Let ye Wuque feel relieved that it has been two days, he almost always guard at his father's side, but his father has not had any accident.

However, ye Wuque did not relax his vigilance. After all, he had mastered the law before. The case cycle is three days. Only after three days, can he completely relax.

However, the three days did not pass, but inspector Huang found the door and let ye Wuwu be surprised.

"Detective Huang, what can I do for you?" Ye Wuqian said politely to inspector Huang.

"I've come to see you. Something really matters. Can we talk about it alone?" Inspector Huang said to Ye Wuwei.

When ye Wuqian saw inspector Huang in this way, he realized that he might have mastered very important information, so he left with him.

Soon, the two people again came to the small teahouse, and found a relatively quiet elegant room to sit down.

"Detective Huang, you can tell me what you want." Ye Wuqi's heart is very anxious, said to inspector Huang.

"In fact, I came here to look for you because of a stone. After my investigation over the past few days, I found that there had been prophecies on that stone before the accident happened to your family. However, this stone is in the south of the city, so I only learned about this situation recently. Moreover, just two days ago, the word appeared on the stone again, and I thought it was your family's accident So as like as two peas, I almost concentrated all the police force on your house, which is something that nobody can think of. This is not a trouble at home. Instead, ordinary people have done something wrong. In these two days, more than 10 people have hung Dutch act, and the death is exactly the same as the three massacre before. Inspector Huang said to Ye Wuwei.

After ye Wuqian heard the words of inspector Huang, the whole person was shocked, because he had seen the stone, and had no idea that such a thing would happen.

"This I have seen that stone, and it is because I read the words on the stone that I have been guarding my father at home for the past two days, but I didn't realize that it was a common people who died! " Ye Wuqi also said with great surprise.

"It seems that we have misjudged this matter before!" After a moment's silence, inspector Huang said to Ye Wuwei.

"What do you think?" Ye Wuqian saw inspector Huang say this, and knew that inspector Huang must have some ideas, so he eagerly pursued him.

"The two of us talked about this case before and defined it as vendetta. But now it seems that the matter is not so simple. Even if it is a vendetta, it certainly has nothing to do with ordinary people, and now ordinary people are suffering. So I feel that this matter seems to have something to do with politics.

If you think about it, the spearhead will be directed at your father, and then there will be people killed in succession. It is very likely that your father's political opponents want to seize power, which led to this incident! " Inspector Huang seriously analyzed Ye Wuwei.

"You are right. I have conjectured that, but what I don't understand is, since we want to seize power, what will hinder these ordinary people?" Ye Wuxiang has some unknown reasons.

"You don't understand that. Whether in feudal dynasty or in modern times, people should take the people as the foundation. Public opinion is very important. But now, your family is in trouble first, and some slanders against your father appear on the stone. It is by taking advantage of the ignorance of the common people that more people think that all the disasters are caused by your father, People's spearheads will be directed at your father. In this way, your father will surely be ousted. Therefore, if we want to keep your father's position, we must make clear the case.

However, if this case is really as I have guessed, the perpetrators must have a very high status and even have certain real power. We will certainly encounter great resistance in investigating the case! " Inspector Huang said to Ye Wuwei.

After hearing this analysis of inspector Huang, ye Wuqian also felt that it was very reasonable. Therefore, his eyebrows grew tighter and tighter. He was not worried about his father's position, but about whether he could complete the task.

"What shall we do now After all, this is Ye Wuqian's first experience. When he has no idea, he asks inspector Huang.

"If the murderer attacks your family again, it's not difficult for us to find the murderer. But now it seems that if the murderer starts to attack the common people, we must not be able to defend it. Therefore, the only clue for us is the big Bluestone!" Inspector Huang said to Ye Wuwei.

"Yes, that big Bluestone is indeed an important clue. It is very likely that the real murderer will be caught by following the vines. Detective Huang, I suddenly remembered that when I was observing the words on the big Bluestone, I found that there was a little pig hair near the big Bluestone!" Ye Wuqi suddenly thought of some clues he had found and said to captain Huang.

"Pig hair? What kind of clue is this? As far as I know, that big Bluestone was originally a grindstone for killing pigs, with a little pig hair, it's nothing! " Detective Huang said casually.

