But he knew that, no matter what, he could not let Ye Wuqian pull out his sword successfully, otherwise he would face the disaster of extinction.

"Well, since you don't want to die, don't blame me for my impoliteness. Go to death!" He said, and he made a move to Zhu ruosi.

Zhu Ruo Siming knows that it is not he Linyi's opponent, but does not choose to retreat. Instead, he confronts him.

"Boom!" Another fatal attack, zhuruosi was seriously injured and vomited blood again, but she still stood up unsteadily.

All the people present were shocked. They didn't expect that a girl would be so persistent. Some people even began to blame he Linyi. Most of them secretly scolded him that he was not a thing.

However, most of the people in this town know he Linyi's background, so few people are willing to scold him and worry that he will settle accounts in autumn.

At this time, ye Wumian naturally saw that Zhu ruosi was under the frontal attack of a martial crazy level master in order to help himself.

His heart became more and more anxious, and even he had the intention to give up. Even if he could not get the sword, he could not let Zhu ruosi in danger, so he even had the intention to let go at the moment.


When ye Wuqian was about to give up, something unexpected happened to him. The sword trembled violently again. Even if ye Wuqian didn't exert any force, he was pulled out a large part.

Ye Wuque didn't know why such a thing happened, but he was ecstatic because he knew that he would pull out his sword successfully now, so he tried again at the moment.


This time, there was no power to restrain, and the sword was successfully pulled out by him.

The sword pulled out by Ye Wuqi, the brilliant light that flashed in that moment, if half of the white rainbow passes through the sun, makes everyone can't help but close their eyes at that moment.

Even in the battle, he Linyi and Zhu ruosi could not help but feel sluggish for a moment. They were all attracted by the light of the sword.

Everyone knows that it is a miracle that the sword was pulled out, which is almost impossible to happen. But this miracle happened. Now this sword belongs to Ye Wuwei.

After feeling Ye Wuqian's sword being pulled out, Zhu ruosi's mood is completely relaxed. She knows that, let alone a he Linyi, even the three martial arts level masters are definitely not ye Wuque's opponents. They are already safe.

Ye Wuqi did not immediately attack he Linyi, because at the moment, he was feeling the breath of the sword. He felt that the sword seemed to be tailor-made for him. Taking the sword, he did not feel that it was a weapon, but felt that it was a part of his body.

He had never felt this feeling in any weapon. It was a mysterious feeling that would make people intoxicated.

At this time, he Linyi also recovered from the shock. He felt the breath of the sword and the breath of Ye Wuqi.

He was shocked, because as a martial arts maniac level master, he could feel that the energy in ye Wumian's body was no worse than that of himself, and even faintly stronger than himself. Especially after he got the sword, he seemed to become a sword with sharp edges, which made him feel a little scared.

He never thought that ye Wumian's strength would be improved so fast. In only one or two months, he changed from a mole ant whose strength was less than martial arts master level to a martial arts maniac level master. The training speed was just off the hook, which was unacceptable to him.

However, he is a smart man. He knows that ye Wuqian has become a martial arts maniac level master and has a magic weapon. At the moment, he is no longer his opponent. He only has to be killed by Ye Wuque. Therefore, his first thought is to leave here as soon as possible and get rid of this demon. As long as he escapes back to the hospital, he has two martial arts level Other experts in, even if ye Wuqian has magic weapons in his hand, he may not dare to act rashly.

So he did not hesitate to think of it, and immediately ran away as fast as he could.

"If you hit someone, you just want to run. How can there be such a cheap thing in the world?" Ye Wuqian can feel that although Zhu ruosi is seriously injured, it is not a fatal injury. Moreover, she is a doctor and has already taken some medicine to cure her. Therefore, he does not say anything to Zhu ruosi. He wants to solve he Linyi in the first time. It is absolutely impossible to let the two martial arts level masters of the hospital meet, otherwise, even he may not Absolutely sure.

He roared. When he was about to pour energy into his boots, he ran after him at a very fast speed.

Originally, ye Wumian's strength was better than he Linyi. After all, when he upgraded, his energy was endless, and his speed was faster than he Linyi. With the help of boots, in the eyes of outsiders, he was just a flash of lightning, catching up with he Linyi almost in a moment, and didn't let him escape from the crowd.

He Linyi was a fool. He didn't expect Ye Wuqi's speed to be so terrible. He only ran a few steps and was caught up."You You have reached the level of martial arts? " He asked foolishly to ye Wuque.

"You can reach the level of martial arts, why can't I run? Why don't you run?" Ye Wuque looks at he Linyi coldly and asks with a playful smile.

"You Why should I run? You are the strength of martial crazy level, and I am also the strength of martial crazy level. You may not be able to kill me! " He said to Ye Wuwei.

"Yes, in addition to you, there is a martial arts level master in your hospital. You know that if you hold on to him, you can join hands to deal with me. Maybe I'm not your opponent, right?" Ye Wuqi, still smiling, asked he Linyi.

After hearing this, he Linyi felt his heart twitching. He didn't expect ye Wuque to even know this.

It's a secret to know that there are martial arts level experts in their hospital. Except for their insiders, almost no one knows. Of course, his people can't betray him. But how did ye Wuqian know?

Moreover, ye Wuqian not only knows that they also have a martial arts maniac level master. He even says what he thinks now. He looks like he has no fear. Can he really be sure that he can kill himself?

He did not believe it, but ye Wuque's playful smile made him feel flustered and seemed to have a feeling of facing death.

"You You know, if you run away now, you still have a chance to live, otherwise you have no chance at all. You have just reached the level of martial arts maniac. How could you be the opponent of two martial crazy level masters? " He was flustered and said to the leaf.

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