Thinking of this, ye Wuqian thinks that the man seems to be the biggest clue in this case. Maybe you can find out the person and find some clues about the Death Prophet.

Therefore, ye Wuwei did not dare to have any hesitation, and immediately rushed to the small teahouse.

However, when ye Wuque arrived at the teahouse, he was depressed to find that the house was empty.

The only clue to the case disappeared, which disappointed Ye Wuqian. However, after careful consideration, he suddenly remembered that the man had mentioned a place under the south wall.

Ye Wuqi felt that there must be an unknown secret in this place, so he immediately left the teahouse and walked under the south wall.

The so-called south wall is under the south wall. It is equivalent to the modern labor market. Almost all the libas are distributed here. Therefore, there are people from the bottom of the society, who are known for their disorder. Generally, people with status will not come here. On the first day when ye Wuqian returned to China, his father once warned him that Nan The lower part of the city is one of the most inaccessible places.

However, in order to investigate the case, ye Wuqian also wanted to take care of too much and rushed to the south wall immediately.

When ye Wuxiang arrived here, he found that it was really chaotic. It was hard to imagine that all kinds of LIBA men in very dirty clothes were squatting under the south wall, while some housekeepers and foremen patrolled back and forth, picking and picking like rags. Whether they knocked on the arm of libahan twice, they felt like a pig dealer.

What's more, the air here is full of disgusting smell, which makes Ye Wuqi frown secretly. This is not disgusting, but because he can't accept this social state in modern society.

Ye Wuqian's appearance also set off a lot of trouble in this place. After all, ye Wuque was originally a young lady of the county magistrate's family. Naturally, she was much better dressed than other girls. What's more, ye Wuhuan came back from a study abroad. She dressed up differently from the local girls, which surprised them.

However, after all, these Liba men are working people living at the bottom of the society, and they are under too much pressure. Therefore, when looking at Ye Wushi, they do not stare at Ye Wushi as if they were modern people, but looked down at them secretly. It seems that they are afraid of getting into trouble.

Originally, ye Wuxiang thought that he would get some news when he came here, but to his surprise, because of his clothes, the noisy environment was quieted down, and he himself became the focus. It was impossible for him to get any information. However, ye Wuque had to leave.

after returning home, ye Wuqian felt that he had to change his clothes if he wanted to find out about the news in the south city. So he changed his clothes into a servant's clothes and came to the south city again.

After coming here again, ye Wuqian found that it was totally different from before. He had almost become the focus when he came here last time. Now, no one has noticed him at all. Therefore, all kinds of noisy voices are constantly heard, which makes him feel a bit noisy.

However, this is exactly what ye wants to see. Only in this environment can he get useful information for himself.

"Have you heard, brother? The prophecy on the stone has come true, and the head of county Yang's family is dead again! " All of a sudden, a voice reached ye Wumian's ear, which made ye Wuque immediately surprised. It seems that he has finally gained something.

Ye Wuque pretends to be careless and walks over to the two men who are talking. He wants to listen carefully to what these two people are saying.

"I said, brother, are you kidding? That stone is a divine stone. When did it not work? If there is an accident in the Yang family, that's what you deserve! " At this time, another companion said to him.

"Yes, the Yangs deserve what they deserve. I think there will be prophecies on the stone. There is no end to the Yang family's business!" Someone cut in.

After hearing these people's words, ye Wuqian was shocked. He didn't expect that all the prophecies came from a stone. However, ye Wuqian was assigned the task of looking for a Death Prophet. How could a stone be a Death Prophet? Ye Wuxiang couldn't understand.

"Brothers, what's the matter with the stone? Can you tell me? " Although Ye Wuqian couldn't understand, he always felt that there was a certain relationship between those cases and the Death Prophet, and now there has been a prophecy. That stone must be an important clue, so ye Wuque must try to find out.

"Hey, little brother, you don't even know the divinity stone that can be predicted. Are you from other places?" The man who spoke before was a little surprised and said to Ye Wuwei.

"I I'm from the countryside, so I don't know much about the stone! " Ye Wuqi said with some embarrassment.

