Seeing his flustered appearance, ye Wuqian knows that now he has no sense of fighting. He is already afraid in his heart. Therefore, ye Wuque knows that he is not his opponent at all. If a strong man has no determination to win, he is not a strong one.

"Two martial crazy level masters, you think too much. I won't give you two opportunities to attack me. I will kill you before he comes here. Do you believe it or not?" The leaf does not lack to look at him with disdain, confidently full of say.

When he Linyi heard Ye Wuqian say this, he felt cold for a moment, because he knew that ye Wuque was not a person to be provoked. Since he said such words, he was certain to be sure.

Of course, the most frightening thing for him is the bright sword in ye Wuque's hand. He saw it since he was a child, and he had the idea to pull it out, but he never succeeded. He knew that it was a treasure. Now that this magic weapon has fallen into ye Wuque's hand, his strength will be doubled.

"You..." His face was full of fear and could not speak.

Although none of the people present knew Ye Wuqian, many people knew he Linyi, and they all knew he Linyi was not a good master. The tyrannical people in this town never paid any attention to him. He was always a bully and no one dared to provoke him.

But now, he was changed by a young man, and he was about to cry. So the people in this town were very surprised. They didn't expect he Linyi, who had always been a bully, to be today.

And everyone here can see that ye Wuqian is going to kill he Linyi today. His eyes are full of killing intention, which has reached the point of irresistible.

The onlookers, one by one, hated he Linyi, and all hoped that he would be killed, so they all watched with expectation.

"Kill him, he is a scum, a scum!" Some people who are not afraid of the big things are shouting to Ye Wuwei.

"Yes, it should have been cleaned up long ago." Some people should talk to each other.

Ye Wuque looked at he Linyi coldly: "see, you have been yelling and beating in the town here, which means that you have done too many immoral things in ordinary days. Even if I can let you go, the people in this town will never let you go!"

At the moment, he Linyi, how can not think that the people who promise to him on weekdays will fall into trouble at this time. He finally realizes the threat of death, and also knows that what he has done on weekdays is too much.

But now it's too late to say anything. Everyone wants him to die.

But he Linyi didn't want to die. He had been thinking about the way to live.

After thinking about it for a moment, he finally found a way to survive. His speed must be as fast as ye Wuwei. It is almost impossible for him to go back to the hospital and ask for help. Now he wants to survive, he must insist that another martial arts level master appears in the hospital. Only this is his only life.

Moreover, he knew that no one would tell any martial crazy level master that he was in danger. Therefore, if he wanted that martial arts maniac level master to save him, he must send out strong energy fluctuations to let the other party feel it.

It's better to fight once than to beg for mercy.

"Boy, you forced me to die!" He roared and rushed to Ye Wuxu, and concentrated all his strength to launch a fatal blow.

But he never thought that when he launched the attack, ye Wuxiang didn't avoid it. Instead, he joined hands.

"The fire explodes Ye Wuque roars, his whole palm has turned into fire red, and the attack it sends out has a burning effect.


With a loud noise, he Linyi's body flew upside down like a kite with a broken line. He hit the ground hard and hit the ground with a deep pit.

At the moment, he was very shocked, how he did not think that ye Wuque should be strong to this point, which is simply beyond his imagination.

You should know that his current strength is the same as ye Wuqian. If the opponent defeats him with that sword, he has nothing to say, but ye Wuqian clearly did not use the sword, but just attacked with fists and feet just like him. He did not expect that he could still exert such strength.

He had just felt that there was a certain burning sensation in the attack of Ye Wuque.

Thinking of this, he immediately understood that ye Wuqian was not using ordinary attack, but using martial arts.

How can this kid be a martial artist? Even he and the martial arts level master in his hospital have not been exposed to martial arts, but ye Wuque has.

What's more, he can be sure that ye Wuqian's martial arts can almost increase his strength by four times, which is almost the best. Even if he sold the whole hospital and everything under his jurisdiction, he would never be able to get such skills. Therefore, he did not expect to get martial arts skills. Even people with his status could not obtain martial arts skills, but ye Wuqian did Yes, it's too evil for him to accept.But now it's too late to say anything. He knows that, let alone another martial arts level master, he may not be able to catch up with him. Even if he does, the two of them will besiege Ye Wuqian together, and they may not be ye Wuqian's opponent.

No wonder ye Wumian said that he would not give another martial arts level master a chance to support him. It seems that he is not lying, but he really has such strength!

"You You don't want to kill me. As long as you don't kill me, I can promise you any conditions. I'm willing to be a cow and a horse for you At the moment, he did not have a bit of fluke in his heart. What he thought was that ye Wuxiang could be merciful and he could survive.

However, ye Wuqian is not a person who is full of sympathy. Even if he has compassion, he will never leave it to such a person. Therefore, ye Wuqian is not polite at all. He immediately takes his hand, waves his sword, and cuts off he Linyi's head.

After he Linyi was killed, almost all the people present were not surprised, because in this town, the martial arts master of dayuanman level was already the top level. Even if ye Wuqian and he Linyi were not fighting together, they would not know that there would be martial crazy level masters in this town, and even many of them had never seen a martial arts level master 。

Today, a martial arts level master was killed in front of them.

This young man not only killed a martial arts level master, but also pulled out the sword that no one could pull out in this town for hundreds of years. It was just too evil and he was too terrible. If they had not seen it with their own eyes, they would not have believed that all this was true.

But the truth told them that all this was true. There was a cruel man in the town, a man who made everyone afraid.

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