"Detective Huang, thank you. If it wasn't for you, I'm afraid I'm still in prison now!" Ye Wumian politely thanks inspector Huang. Although this matter is also because he has the qualification of bail, after all, people have saved himself.

"You don't have to thank me. In fact, I saved you with a certain purpose. I want to make it clear by your hand. After all, our people can't guard your house all the time, and we don't know your family very well. You need to help us investigate some clues, and your father, after all, is the county magistrate and ours It's not good for people to interrogate them directly, so many clues can't be grasped! " At this time, inspector Huang said to Ye Wuwei.

"Why, do you suspect that my father has something to do with it? It's impossible. If it's the second aunt, it may be a bit possible. After all, now the two people have no feelings, and you can see last time that my father doesn't care about the life and death of the second aunt, but the third aunt is different. The third aunt is my father's favorite woman, and he will never harm the third aunt! " After thinking about it for a while, ye Wuqian said to inspector Huang.

"Your analysis is very reasonable. We also think that your father could not have done these two things. After all, your father is a county magistrate, and he can't poison his aunt. He is a man of face.

The reason why I say all this may have something to do with your father is not because we suspect that your father killed the man, but because we feel that it is likely that this matter is not murder, but hate killing.

After all, you have said before that your father is too fond of the third aunt, so he is basically not suspected. However, your father's success in this position has offended a lot of people, maybe someone is seeking revenge! " Inspector Huang analyzed the leaves without defect.

After listening to detective Huang's analysis, ye Wuqian thinks that it is very reasonable. It is because of the death of the third aunt that ye almost completely negates the previous inference. It seems that the train of thought should be changed. Judging from the current situation, there is a great possibility of revenge.

"Detective Huang, you can tell me what you want me to do. As long as I can do it, I will definitely do it. I must make this matter clear, otherwise the next victim will be me." Master ye Yinyin has always thought about it, so it has nothing to do with it.

"What you said is reasonable, so in this period of time, you must be careful on your own, be extremely vigilant to anything, keep in touch with me at any time, as long as you feel a little dangerous, you can come to me immediately, and I will add some police force near your home to ensure that you are under our protection for 24 hours. After you return home, you should look for as much as possible Some opportunities to communicate with your father, it's better to ask all your father's enemies, so that we can have a purposeful investigation, and only in this way can we find the murderer as soon as possible Inspector Huang said to Ye Wuwei.

"That will trouble you. Don't worry. I will finish what you told me as soon as possible." After finishing this sentence to inspector Huang, ye Wuqian quickly walks to his home.

Soon Ye Wuqian went back home and found his father. However, the father was different from before. When the second aunt died, the father didn't feel any sadness. It seemed that he didn't care about the death of the second aunt. Now, the father's face is sad and his mood is very low. It can be seen that his father still has deep feelings for the third aunt.

"Dad, I know that the three Auntie things make you very sad, but I feel that now we should have a good talk!" Ye Wuqi saw his father in this way and knew that this was the best time to take his father's secret. He went to his father and said to him.

"Oh, girl, if you have anything to say Yang county magistrate's mood is incomparably low, sees the son to walk in front of, naturally slightly comforts, then said to the son.

"I talked with detective Huang of the police station before. According to our two conjectures, the death of the second aunt and the third aunt is probably due to revenge. They are definitely not suicidal. For us now, the most important thing is not to grieve, but to find out the murderer. Only in this way can we avenge them and avoid tragedy It happened again.

Tell me what kind of people you have offended in these years, and who may have killed you Ye Wuque opened the door and asked his father.

"Well, girl, this sentence is eight. I asked. Since I have been in politics for so many years, many people have offended me. There are too many people who want to kill me, so I can't give you a definite answer at all." Let Ye Wuqi be surprised that his father said so to him.

After hearing his father's words, ye Wuque is inevitably a little depressed. Although the man in front of him is not his real father, his mood is very low after all. Even if he is asked again, there will be no result. Therefore, ye Wuque does not intend to continue to ask.

The conversation between ye Wuque and his father did not get any clues, which made him disappointed. However, ye Wuque knew that the matter would not be over. Since he had been identified as a vendetta, the murderer's target was on his father's aunt. It was obvious that he wanted to destroy his father's family. The ultimate goal was probably the father, but the father died Before, any one in the family is in danger of wireless, especially he, is likely to be the next target to be attacked.Since ye Wuqian has confirmed that this matter must have something to do with the prophet of death, so he has made a decision to try to lead the other party out.

Ye Wumian knows that the best bait to lure the other party out may be himself, and the case happened at home. If the murderer commits a crime, he will deal with him at home. Therefore, ye Wuqian immediately returns to his room after he comes out of his father's room. He plans to wait in the room and wait for the murderer to attack again.

When waiting, ye Wuqian's heart is very vigilant. After all, the murderer killed two people in silence, and there must be a way beyond the long man.

But ye Wuqian was surprised that he had been in the room for three days, but there was still no accident, which made ye Wuque feel a little abnormal. The murderer was very anxious for revenge. The interval between the death of the second aunt and the third aunt was only two or three days. According to the reason, the murderer should have appeared.

Although the murderer did not appear in Ye Wuqian's room, he was more and more uneasy. He always felt that something bad was going to happen.

"Ah..." All of a sudden, a shrill scream sounded, so that ye Wuxiang immediately alerted up, which means that the danger has occurred.

Ye Wuqi immediately rushed out of the room. Judging by the sound, the voice should be from the servant sister-in-law Feng, and it was close to his mother's room, so he quickly rushed over.

When ye Wuqian arrived at the moment of his mother's room, he found that his father and servant were already crowded in the door, and were looking into the room with astonished eyes.

Later, ye Wuqian saw the situation in the house. To his surprise, the dead man was his paralyzed mother. What's more, his paralyzed mother and his two aunts died by hanging themselves.

At the moment, almost all people's faces are full of fear, because we all know that the eldest lady is paralyzed all the year round and has no ability to move. How could she hang herself?

So at this time, everyone realized that this series of tragedies was not suicide, but murder.

After a few minutes, inspector Huang also rushed into the room with people, carefully doing the inspection, the result is still no harvest.

Although the eldest wife is not ye Wuqian's real mother, after all, he is the son of someone else. Therefore, he should show his sadness and shed tears on his corpse. However, ye Wuqian's father never said a word, but his face was gloomy to the extreme. It can be seen that he still has certain feelings to deal with his first wife, at least he should More sad than when the second aunt died.

However, things have finally happened, and the death is the Yang county magistrate's wife, feeling and reason will be bereaved, so the Yangs do a big funeral, but at the same time, the Yang family offended people's things also spread, for a time rumors died, different opinions, even some people put forward the absurd theory of revenge of the unjust ghost, so people were in panic.

Although he had found the murderer three days later, he thought that there must have been no evidence for the murderer.

Three days later, the funeral is over. Ye Wuqian thinks that the murderer is likely to attack again, so he becomes more and more vigilant. However, at this time, detective Yang finds him.

"Miss Yang, I have to talk to you about one thing. After the death of the third aunt, we have been stationed in front of your house for 24 hours. During these three days, no one has been found to enter your house!" Inspector Huang opened the door to see that there was no lack of leaves.

And ye Wuque heard the words of inspector Huang, suddenly surprised, because it means that the murderer is in his home.

"Miss Yang, if you think about it carefully, who is the most suspicious person in your family?" Seeing ye Wuwu's silence, inspector Huang asked him again.

"When you say that, I really think of a suspicious person. I saw him when the second aunt was killed, and when my mother died, he was the first one to find out!" At the tip of inspector Huang, ye Wuqian suddenly thinks of a person.

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