In his mind, he knew that the divinity stone's ability to predict was not heard in the teahouse, probably because the people who knew the news were basically Liba men, and they had no money to go to the teahouse.

"Then I'll tell you something to let you know. This stone has been a butcher's sharpening stone for some years. Just a few years ago, when butcher Wang was sharpening his knife on this stone, he saw a line of blood on the stone, which said that an old man would drown in the moat. At that time, butcher Wang did not take this matter seriously. However, he came back at night When I was passing by the moat, I really heard someone calling for help. When he ran to the place, the man was drowned. After picking up the corpse, he found that it was the old man written on the stone. Therefore, the ability of the stone to prophesy was spread. Since then, such a prophecy has appeared on the stone almost every once in a while It's very accurate. A few days ago, the names of the Yang family appeared frequently in the stone. It seems that the Yang family is in big trouble! " The man explained to Ye.After hearing this man's words, ye Wuqian is more sure that this stone must have a great relationship with the Death Prophet he is looking for.

"Brother, can you show me the stone?" Ye Wuwei asked the other party.

"Of course, it's no problem. If people come here, if they don't look at the stone, they will come for nothing!" The man was very enthusiastic, and immediately stood up and walked forward with Ye Wuwei, while the onlookers followed.

It is said that when the stone is smooth on the surface of the stone, it is said that there is no stone on the surface of the stone.

"You see, the prophecy comes again! What's written on it? Who knows the characters? Read it to everyone The man who came here with Ye Wuwei exclaimed in surprise.

"Yang Fugui is greedy for money and lust, and raises evil spirits at home. As the mayor of a town, he will harm one side." Ye Wuwei read it out slowly.

"Look, I'll tell you, Yang Fugui is not a good thing. They are going to be punished by heaven when the Yang family is finished!"

"Yes, I don't know who will die next!"

"It's time to The Yang family has suffered retribution! "

The people were talking about the way.

At the moment, ye Wuqian was silent. Although in the eyes of ordinary people, this stone must be the will of the gods, and in his opinion, someone must be playing tricks. Although he came here is a fantastic thing, and he has to believe some superstitious ideas, but he knows that his task is to find out the death prediction Therefore, he decided that the characters on this stone must be artificial.

What's more, the meaning between the lines is very clear. It's aimed at his father. Before that, he and detective Huang inferred that the series of deaths might have been vendetta, but now it seems that it is not what they had predicted before, and it is likely that they were carried out for some political purposes.

Thinking of this, ye Wuqian thinks that this matter is becoming more and more complicated. However, if you want to find a prophet of death, you must start with stones.

Therefore, ye wumianzai carefully observed the stone and its surrounding areas, and found that there were traces of water on the surface of the stone. Moreover, there were a few scattered pig hairs around the stone!

Although Ye Wuqi does not know whether this is a favorable clue for the time being, he still keeps all this firmly in his heart.

However, for ye Wuqian, the most important thing is not to find out who this person is, but to go home first. After all, the prophecy on the stone has appeared, and the next victim is likely to be his father.

If in the other party's attack, will deal with the catch, it will save a lot of trouble, so the leaves will not stop to rush home.

Let ye Wuque feel a little relieved that after ye Wuque returned home, he found his father was in a daze in the living room. His mood was very low, and it seemed that he was still in the pain of death of his relatives.

"Dad Ye Wuqi calls softly to Yang county magistrate!

"What's the matter, girl?" Perhaps because of the frequent sufferings of his relatives, Yang county magistrate, who had been doting on his son, cared more about his son. He was full of concern in his eyes.

"I'm all right. Take care of yourself." Although he called this man's father in his mouth, he was not his real father after all, so he didn't have much to say, just said with concern.

"I'm fine. You should be more careful these days. Don't always run outside if you have nothing. It's better to be safe at home." Yang county magistrate warned his son.

"Don't worry, Dad. I'll be fine." After finishing this sentence, ye Wuqian did not return to his room, but sat down opposite his father. He had to guard at the side of county magistrate Yang all the time. After all, the next person to be killed is Yang county magistrate, which is a rare opportunity for him.

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