"Miss Yang, please come with us. We suspect that you have something to do with yesterday's case!" Let ye Wuque did not expect that one of the policemen should say so to ye Wuque.

After hearing this man's words, ye Wuqian's heart is very puzzled, because just now, he was drinking tea with inspector Huang and chatting with him. How could he become a suspect in a twinkling of an eye? All this was so sudden that he had no psychological preparation at all.

Before that, he had been trying to avoid getting involved in the case. After all, he came here with a mission, but he didn't expect that he would be found by the police just the next day. Moreover, he could see from the look of these policemen that the other side was coming fiercely and seemed to have no intention.

"What? You detective Huang has just finished talking to me. Are you going to arrest me now? " Ye Wuqi now had to face coldly and asked the policeman.

"Did detective Huang look for you? We don't know. Our boss is not detective Huang, but director Li. Director Li took over the matter in person. Inspector Huang is not qualified to be a writer. Miss Yang should come with us! " The policeman smiles and says to Ye Wuwei.

After hearing the policeman's words, ye Wuqian was stunned, because he could see from the look of the policeman that it seemed that the police station was not very harmonious. Therefore, he was very depressed in his heart. He felt that this matter would certainly bring him great trouble, and he could not avoid it!

"Do you know who I am?" Although know this matter can not hide, but ye Wuqian still try to use the identity of the county magistrate's son to frighten the other party, do not want to entangle in this matter for too long.

"Of course we know that Miss Yang is the son of Yang county magistrate, so we will invite you back to the police station now, otherwise we will not be so polite!" The policeman laughed and replied to Ye Wuwei, not coldly.

At the moment, ye Wuxiang is more worried. It seems that this matter is even more troublesome, because the two policemen seem not to be afraid of the county magistrate. It is likely that someone wants to make use of the problem. It seems that he is involved in much more troubles than he imagined.

However, the matter has come to this stage, hiding is not going to pass, he can do now, only obedience.

Soon, ye Wuque followed the two policemen to the police station and was taken to the interrogation room. After arriving here, two policemen immediately came to inquire about him. Although ye Wuque was not locked with handcuffs, ye Wuque could see that the other party was not good at coming.

"Miss Yang, we feel that yesterday's case is not as simple as suicide. It has something to do with you. I have the following questions to ask you. I hope you can answer them truthfully. This is good for all of us!" One of the policemen said in an official voice to Ye.

"You ask, I know the question will answer you truthfully!" Ye Wuqi said with great cooperation.

"I heard that you had met the dead before he hanged himself, and someone saw that you two said a few words. I want to know, what did you say?" The policeman opened the door and asked Ye Wudao.

"We're talking about family matters. He told me to be careful, but I was just a courtesy greeting!" Ye Wuqi didn't tell the truth. After all, his conversation with the second aunt involved his mission here, which he didn't want to let others know.

"No, just a few words, people will hang up and die? How could that be possible? Is there no verbal conflict between the two of you The policeman asked ye again.

"Of course not. I left home in less than a minute of our conversation!" Ye Wuqi can be sure that no one has heard the dialogue between him and his second aunt, so he replied positively.

"I think you are lying. Even if the dead didn't die because of your words, you went home soon after you left home, and as soon as you got home, you were eager to look for the dead. What's more, the dead still died in your room, which means that you must have known something before. Even if the death of the dead has nothing to do with you, you must know it If you are wise, please say it, otherwise, don't blame us for being unreasonable The policeman patted the table and threatened Ye.

"Unreasonable? I'd like to see how unreasonable you are? What evidence do you have to prove that I have something to do with the death of my second aunt. If there is no direct evidence, you have no reason to detain me, let alone punish me. Moreover, you should know that I am the son of the mayor of the town. I think my father will never allow me to suffer unjust injustice! " Ye Wuqian knows that in this era, the police have no reason to speak. They can only carry their father out to scare the two policemen.

"Even if Mayor Yang comes here in person, we are not afraid. We have witnesses to prove that the death of the dead is directly related to you. If you don't come to the truth, I'm afraid you will suffer some flesh and blood!" The policeman coldly threatened Ye.

