He tentatively made an attack with the palm of his hand.

"Boom!" He made a huge hole in the hard rock ground.

Ye Wuqi was very happy because he found that the deep hole he had smashed out was three times deeper than before. This shows that the flame exploding palm can play at least three times the attack power, which is simply an unexpected surprise.

Originally, he thought it would be good to play twice, but he didn't expect it to be three times. This is beyond his expectation.

With the flame in his hand, he was sure of revenge.

"Boy, you look down on this skill!" Just then, the mysterious old man in his mind spoke again.

"What's the matter?" Ye Wuque asked curiously.

"Do you think it's only three times as powerful?" The mysterious old man asked ye Wuque.

"Isn't it?" Ye Wuque looked at the deep pit in the ground without blinking, and said to the old man.

"Of course not. Didn't you see the introduction? As for the strength of the master, it will be increased by five times when the attack power is increased by five times It's up to you to verify it yourself! " The mysterious old man explained to Ye Wuqian.

But after hearing the mysterious old man say so, ye Wuqian's whole person is silly, he never thought that the so-called flame exploding palm should be so domineering.

Now he is only the strength of martial arts master. If he is promoted to martial arts maniac, or even to a higher level? That's hard to imagine.

At the moment, ye Wuqian finally knows why the mysterious old man paid so much attention to that box.

"Well, that's wonderful!" Ye Wuque said with a smile.

"You can play such a strong attack now, I believe we can revenge!" Zhu ruosi naturally felt the power of the flame exploding palm, and said to ye Wuwu.

"Of course, we will take immediate action to destroy the two mercenaries!" Ye Wuwei also said confidently.

"You are looking for death!" What ye Wuxiang didn't think of was that when he swore to revenge, the mysterious old man poured a basin of cold water down, which immediately shocked him.

"Why do you say that? My strength is very strong now!" Ye Wuwei asked in doubt.

"It's you who feel very strong, but you have no idea that the hospital is not as simple as you think. Otherwise, why do you dominate the town? In the medical school, the strongest one is not the master at the level of Da Yuanman, but the one at the level of martial arts maniac. Therefore, if you go now, even if there is a flame, you are just going to die! " The mysterious old man said to Ye Wuxiang.

After ye Wuqian heard the mysterious old man say this, the whole people were stunned. He has been to the hospital, and even Zhu ruosi has lived in the hospital for a long time. He has no idea that there will be a strong man of martial arts level in the hospital.

But he believes in the mysterious old man. After all, the mysterious old man is in his body. Two people can be said to be grasshoppers on a rope. This mysterious old man will never cheat him. Since he said that there are martial arts experts in the hospital, there must be!

But now, ye Wuqian has used all the methods he can think of to improve his strength. There is no way to improve his strength. He can only stop at the perfect strength of Wushi University. So now he is depressed, and some don't know what to do next.

"In fact, you can completely upgrade your strength to the level of martial arts maniac, and then revenge!" At the time of Ye Wuque's disappointment, the mysterious old man said to ye Wuque.

"Of course I want to, but now all the Warcraft here have been killed by me. The core of low-level Warcraft has no help for my current strength. I want to improve my strength, which is so easy!" Ye Wuwei said helplessly to the mysterious old man.

"That's because you only focus on the core of Warcraft, and you don't think of any other way. In fact, there are other ways to improve your strength in addition to the Warcraft kernel." The mysterious old man said to Ye Wuxiang.

"What can I do? Tell me. I'm in a hurry!" Ye Wuwei heard that there are still ways to improve their own strength, and some can't wait to ask the mysterious old man.

"If it was before, I really didn't know for sure, but now it's not the same. There are many good things in the big beard's storage ring that ambushed a few days ago. If I don't feel wrong, there should be a barrier breaking pill. If you take it, your strength can be easily promoted to the level of martial arts maniac!" The mysterious old man said to Ye Wuxiang.

And ye Wuque heard the mysterious old man say that, his eyes were green. He quickly found out the storage ring and found a red pill from it. This should be what the mysterious old man said.

"What is this?" At this time, Zhu ruosi asked ye Wuwu."This is a barrier breaking pill. As long as I absorb it, I can be promoted to the level of martial arts maniac. I have checked it before. There is a strong one in the medical hall. If I don't break through to the level of martial madness, I will not be his opponent at all! If we go now, we are only going to die. As long as we break through, I can be sure of it. " Ye Wuqian said to Zhu ruosi.

After hearing this, Zhu ruosi was shocked. She had lived in the hospital for a long time. She had never heard of any martial arts experts in this hospital. However, he believed ye Wuque. Since ye Wuqian said yes, there must be.

She was secretly glad that ye Wuqian had not discovered the existence of this martial arts maniac level master. They would have gone to seek death if they had not avenged the great perfection of the martial arts master.

Fortunately, now ye Wuqian has thought of ways to improve the strength, and she is not too worried.

Then, ye Wuwu took the pill into his mouth.

At the moment of the pill's entrance, ye Wuqian felt a violent force emanating from his body. He ran wildly in his meridians and almost opened his veins.

This feeling, ye Wuxiang had before, which shows that the energy contained in this pill is too huge. If he goes on like this, he may die of explosion.

Even ye Wuqian, who had always been bold, was a little afraid at this time. He secretly complained to the mysterious old man, who did not calculate whether his current strength could absorb such powerful energy.

Gradually, ye Wuxiang's body surface has spilled blood, drops of blood, like sweat, from his skin, let him feel as if he had been tortured by thousands of cuts, and the pain was unbearable.

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