
A soft sound!

They thought the box was about to be opened, so they all stepped forward.

But to their surprise, the box did not open, instead it emitted a pink mist from the box.

Both of them did not expect such a thing to happen, so they were unprepared and sprayed on their faces by the pink mist.

Ye Wuqi immediately had a bad consciousness. I'm afraid it was the mechanism on the box. It was to prevent someone from stealing the treasures in the box. They were caught.

At the moment, ye Wumian is very worried. He is afraid that the pink mist is a kind of poison. If so, they may both die.

Sure enough, also in a moment later, ye Wuwu felt his body temperature rising rapidly, and had a kind of hot and dry feeling.

At the moment of this feeling, the whole person seems to be burning up, a fire burning, eyes even some confused.

And at this moment, ye Wuque suddenly felt two soft things pressing on his chest, which made him feel his temperature rise more and more.

Zhu ruosi beside him actually sticks to his chest, a pair of lotus arms are hooked on his neck, his eyes are blurred looking at him, that hook people's red lips are also a strong close to his mouth.

At this moment, ye Wuqian feels that his brain seems to burst open, his hands and feet are somewhat disobeyed, and he keeps approaching Zhu ruosi. It seems that only two people stick together can they feel better.

Ye Wuqi immediately realized that the red fog they had just met should be an aphrodisiac.

At the moment, ye Wuqian forcibly bit the tip of his tongue, trying to calm himself down. If something happens to Zhu ruosi in this case, I'm afraid it will be difficult to face each other again.

Although he was a little fond of Zhu ruosi, he didn't want to get her under such forced circumstances, so he had to calm down.

Stimulated by the pain, he forced himself to calm down.

With the calmness of this moment, he rushed out of the cave with his half naked bamboo in his arms, and threw her into the pool near the cave, and then he jumped down.

Under the stimulation of cold water, the feeling of huge heat gradually disappeared. He and Zhu ruosi gradually became sober.

Calm down zhuruosi pretty face red, like a ripe apple.

She never thought that she would do such a thing with Ye Wuqian. If it was not at the critical moment, ye Wuque would calm down, I am afraid what happened next would make her a little afraid to imagine.

As a girl, how can she take the initiative to be like a man?

Although she likes Ye Wuqian a little, she is not ready. She even doesn't know whether ye Wuqian likes him or not. She even kisses him and takes off her clothes.

The more he thought about it, the more ashamed he felt. He was even embarrassed to see ye Wuwu.

"What happened just now It's because we were so anxious that we got the overpowering drug in the box Ye Wumian knows that Zhu ruosi is a girl after all and will be a little embarrassed, so he first opened his mouth to talk to Zhu ruosi.

"I Let's go and see what's in the box Zhu ruosi also purposely diverted the topic.

But in, they went to the box together, but when they got to the box, they found that the box had been completely opened, and there was only one yellow book in that big box.

When he saw this book, ye Wuqian was very disappointed. He had thought that there would be a powerful magic weapon here, but he never thought that it was just a book. For him, this book has no use at all. It can not help him revenge, nor can he enhance his strength.

So at the moment, he was very lost, and he didn't go to the book at all.

But at this time, Zhu ruosi picked up the book and watched it carefully.

"This It's a martial art book Zhu ruosi was surprised and said to Ye Wuwei.

And ye Wuque heard the two words of martial arts, eyes can not help but stare, this is what he needs.

Because he knows that with martial arts, he can play his own strength several times, even dozens of times.

For example, when ye Wuqian was at the primary level, he didn't know martial arts skills and could break a big stone. But if he knew martial arts, he could double his attack power and even kill a Warcraft with one punch.

Of course, this is only a rough estimate. Different martial arts can produce different effects. The level of the martial arts is related. But the worst martial arts can at least double the attack power.

However, while improving the attack, it will certainly consume more energy, which is inevitable. Even if you practice martial arts, you can't violate the law.

But now, ye Wuxiang unexpectedly gets martial arts skills from this box. It's just what he dreams of. It's even more precious than anything he got in the snake hole before. No wonder that the mysterious old man would attach so much importance to this box, and it's really a treasure.Ye Wuque holds the book in his hand, only a few sides, writing the three characters of "flame resolution".

Ye Wumian had practiced "four Xiang Jue" before, but it was skill, not martial art. Now with this "flame determination", you can have martial arts skills. Although Ye Wuqian does not know what level of martial arts it is, he can play several times his strength. However, as long as it is martial arts, his attack power is bound to be stronger than ordinary attack.

With the strength of the perfect level of Wushi University and the martial arts skills, ye Wuque's strength will certainly surpass that of the past. In this way, even if he is attacked by two opponents of the same level, ye Wuque is fully confident that he can eliminate the opponent.

"This book of martial arts comes at the right time. I will take this opportunity to practice martial arts. When I succeed, it will be the day of our revenge." Ye Wuwei said confidently to Zhu ruosi.

"Well, I support you!" At this time, Zhu ruosi no longer felt embarrassed. She was completely shadowed by the emergence of martial arts. Now she is only happy for ye Wuqian, without any other thoughts.

Without hesitation, ye opened the book and began to watch.

The first move of flame determination is the flame palm, which concentrates energy on the palm of the hand, causing huge damage to a single target, and its power increases with the improvement of strength.

It doesn't say that the attack power can be increased several times, but for ye Wuqian, it is no longer important, so he immediately practiced according to the way described in the book.

Every martial arts skill has a special energy operation mode. When ye Wuqian runs the energy according to the way described in the book, he suddenly feels his palm getting hotter and hotter, just like putting it into an oil pan, which makes him feel very uncomfortable. Moreover, the whole palm of his hand turns red and looks like it is on fire.

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