"Witness? Or a direct witness? Who is it? " After hearing the policeman's words, ye Wuque immediately asked nervously."Of course it's your family. Otherwise, how can we dare to bring your son, the county magistrate, here for trial?" The policeman replied to Ye.

After hearing the other party's words, ye Wuqian was stunned and even his family? Who would that be?

In a twinkling of an eye, ye Wuxiang thought that the witness must be the third aunt. After all, his own parents would not harm him, and those servants and housekeepers were not his family members.

Moreover, the third aunt has a motive to harm him. After all, as long as he is killed, all the property belongs to him.

Thinking of this, ye Wuqian's heart is a bit angry, but now it has come to this stage after all, and he has no direct evidence to prove that the dead has nothing to do with himself. What's more, the things between him and the second aunt are indeed his most suspected in the eyes of outsiders!

In a word, ye Wuqian knows that this matter is not clear for the time being, but he also knows that he absolutely can't recognize it. Otherwise, he may be sentenced and the task will naturally fail.

When the two policemen saw that ye Wuque didn't speak, they knew that they couldn't ask any questions today, so they didn't press ye Wuque any more. They just locked ye Wuque into a single room.

At the moment, ye Wuqian is very depressed in his heart. He originally wanted to finish the task as soon as possible, but he didn't expect that he was involved in this inexplicable lawsuit. It is not certain whether he can leave here, let alone finish the task.

In the twinkling of an eye, three days have passed. During these three days, only someone came to deliver water and food to him regularly. He did not suffer any interrogation. What makes Ye Wuqian feel strange is that he has been locked up in the police station for four days. His father, the mayor of the Town, did not even see him. This makes him feel a little strange.

Although his father is a greedy man, he still cares about his son. Otherwise, it is impossible to send him to study abroad. However, why didn't his father come to see him?

Ye Wuqi couldn't understand this problem, but he didn't waste more spirit to think about it, and he didn't feel any hurt. After all, the greedy county magistrate, who was just the father of this body, had no feelings for him.

"Miss Yang, you can leave here. You have been bailed out!" At the same time, when ye Wuque was in doubt, suddenly the door of the room opened, and the policeman in charge of the guard politely said to ye Wuque.

"Who bailed me out?" Ye Wuqi said with some consternation.

"It's me!" Then, let ye Wuque accident happened, appeared in front of him, unexpectedly is Inspector Huang.

"How is it you?" Ye Wuwei asked in amazement.

"Because I believe you are not the murderer!" The yellow leaves did not answer.

Thank you To tell the truth, ye Wuqian is still a bit moved at the moment. After all, there is no deep friendship between the two people. Even his father has not come to bail him, but detective Huang has come.

"You're welcome. If I tell you that the same case happened in your family, would you believe it?" Inspector Huang said to Ye Wuwei.

"The same case? Who is it again? " After hearing the words of inspector Huang, ye Wuqian's heart is extremely surprised and can't help asking for it.

"Your third aunt killed herself in your room yesterday morning, and also hanged herself. Therefore, the possibility of your murder has been basically ruled out, so I have the chance to bail you out!" Inspector Huang replied to ye Wuwu.

After hearing inspector Huang's words, ye Wuqian was stunned, because in his heart, the most suspicious person was the third aunt. After all, the second aunt was dead, and he was arrested. The third aunt was the one who made the biggest profit. Moreover, the reason why he was caught here was probably related to the third aunt, but he never thought that the third aunt was too clever And died in the same weird way.

Thinking of this, ye Wuxiang's face became more and more ugly. He also felt that the matter seemed to be more and more complicated and full of strangeness.

"What's the matter? Are you not feeling well Inspector Huang looked at Ye Wuqian with concern and asked him.

"No, I just think these two cases are too strange and too coincidental." Ye Wuque said in a low voice.

"Yes, it is because these two cases are so similar that I firmly believe that this is not suicide, but murder." Inspector Huang said in a low voice.

"Last time I heard, it seems that a director named Zhao took over the case and didn't let you intervene?" Ye Wuqian asked inspector Huang.

"It was true two days ago, but now it's different. Now the case is too complicated. I can't decide who is surnamed Zhao. I'm in charge of this case now." Detective Huang said.

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