The fifth heaven.

In the Tianqing area adjacent to the west of the Blue Star area, the dragon girl was shouting at Jiang Chen:

“Stop it, Wushi!”

She couldn’t understand why Wushi became a different person when he heard that she wanted to accept a disciple.

“Kill, leave no one alive!”

But Jiang Chen’s clone directly issued a kill order, then shook his head and said:

“Master, I will explain the specific reason to you after I kill this beast. Besides, it’s enough for me to escort you on the way to the West. Who needs brothers?”

No wonder the Qinggui clan’s territory is so strong. It can hold out for 1 minute with one tenth of its own army, and it has tens of thousands of mythical legions. It turns out that its lord is also the pride of the ancient Buddha clan selected from among all the clans, that is, one of his “junior brothers”.

Since that’s the case, he can’t be spared!

At Jiang Chen’s command, including Cynthia, except for those who could not reveal their cards, 400,000 territory masters came out in full force, including nearly 200,000 mythical legions.

The empress and ten others directly showed the nearly 10,000-meter-high Fatianxiangdi, and hammered the protective shield below. If the Green Ghost Clan’s territory was not one level higher than Jiang Chen’s, and the territory’s protective shield had been specially strengthened, it would have been destroyed long ago.

The Green Ghost Clan lord with a green face and fangs below was terrified and shouted for help:

“Master, save me, my eldest brother is crazy!”


Why did my eldest brother want to kill me?

What happened to the brotherly respect?

“Traitor, I told you to stop!”

The Dragon Girl Zen Master was furious, transformed into a furious Vajra, emitting billions of Buddha lights all over her body, awe-inspiring and inviolable. As the Buddhist beads were twisted, an obscure spell came out of her mouth.

“Jiliguala… Jiliguala…”


Jiang Chen’s clone screamed, holding his head with both hands and rolling wildly on the deck of the Sky City, even hitting the deck with his head. Even so, it seemed that the pain that penetrated deep into his soul could not be relieved at all.

“Master… Stop chanting… Please stop chanting…”

In the palace in the deep space of the territory.

Various mythical spiritual fruits were placed on the table in front of the throne. The main bodies of the empress and Cynthia and others were leaning on both sides of Jiang Chen, and dozens of fallen goddess warriors below were performing a vulgar dance.

In the front of the screen, the situation inside and outside the territory was being broadcast live.

Jiang Chen looked at the performance of the clone and took a breath of cold air.

“Hiss… What a vicious tight spell… Um…”

Jiang Chen clearly felt that after the tight spell was chanted, the soul of the clone was weak.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, the empress fed him a purple crystal grape.

“Fortunately, the master was cautious, otherwise you would be lying outside now.”

Jiang Chen nodded, agreeing deeply.

“This ancient Buddha clan used both soft and hard tactics, no wonder even Monkey Brother couldn’t stand it. With my willpower, if it weren’t for the clone holding up in front, I would have surrendered sooner or later.”

Jiang Chen still had some idea of ​​his willpower.

Under the full force of the strong men in Jiang Chen’s territory, the protective shield of the Qinggui clan’s territory below only lasted for more than ten seconds before it broke, and Xin Xiya turned into a lightning and rushed down.


Accompanied by a dying scream, the hideous head of the Qinggui clan lord soared into the sky, and the headless corpse fell to the ground unwillingly.

This Qinggui clan lord is very strong, and his combat power is definitely far superior to Ying Yinman at the same level. It can be imagined that he must have experienced many storms and countless adventures to achieve today’s achievements.

In order to join the Journey to the West plan, he defeated countless competitors and found countless relationships.

If everything goes well, after the Journey to the West mission, he can directly advance from the initial myth to the advanced myth, reaching the sky in one step.

But he didn’t expect to meet Jiang Chen, who didn’t play by the rules, and died before he could accomplish his mission.


The death of the second disciple made the Dragon Girl look ashen, and she even forgot to recite the spell, but asked in a stern voice:

“Why? Although his hands were once stained with blood, he had already turned back and decided to convert to my Buddha. Why did you, a traitor, kill him?”

After more than ten seconds, Jiang Chen’s clone gradually woke up from the severe pain, but his voice was still trembling.

“Master, you know that the reason I did this is actually the instruction of my Buddha to me.”

