Yes, these people have no antipathy to ye Wuque, but they appreciate it. After all, ye Wuqian helped him kill the bully who has been in this town for many years. They hate it so much, but they dare not provoke him. Now he Linyi has been killed by Ye Wuque, and this town is less harmful.

It can be said that in the eyes of the vast majority of people, ye Wuqian is their hero, and even some people can't help cheering.

But ye Wuqian is not in the mood to manage these people. After all, Zhu ruosi has just helped him resist he Linyi's attack and has been injured. Therefore, he doesn't even look at he Linyi's body, and comes directly to Zhu ruosi.

To Ye Wuxiang's surprise, Zhu ruosi has no painful expression at the moment. On the contrary, his face is full of joy. Obviously, this joy is because ye Wuque killed he Linyi and they took revenge.

"Well, are you all right?" Ye asked her.

"Don't worry. I'm a doctor. I'll be fine." Zhu ruosi said happily to Ye Wuqian.

"He Linyi has been killed by me. From now on, no one dares to hurt you. If anyone dares to understand your hair, I will fight with him!" Ye Wuxiang is a pledge to Zhu ruosi.

After hearing this, Zhu ruosi's pretty face was slightly ruddy. She didn't know why ye Wuque said such a thing. Could it be regarded as a confession that he had a good feeling for himself?

All the people present could see that ye Wuque and Zhu ruosi were made in heaven. They all secretly blessed Ye Wuqian and zhuruosi in their hearts.

"Although he Linyi is dead, our revenge has not been finished. We will go to the hospital, and I will make them pay the price of bleeding!" Ye Wuqian said to Zhu ruosi.

Zhu ruosi's face was satisfied with a smile. He didn't persuade Ye Wuqian, because he knew that there were no good people in the hospital, and it was difficult to atone for each person's killing ten times.

It is precisely because of this reason that Zhu ruosi is not willing to be with them, so he is in a hurry to escape.

Then, ye Wuque takes the seriously injured zhuruosi to the hospital.

At the moment, he no longer has any worries. After all, in addition to he Linyi, there is only one martial arts maniac level master in the hospital. With his current strength, he is not afraid of any kind of enemies, even for him, let alone a martial arts level master. Even if he is two, he has a certain chance of winning.

When they went to the hospital, the people who had watched the scene were all following them, because they all knew that there would be a shocking event in the town today, and the forces on the side of the hospital would probably be removed.

Of course, this is what they all want to see. After all, there is not a good person in the hospital.

Therefore, they all wish ye Wuque destroyed the hospital, followed happily, and even some people chanted slogans for him.

Some people say ye Wuqian is a descendant of some great power, others say ye Wuqian is the God of heaven. For a time, ye Wuqian has become the focus of people's discussion.

Of course, not everyone is optimistic about ye Wuqian. After all, some people still know something about it. After all, after all, there must be one or two experts in charge of the medical center in this town for so many years. It is likely that there will be some martial arts level experts, so they are worried about ye Wuqian.

However, the people in the hospital did not know that he Linyi had died in the hands of Ye Wuqian and was in normal business. When they saw a large group of people coming to the hospital, they were very excited and felt that they might have come to see a doctor. They were all ready to kill people.

But when these people came to the gate of the hospital, the hospital personnel thought that something was wrong, because they were all murderous, and they knew at a glance that they had come to make trouble.

The guards of the hospital were shocked, because their hospital was one of the most powerful forces in this town. No one dares to make trouble here. Today, these people have taken the courage of leopard, and they will make trouble here collectively!

"Who are you all? Why are you here? " A high-level guard captain of a martial arts division yelled at the crowd!

"I'm here to kill!" Ye Wuwei stepped forward and said to the captain of the guard.

"Murder? Are you crazy? Don't you know where this is? " The captain of the guard looked at Ye Wuqian as if he were a fool. He would never have thought that they had come to make trouble.

"Of course I know. At that time, the domineering medical center was a despised one. The purpose of our coming here today is to burn this place with a fire!" Ye Wuqian answered positively to him.

"You want to die!" The guard captain can't stand ye Wuque's arrogance any more. He roared and launched a fatal blow to ye Wuque.

For them, killing a person in this town is nothing. No one can punish them. Moreover, if they kill someone, they will definitely get the reward from the Lin family. This person is simply coming to give them money!

But he never thought that at the moment when he just made a move, ye Wuque slapped him in the face at a very fast speed, because the speed was so fast that he didn't deserve to come, so he was hit by Ye Wuque.Ye Wuqian is a martial arts maniac level master, and he is just a small role of martial arts master's high-level strength. For such a person, ye Wuqian can crush him with one hand, and he will not pay attention to him at all.

"Ah He was slapped by Ye Wuque, and he had no silver teeth left. He installed it on the gate and smashed the gate, and he fainted.

All the people in the hospital were stupid. They didn't expect that the troublemaker would be so powerful. We should know that their team leader is the most powerful person here. He is the senior strength of the martial arts master.

But it is such an expert that he can't resist a slap in the face. He doesn't know his life or death.

The other guards did not dare to go up. They all looked at Ye Wuqian stupidly. Although they were not as strong as the captain of the guard, they were not stupid. They could fight the captain of a high-level martial arts master with one move. I don't know. The strength of this person is at least the strength of the martial arts master's great perfection level.

Of course, no one would think that ye Wumian is already a martial arts maniac level master. After all, they are just some small guards. Even most of them don't know what a martial arts maniac level master is. They have never heard of it. They just know that the martial arts master's full strength is their goal in life.

They all know that ye Wuque is so powerful that they dare not fight with ye Wuque. Two of them immediately run to the hospital.

Ye Wumian knew that they must have sent a message, but he did not stop him. He hoped that the martial arts maniac level master would send him to the door, saving him to look for it.

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