotiations, the most taboo is to "escape the topic", especially the issue of core interests involved in international conferences.

Some people say that the essence of diplomacy is to talk about things. Many things can be understood rather than spoken by anyone. It is better to adjust to "whoever understands them" to avoid unnecessary trouble.

From the standpoint of the general theory, or limited to the "spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs", this is true. But this is a joint meeting attended by powers all over the world. As a prince of a country, whether it is to evade the problem, to talk about him, to use violence to avoid the questions raised by a head of state based on duties and axioms... and regardless of the problem It is always unsightly to pass it out at its own level.

Of course, in Li Lin's identity, you must avoid it, and others can't take him. But in this way, the countries will inevitably have doubts and have unnecessary branches.

In short, he was forced to the corner.

Minerva knew how risky he was.

Although Li Lin and the Empire are not careful, they can't talk about broad-mindedness. Debt must be repaid, and hatred must be repaid is their consistent code of conduct.

If a final agreement is reached, the Empire will retaliate on the matter afterwards. At that time, public opinion, economy, politics, military... Various pressures will surge towards the Republic. The price paid to quell these pressures will definitely hit the economically promising republic.

But even if it becomes like that, it is better than doing nothing, watching the whole world move forward towards a closed and stagnant future.

"Is the future I expect... Your Excellency Speaker, this question you don't realize is very simple in space, as if you are asking'what is man'. How should I answer you? With sociology, law, philosophy, personal opinion, From the perspective of acting as a divine agent... Do you want me to explain it in all aspects?"

Li Lin maintained an elegant smile, and cold red eyes stared at Minerva.

"...So, first of all, please talk about your ideal social structure. Is the current empire your ideal society?"

"Different opinions."

"What answer is this?"

"All count."

With a light tap on the table with his fingers, he glanced at the foreign envoys who were serious and solemn. Li Lin's mouth slightly raised, and his smile grew more like a sneer.

"Although the empire claims to be "inheriting the tradition and blood of the millennium", it is actually only three years since the establishment of the country. What can the performance of the three years prove? The same problem can be applied to the Republic. What has the Republic proven in the past three years?"


Too straightforward, Minerva was only temporarily silent.

To test the success of a country, economic data is the most intuitive and realistic indicator. GDP, GNP, Gini coefficient, purchasing coefficient, purchasing power, etc. can all be used to measure the success of a country. The problem is that the economy is a dynamic, always in volatility, there is growth and recession. A dynamically changing data can only measure the state of a country in a certain period. To test success from a historical macro perspective, or this country has become history, future generations can comment on it from the literature. Either the reviewer has enough height and vision to see through the distant future, and draw a final conclusion when everyone is still ignorant.

The former cannot be done, the latter... probably Li Lin can.

"I want to build the empire into a'successful country.' The first thing to establish is the standard of success. And the so-called standard... itself is also changing with time and reference objects, such as the years of famine, as long as people do not starve to death I feel very happy. In modern times, people should pay attention to their children’s education, social responsibility, and individual rights in addition to the basics of food, clothing, housing and transportation. The priority issues at this stage are to guarantee employment rate and social stability, and to achieve food and clothing as much as possible on this basis."

The standard diplomatic rhetoric is also empty. Just when everyone thought he was going to confuse it like this, Li Lin suddenly sent a word that surprised and confused everyone.

"...In terms of the ultimate goal, the "successful country" in my mind should first be the "correct country." That is, everyone should be in his own place, devoting himself to the country, society, family and individuals, and realizing private interests and public benefits. The maximum balance of righteousness eliminates'errors and distortions' from the most fundamental place."

The venue was suddenly silent.


"You give me...almost a bit!!!"

At the same time, five rounds of wide-area lightning strikes were released simultaneously. In front of the unpredictable and unpredictable lightning, the brain quantum wave directed missiles were all shot down.

Shooting down the missile didn't make Favna happy. She was in the air three thousand meters above the ground, there was no shelter around, and a killing machine directly below was accelerating and approaching herself.

This is by no means a laughable situation.

Favna raised her lips, showing a fearless smile.

That is not self-inflicted, absolutely not.

That was the smile that hunters had when they saw their prey hooked.

Fafna climbed towards the endless sky, and behind her, a spot of light was quickly biting up.

A safe distance was ensured, and the surface of "Salamanda III" was rippled, and 144 slashes burst out, leaving no gaps, dead corners, and the dead flower blooming at Faluna.