"No, detective, have you ever thought that pig hair is very light and easy to be blown away by the wind. Moreover, after the first butcher found the prediction on the bluestone, I believe no butcher will go there again to sharpen his knife. Therefore, the pig hair must have appeared recently. What's more, the font is red, which may be pig's blood, so pig hair is an important clue Maybe it was written by some butcher! " After thinking for a moment, ye Wuqian reminds inspector Huang."You are right. It seems that I was negligent. In this way, I immediately sent someone to touch the cards and check all the butchers. I believe that if there is something to do with the butcher, there will be some clues." After finishing this sentence, inspector Huang left in a hurry.

Although many ordinary people are in trouble now, ye Wuxiang is still not at ease. Moreover, the important clues have been informed to detective Huang. He believes that detective Huang will surely get something, so he hurried home.

After arriving at home, ye Wuque found that Yang county magistrate still did not suffer from any accident, so he was a little relieved.

The time of the day passed in a twinkling of an eye. In the early morning of the next day, inspector Huang once again made an appointment with Ye Wuwei.

"How about it? Is there any result? " After they had just arrived at the elegant room of the teahouse and sat down, ye Wuqian asked inspector Huang eagerly.

"The clue is that we found a butcher surnamed Zhang was literate, so we went to his house to check, but we went late. When we arrived at butcher Zhang's house, he had hanged himself!" Inspector Huang said to Ye Wuwei.

"It's killing people!" After hearing the words of inspector Huang, ye Wuque immediately said.

In his opinion, as long as his task is not completed, the case will not be closed, so he is so sure.

"My guess is the same, but the death of butcher Zhang has broken our only clue. Moreover, the trouble will be more and more serious." Inspector Huang said to Ye Wuwei with some worry.

"If we have a short clue, we can find it again. As long as the murderer continues to commit the crime, there will be some clues left." Although ye Wumian is also eager to complete the task as soon as possible, it is almost impossible to complete the task in a short time from the current situation. After all, there is no clue at all, and he can only encourage Huang Tan Chang.

"You're right. As long as the murderer continues to commit crimes, there will be clues. What I worry about is not whether we can catch the murderer. What I worry about most is that the more serious this case is, the more people die, the more flustered the people will be. These ignorant people will certainly make some drastic actions in panic. I'm worried about your family..." Inspector Huang said to Ye Wuwei.

After hearing the words of detective Huang, ye Wuque realized the seriousness of the situation. It seems that he does not have too much time. He must make all these things clear as soon as possible.

Ye Wuqi remembers that when he just came out, everything was as usual at home, and nothing happened, so he didn't worry too much. He still thought about the bluestone in his heart.

But after all, the only clue has been broken. I'm afraid it will be difficult to find the murderer in a short time. Ye Wuqian has been thinking about it for a long time, but he still has no clue. Detective Huang also sighs for a long time and has no idea at all.

"Miss Yang, I don't think it's a good idea to be stuffy in the teahouse all the time. We'd better split up and find some clues." Inspector Huang seemed to be unable to sit still and said to ye Wuque.

"That's what I think. I'll leave for the time being." Ye no fault nods.

After two people paid the bill, they separated at the door of the teahouse. Ye Wuqian walked home, but found nothing unexpected.

At present, the family is stable, so ye Wuqian can rest assured. He thinks about the case carefully, but he still has no clue. Therefore, he is very distressed.

In a flash, one night passed. In the early morning of the next day, ye Wuqian was woken up. He found that his door was noisy. When he opened the window, he found that the door was full of people, all ordinary people. Among the crowd, there were huge banners, which said that the County Magistrate Yang was going down to punish evil spirits.

At this time, Yang county magistrate sat on the sofa, frowned, did not say a word, looked very lost, and housekeepers and servants all bowed their heads, looked afraid.

After seeing this scene, ye felt that the storm had finally come, and he also knew that it was becoming more and more serious.

But after all, he did not have any clues, so he wanted to go out of the house and look for detective Huang for clues.

"Girl, don't go out!" At the moment when ye Wuque was about to open the room, Yang county magistrate suddenly called out to him.

"Why?" Ye Wuxiang is very confused in his heart. These people just want to drive Yang county magistrate out of office. He is not a weak woman?

"This..." Detective Yang stopped talking and did not say why.

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