Di Lieba, who was sitting in the living room, wanted to stop Song Xiaobao, but he didn't respond at all. Obviously, he had entered his own world again.

I saw him telling the story on his own, and said, "That year, it was dark one night, and I went out for a walk when I had nothing to do. When I was walking, I walked under the street lights. When I saw a woman, I would go for a walk. Smile at him like that, the girl looks at me and (turns) and runs away..."

Having said that, Song Xiaobao learned from the woman's movements and expressions, and said, "You are running and shouting, oh my mother, damn it! Whose teeth have become fine, and they are floating out by themselves!"

The audience burst into laughter!

"I'll go, I'm really convinced of this guy's self-deprecating spirit. There aren't many people in the entertainment industry who dare to laugh at themselves like this, right?"

"'Oh my god, what the hell! Who's teeth are getting better!' I can laugh at this for a whole year!"

"I really like this guy, I'm quite proud to see him! This Nima really doesn't give you any insight!"

"I feel that this guy must have discussed with his master Liu Xun Da Huyou today, and he is ready to make us laugh to death!"

"Crying and crying and begging for some painkillers, I'm dying of laughter, which boss can give me some alms!".This e-book is uploaded and shared by netizens of Shuwu Novel Network (www.shu05.com).

Chapter [-] Whose teeth have become fine!

The sketch continued, Liu Xun and Yang Mi were also amused by Song Xiaobao and walked out of the back room.

When Liu Xun came to Di Lieba's side, he handed the rose that he had just snatched from Song Xiaobao to her, and said, "The flower is for you, take it!"

After taking the flowers, Di Lieba's eyes flashed a moment of emotion, and said, "Thank you."

When she said this, the friendship in her eyes was about to turn into water!

However, Liu Xun didn't notice the change here. Instead, he looked at Song Xiaobao suspiciously and asked, "Did you not believe in the constellation last month? Why is this considered a fate?"

Song Xiaobao said with a look of contempt: "Oh, _My God..."

His appearance made the audience burst into laughter again.

Then he continued: "That was last year! Last year I believed in the horoscope, this year I believe in the five elements (háng)."

Di Lieba, who was on the side, didn't listen well and corrected, "That's the five elements (xíng)!"

Then Song Xiaobao slapped her on the arm again and said with a big laugh, "Just say yes!!!"

The audience was amused by his silly appearance.

"This stuff is so funny, it made me laugh to death!"

"Okay, your sister! Song Xiaobao, I warn you, try to touch my goddess Fat Di again!!! Look how scared my goddess Fat Di is!"

On the stage, Di Lieba awkwardly rubbed his arm, pushed Song Xiaobao, and said, "Why is this person so interesting!"

Song Xiaobao was still immersed in his own world, and said with a big laugh: "Listen to you, gold, wood, water, fire, and soil, every sixty years, gold overcomes wood, wood overcomes soil, soil overcomes water, and water overcomes fire..."

Suddenly, Liu Xun on the side was speechless, and interjected: "You beat me!"

Immediately, there were bursts of continuous laughter.

"Hahaha, Liu Xun Da Huyou's words are true six!"

"This motherfucker has nothing wrong with it, it's quite neat, and there's nothing wrong with it at all!"

On the stage, Song Xiaobao heard Liu Xun's words, with a look of disbelief, and said, "Pax blind, we are not married, how can we restrain you, what is your life?"

Liu Xun looked at him, frowned and said, "My life is hard!"

The audience laughed again!

"Pfft! God-like suffering!"

"Liu Xun Da Huyou, if you are suffering, what kind of life are we?"

"These choked people are too sudden! There is no defensive preparation at all!"

On the stage, Song Xiaobao seemed to have not heard Liu Xun's words clearly.

Suddenly he said with a smile: "Big brother, you gave birth to me! Hehehe..."

Liu Xun laughed and said, "Oh my mother! Who am I going to have to give birth to a scumbag like you? Really...and give birth to him again!"

The audience burst into laughter!

"What and what?"

"Please answer, how did such a funny son come to be?"

"One day is a teacher, life is a father, Song Xiaobao is right!"

"How should I put it, Song Xiaobao's amusing ability obviously comes from Liu Xun. From this aspect, Liu Xun's birth to Song Xiaobao is right!"

On the stage, Liu Xun didn't bother to talk to Song Xiaobao, who couldn't be bothered, and went back to the back room first.

At this time, Yang Mi tugged at Song Xiaobao and said, "Xiao Song! Go to that room and talk to your elder brother for a while!"

Liu Xun waved at him in the back room, scolding: "Why did you still start?"

Di Lieba followed, and also scolded: "What are you doing?"

Obviously, he has been holding back for a long time, and he wanted to say a few words to Song Xiaobao for a long time.

However, Song Xiaobao was still confused, unable to understand the situation, and said, "What's wrong?"

Yang Mi motioned to Liu Xun and asked him to chat with Song Xiaobao to teach him.

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