In terms of a life-threatening blow, the power is too surplus, it's a slash of sword.

In order to minimize the damage to the urban area, and at the same time to kill the target very surely, it is understandable to do so.

But it never thought that Fafna still had a trump card at the bottom of the box.

In order to move the equipment into Bonn to carry out operations, only the thruster and the brain quantum wave induction frame are installed on Favna's body, with a few near-defense weapons, and the insufficient parts are supplemented by various magic methods.

In addition to the lightning strike just now, Favna also launched a resident spell on her back. At the moment when the enemy plane released the attack, the illusion spell that had been activated was released.

"This is your sin."

Using a seat belt to tie himself and Favna's back together, wearing an armor-like black priesthood, the young blonde priest showed a cold smile from the sight of the 40㎜ cannon.

"I want to imitate, I want to imitate, David's second miracle!"

Legend has it that the shepherd boy David threw down the invincible giant Goliath with a catapult. He grabbed his sword and cut off his head before the giant got up.

In other words, it was his own sword that killed Goliath's life.

The second miracle of the priesthood garment based on the anecdote of the shepherd boy David is to absorb the enemy's attack and double it back, thus destroying the enemy.

"I want to imitate the sword that David snatched!!"

Along with the high-pitched chanting, the cables extending from the inner part of the priesthood stabbed into the cannons one after another. The strong sacred atmosphere wrapped around the cold guns. Kerr pulled the trigger hard.

The huge air vortex stirs the sky, the screaming shock wave, the fluid metal blade, and the burning air-all absorbed into the barrel of a miracle, accompanied by roaring, it is dimmer than dusk, brighter than blood. Pounce on the overwhelming bee.

"go to hell!!"

Heinkel endured the pain of his shoulder blades as if crushing, shouting loudly.

In the immediate scene, it might be appropriate to call it "collapse".

All the attacks like the blooming impatiens flowed backwards, and the steel bee that released the attack squeezed and rotted into the interior at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. With a roar, the once-incomparable fighting machine turned into an explosive fireball. Shock waves wrapped in flames screamed like dying screams at the end of life.


Fafna's eyes slightly sag, the explosion of smoke and flames is still rolling, judging from the scale of the explosion, it should be destroyed.

Just when she felt relieved about this and wanted to adjust her flying attitude, a black spot quickly expanded in a corner of her vision.

Because nearly one-third of the fluid metal armor was removed, the physique was a full circle, and the bare black armor reflected the cold light in the sunlight. The red flashing head sensor was fixed on Faluna.

It is "Salamanda III".

Almost at the same time, Fafna and Heinkel understood the truth just now.

While they were laying traps, the enemy planes also had insight into their combat plans. Therefore, in order to avoid the fatal blow, it used fluid metal armor to create a dummy, which lured the opponent to attack the bait.

Almost perfect plan, but not terrible.

Able to see through the opponent's intentions and make use of it, according to local conditions, execute the plan with all the materials at hand~www.readwn.com~ Finally, the bait can be added with two flying methods of "flying" and "floating", and at the same time, it looks like the body. Indiscriminate attack.

This is no longer the "Legion" kind of low-level artificial intelligence that can replicate the brains of dead people. Even the "Salamanda II", which is highly compatible with Marseille, can only release the magic spell while letting it separate. The bait does a few simple moves to attract the firepower of the enemy. Like this, the decoy is almost the same as the body. It can fly and attack-completely out of the current technology, unless the empire comes up with an artificial intelligence that can operate the body at the same time, and can sense the mana, and build a variety of magic techniques. otherwise--

Thoughts suddenly stopped.

Able to operate the body, can build magic spells.

Artificial intelligence that meets these two conditions has not yet come out, but with the technical strength of the empire, it has already made something that can achieve this.

"Siren"-extracting the brain tissue of the magician and sealing it into a mechanical body, becoming a humanoid "legion" that can release magic. It is named as the unclean bird in mythology that carries dead souls. It is used by the empire. The ace of hunting magicians.

If you combine the "Siren" and the "Salamanda" series, the result is--

It is faster than Favna thinking about the answer. The bee overtakes the golden dragon to seize the zenith attack position, and the silver liquid metal flows quickly along the armor gap.

Needless to say, the next step must be a blow to end this chase game.

In the boarding cabin deep in the fuselage, through the head sensor, overlooking the opponent's indifferent and dignified faces, the mechanical girl smiled calmly, and the elaborate smile was like a swan who sang to greet death.


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