But he knew that since it was the mysterious old man who said that there was a martial arts maniac level master in the hospital, even if he was still angry, he would never attack he Linyi before pulling out his sword. After all, offending the martial crazy level master means that he has to fight with the martial crazy level master. He is not sure.

"Ah Ye Wuque roared wildly. In his fury, his strength increased a little.

"Boom!" What surprised everyone happened. The sword, which had not moved, swayed slightly.

It seems that the sword shakes violently just like the shaking of the sword.

Almost everyone was stunned by this feeling. For hundreds of years, how many people have pulled out this sword, but no one has ever been able to make it shake.

But now ye Wuxiang makes the sword move. Can he really pull out the sword?

All the people watching the scene were locked in their eyes. Ye Wuxiang was looking forward to it. After all, this sword has been here for too long. Many people know that it is a magic weapon, but no one knows how powerful it is. If ye Wuqian can pull out the sword, maybe you can see the charm of the magic weapon.

At this time, Zhu Ruoxi fell into a huge surprise, which was a hope for her. Maybe ye Wuque could pull out the sword. If they could, they would have absolute assurance of revenge, and ye Wuque would have a unique sword.

Ye Wumian naturally felt the shaking of the sword, and his confidence became more and more sufficient. He believed that he would pull out the sword, so he continued to exert himself.

He Linyi is the last person who wants to see this kind of situation, because he knows that once Ye Wuqian pulls out the sword, it will be more dangerous and may become a disaster for their whole family.

Although Ye Wuqian did not seek revenge on him during this period of time, it does not mean that he will not seek revenge from him in the future. Once ye Wuque becomes strong, it is absolutely unacceptable to him. Therefore, he has secretly decided to prevent Ye Wuqian from pulling out his sword.

"Hum, boy, you are just lucky to shake the sword. You can't pull it out. You can give up!" At this time, he Linyi knew that ye Wuqian had found himself, and it was no longer necessary to hide. So he came out of the crowd and said to ye Wuque.

"Buzz!" When he said this, the sword swayed again and was pulled out inch by inch.

Everyone saw this scene. It turned out that he could not shake the sword, let alone pull out the sword. Many people were desperate for it. Ye Wuxiang not only shook, but could pull out the sword inch by inch. This shows that he is likely to pull out the sword successfully.

Because of this, he Linyi is just like a naked big face. He can't be pulled out just as soon as he says it. This makes his face hot. He feels that everyone is looking at him with disdain. At this time, he is a clown jumping on a beam, just enjoying himself.

"Well, boy, I won't let you succeed. You die!" At the moment, he couldn't stand it any more. He roared and rushed to the leaves.

At this time, ye Wuxiang was in a stalemate with the sword. He could clearly feel that there seemed to be a mysterious and powerful force in the sword to prevent him from pulling out, and that powerful force was very strange. With his strength rising, the more he exerted, the stronger the force was. Only when he broke through the ultimate strength, the sword would be pulled out Once he lets go, all his efforts will be wasted, so he will never give up.

At this time, he Linyi had launched an attack on himself. He hated him to death in his heart, but he could not do anything about it. In order to pull out his sword, he was ready to take a hard blow from him.

"Shameless, you are a shameless villain!" At this time, seeing that ye Wuqian didn't do anything, even didn't mean to avoid it, Zhu ruosi knew that he must have been in a standoff with Baojian, but he Linyi attacked secretly. She could not let he Linyi influence ye Wuque. So she didn't think about it at the moment, so she scolded him angrily and rushed to he Linyi.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, Zhu ruosi was knocked upside down by he Linyi and fell to the ground, which made him spit blood.

After feeling the attack, Zhu ruosi was shocked because she knew that this attack was not a perfect person, but a martial arts maniac level master.

She never thought that this treacherous villain should have such strength as he is now.

At the same time, she was also secretly glad that if ye Wuque hadn't found out in time that they had a martial arts level master, they would have been reckless to revenge and would have been killed by then.

However, the difficulty is very difficult now. He Linyi will never let Ye Wuqian pull out his sword easily. He will attack Ye Wuqian with all his strength.And ye Wuqian has no ability to hand now, so only she can help Ye Wuqian.

But now she is just the strength of martial arts master Da Yuanman level. She has no confidence to resist the attack of a martial arts maniac level master.

But she knows that even if she is not sure, even if she will die in the hands of he Linyi, she must not give up. If she gives up, ye Wuqian's sword drawing will be interrupted, and even be attacked by two martial arts level masters of the other side, then both of them will die here. At this time, Zhu ruosi stands up with all his life and faces He Lin without retreating Righteousness.

"Why, you didn't expect that I was already a master of martial arts level? Now that you know my strength, don't make unnecessary resistance. Although you are at the level of martial arts master, you should be aware of the gap between the complete strength of wushida and the whole level of martial arts maniac. You can't stop me! " He Linyi said triumphantly to Zhu ruosi.

"I don't care what your strength is, but I will never let you destroy ye Wumian's sword pulling action. Stop talking nonsense. If you want to stop him, you must step on my body!" Zhu ruosi firmly replied to he Linyi.

After hearing what Zhu ruosi said, he Linyi was slightly stunned. He never thought that a weak woman in his opinion would say such a thing.

And he can see that Zhu ruosi is not just talking about it, but has made up his mind to help ye Wumian.

As a martial arts master, she should be aware of the gap between martial arts master Da Yuan man level and martial crazy level master. She is fighting to protect ye Wuwu.

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