After Manjusri Bodhisattva said this, everyone looked strange.

The Golden Head Arhat was very inquisitive: “So, fellow Bodhisattvas, will the Third Junior Brother appear again?”

“He was killed by Jiang Chen when he appeared, so my suggestion is to postpone the expansion of the team in advance…”

Samantabhadra Bodhisattva’s Buddhist teachings were inferior, so he gave a relatively clear opinion.

But he also raised another question:

“What I’m thinking is, now that the second senior brother has fallen, should we keep the plot where the four of us transform into beauties to test the pilgrim team?”

Avalokitesvara immediately shook his head: “The second senior brother is gone, who else can we test, Jiang Chen? Jiang Chen doesn’t need to be tested at all, because he will definitely fail.”

Manjusri Bodhisattva suddenly suggested: “This time Jiang Chen disobeyed the master’s order and killed his junior brother without authorization. Should we let the Dragon Girl Zen Master expel him from the sect and drive him back to the Blue Star Domain?”

“No!” Avalokitesvara said helplessly, “When the monkey was expelled from the sect by Xuanzang after fighting the White Bone Demon three times, it was based on the deep feelings between the master and the apprentice. If Jiang Chen is driven back to the Blue Star Domain now, I’m afraid Jiang Chen will never come back.”

“This is not okay, and that is not okay. How should the plot be advanced next?”

Jiang Chen’s unconventional moves completely disrupted the script of the Ancient Buddha Clan, making the Bodhisattvas and Arhats present in a state of panic.

Jiang Chen’s side.

Ever since he killed the leader of the Green Ghost Clan, he has been on high alert.

But after waiting for more than a year, there was no movement from the Ancient Buddha Clan, and Jiang Chen gradually relaxed his tense nerves.

“This matter is over, but I don’t know what tricks the Ancient Buddha Clan has?”

The most important reason why he killed his “junior brother” was indeed as he said to the Dragon Girl: the total merits remained unchanged at 30 million, and for every additional person who came to share the cake, Jiang Chen would get one less.

If the Dragon Girl was not a “mission NPC”, Jiang Chen would have wanted to kill the Dragon Girl as well, and then go to obtain the scriptures himself and enjoy the 30 million merits alone.

Since the Dragon Girl could not be abandoned, Jiang Chen could only win over the Dragon Girl to his side, after all, she was a future eternal lord.

So the second goal was to eliminate all other lords who might appear around the Dragon Girl, whether male or female.

In this way, the Dragon Girl would focus all her energy on him, and the greater the cost of silence, the harder it would be to give up.

While Jiang Chen was thinking, the empress suddenly stepped out of the void.

“Master, this territory in front of us is a bit troublesome!”

For more than a year, Jiang Chen, relying on his strength and means, has protected the Dragon Girl through 10 territories.

At this rate, it will only take ten years for the two to reach the Tongtian River.

“Why, the enemy is very strong?”

“It’s not a problem at the combat level,” the empress said distressedly, “The territory we are currently in is called the Unrestrained Wilderness, which is the orc territory. This orc territory is suffering from famine this year. The Beast King said that he wants to pass the Jade Butterfly, but he must ensure that all the orc legions are well fed.”


Jiang Chen was speechless.

Ascension does not take care of non-war lords, so the number of farming lords has begun to decrease sharply since the sixth heaven. It is not surprising that the orcs, a race that is not good at planting, are suffering from famine.

But to feed all the orc legions in a territory, who knows how much food is needed?

I don’t know if this was the original script, or if the ancient Buddha clan secretly made some tricks to increase the difficulty.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen brought countless farming lords with him when he ascended to the sky with the whole state.

“It seems that this time we can only rely on hardware…”

After thinking about it, Jiang Chen couldn’t think of any tricks, so he could only say helplessly:

“My real body is not easy to show up, Queen, you go back to the Blue Star Domain to mobilize the farming lords in the God Domain to collect food. If it’s still not enough, go to the territories of Feilengcui, Taishangtianyu, etc., and borrow food from them in my name. No matter how much you borrow, I will pay it back double in the future.”

This time I have invested a lot of money. If I can’t advance to eternity, it will be a big loss.

Jiang Chen thought to himself.

The Queen nodded: “I’ll do it now.”

If you have the jade butterfly that passes through a certain domain, you have the right to the arbitrary door of this domain, so if the Queen wants to return to the Blue Star Domain, she only needs to teleport a few times.

In the primitive and rough palace.

Although the dragon girl looked calm, she was extremely anxious.

The Beast King’s request was an impossible task, unless more than one-tenth of the lords in the Dragon Valley were mobilized to hunt for the free wilderness.

Although she was the daughter of the Ancestral Dragon, there were more than a hundred known Ancestral Dragon lords in the Dragon Valley, and there were not many Dragon Lords in the Dragon Valley who had a good impression of Buddhism.

If she stayed in the free wilderness for too long and could not complete the quest within 20 years, she would alsoLose the best chance to advance to eternity forever.

Thinking of this, the Dragon Girl immediately cast her eyes on Jiang Chen.

Perhaps, this omnipotent disciple can create miracles again.

Jiang Chen has decided to swell his face and pretend to be fat, so he said solemnly:

“Master, do you still remember what I said before, as long as you and I join forces, let alone advance to eternity, even eternity two stars, eternity three stars are not impossible. Our master and disciple are of one mind, and their strength can break metal.”

Looking at Jiang Chen’s confident expression, the Dragon Girl actually gave birth to an inexplicable trust and dependence in her heart.

A few days later, when the Beast King was impatient and wanted to order him to leave, Jiang Chen waved his hand lightly, and the Jiang Emperor’s Chronicles swelled in the wind, and soon turned into a size of tens of kilometers.

The pages of the book turned, and various grains poured out from the deep space. In the stunned eyes of everyone, they soon piled up into a mountain range hundreds of kilometers high.

“These should be enough!”

“Good disciple…” Long Nu was overjoyed, looking at Jiang Chen excitedly and speechless.

Jiang Chen smiled slightly and gently held Long Nu’s hand: “Master, don’t worry, I’m here.”

Long Nu quickly pulled her hand back and glared at Jiang Chen fiercely.

No spell to tighten the hoop!

“Good! Jiang Chen really paid out of his own pocket to fill the famine in the wild!”

On Lingshan Mountain, Guanyin Bodhisattva clapped his hands:

“The more Jiang Chen pays for the mission, the greater the cost of silence, and the more difficult it will be to give up in the future. And with Jiang Chen’s previous character of taking advantage of others, he must have been influenced by the Dragon Girl if he was willing to pay such a high price this time!”

The Golden Head Arhat sighed: “Who would have thought that the 81 difficulties we carefully arranged would be pushed aside by Jiang Chen. Fortunately, we finally caused a famine in the wild before they arrived and modified the difficulty of the mission.”

With 81 territories as the mission scene, and a real scene, such a big move, even the Ancient Buddha Clan must adapt to local conditions and cannot increase the difficulty of the mission at will.

Guanyin: “How is the next scene being modified?”

Golden Head Arhat said quickly:

“Great Master, we have secretly tampered with the Mother and Child River and cut out the plot that originally caused Jiang Chen to get pregnant unexpectedly.”

“Now, if Jiang Chen wants to pass through the Kingdom of Women, he must take risks and break Jiang Chen’s way of hiding. Once the broken window effect is formed, Jiang Chen can never go back.”

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