“You… nonsense!” The Dragon Girl was so angry that she almost broke the precept of anger.

“My Dharma name Wushi was given to me by the Buddha himself, isn’t that right?”

“So what?”

“Then do you know the reason why the Buddha gave me this Dharma name?”

“Shi means Buddha, so it is for you to understand the true meaning of Buddhism and embark on the right path!”

“That’s one reason!” Jiang Chen said seriously, “But if you understand it this way, then it’s a bit superficial.Shallow.”

“Oh?” Dragon Girl was successfully misled by Jiang Chen, frowning and saying, “You mean this Dharma name has a deeper meaning?”

“Of course!”

Jiang Chen did not keep the secret, and said shockingly:

“Those who understand the Dharma are pragmatic! The purpose of my Buddha giving me this Dharma name is to make me a pragmatic person. Why did you and I go to the West to obtain the scriptures? Of course, it is for the 30 million merits. Killing a second junior brother will reduce the merits in the future. This is not burdened by false reputation, this is pragmatic, and this is the deep meaning of understanding the Dharma.”

Speaking of this, Jiang Chen looked to the west, his eyes full of admiration:

“I also pondered for a long time, and then I suddenly realized it and understood the good intentions of my Buddha. It is true that the Dharma is boundless and profound! ”

The dragon girl’s mouth grew bigger and bigger: “You…you…”

The Buddha’s instructions are confusing.

For the same instruction, whatever you understand is what it is, as long as you can explain the reason.

Anyway, from ancient times to the present, the Buddha has never personally explained it. At most, he would give a few glances, a few gestures, and a few mysterious smiles, and then you can understand it yourself.

Simpler Buddhist teachings, such as the saying of the eminent monk Shenxiu, “The body is a bodhi tree, and the mind is like a mirror stand”; and the Sixth Patriarch Huineng immediately refuted “There is no bodhi tree, and the mirror is not a stand”. To outsiders, it is just a word game between two nitpickers. Only those who have just started Buddhism can understand the reason.

The most profound Buddhist teachings are the “establishing end-to-end links and creating a stable Buddha domain middle platform” that Sakyamuni often talks about. It is all-encompassing and contains the ultimate truth of Buddhism. Not to mention the beginners of Buddhism, ordinary Arhats are confused when they hear it. Only the top Bodhisattvas like Guanyin can understand it. If you can understand the basics of these two sentences, then you can go anywhere in the world.

So for Jiang Chen’s explanation, Long Nu hesitated for a long time and didn’t know how to refute it.

It seems… it makes sense.

Jiang Chen said seriously: “Master, my Buddha’s verses are not only for me, but also for you, so I will not only fight for these 30 million merits, but you will also fight for them!”

“I want to fight for them too?”

Long Nu was a little confused.

“Yes! You have to fight for them too!” Jiang Chen said firmly, “Only in this way can we fight for a future! Fight for eternity in this life! Master, please believe me, if you and I join forces, it is not impossible to directly promote to the Eternal Two Stars or even the Eternal Three Stars in the future! ”

“Eternal Two Stars…” The Dragon Girl’s breath was choked.

No matter how devoted she was to Buddhism, she could not suppress her underlying desire to become stronger as a lord.

Of course, it was still too early to take out the powerful weapon of the Dragon Essence Blood, and at this moment they were probably under close surveillance by the Ancient Buddha Clan, so Jiang Chen stopped there.

The big guys in the Posuo Buddha Realm who observed this scene through special means were also confused.

The Golden Headed Arhat doubted: “Master, your Buddhist teachings are the most profound. Does Sakyamuni Tathagata really want Wu Shi to be pragmatic? If he understands, he can share 30 million merits with the Dragon Girl and the other two?”

“This…” Guanyin Master was 99% sure that Jiang Chen was talking nonsense, but the matter was of great importance, so she didn’t dare to say anything, and could only argue, “The way of heaven is unpredictable. All we can do is to act according to the plan and not let the Buddha down. ”

So is that right or wrong?

Golden Head Arhat didn’t understand and said with a headache: “The second junior brother is gone, will the third junior brother come on stage next?”

Manjusri Bodhisattva suddenly frowned and said: “Do you think that Wu Shi’s performance when he was under the tight hoop curse was a bit monkey-like?”

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