"Liu Xun's young couple, this harmony is absolutely amazing, don't say it, it's really slippery!"

"Being treated like this by the two of them, Mr. Li's face is really dark now. Now, let's see if Mr. Li is protecting the calf or upholding justice!"

"What is concentric husband and wife, and its profit cut off the money, the township chief has nothing to say, I've seen it today!"

On the stage, when Teacher Li heard this, he finally understood the whole story.

He looked at Liu Xun and said with a smile, "You're always the old fish-breeding king, Mr. Zhao, aren't you?"

Liu Xun responded: "It's the scumbag!"

Teacher Li smiled and said, "I recognized you as soon as you came in."

Hearing this, Liu Xun wilted, hid behind Yang Mi, and whispered, "Mom, the mayor recognized me."

The audience is all laughing crazy!

"Liu Xun Da Huyou still has such a fearful side? It's rare, this is the first time I've seen it!"

"You are a supporter of the king, what else is it... I learned this from there!"

"Haha, I've been recognized now, I don't have to run now, right? I guess Teacher Li is going to start to clean up Liu Xun's big fudge!"

"I don't think so, Mr. Li is a decent person and shouldn't cover up his brother-in-law!".

Chapter [-]: Social I, Liu Xun, is a big fool! 【For subscription】

Chapter [-]: Social I, Liu Xun, is a big fool!

The sketch was still going on, Liu Xun had already hid behind him, Yang Mi rolled his eyes at him, and had no choice but to laugh, looking at Teacher Li, and said, "Head of the township, it's not because of this fish that the two of us came to ask. Tang, isn't this due? Let's ask who the next issue will be paid to?"

Teacher Li looked a little unnatural, and said, "Oh, about this matter, you wait for the New Year, and the next township mayor will inform you."

Yang Mi asked in surprise, "The next one?"

Teacher Li nodded and said, "Yeah!"

Liu Xun, who was hiding behind Yang Mi, suddenly came out and said, "You can tell!"

After he finished speaking, he hid behind Yang Mi again.

The audience laughed again.

"Hahaha, I've never seen Liu Xun fooling around with "one-one-zero" like this!"

"Liu Xun is a fool, this is not your style. You can't fool the righteous, you can fool the traitor, the young couple is doing well, can you tell him apart? Why not now? Are you fooling?"

"It's rare to see Teacher Li pressing Liu Xun's head, it's cool!!!"

On the stage, Teacher Li helplessly shook his head and smiled, and said, "Isn't this just after the people's congress, I'm no longer the mayor."

Yang Mi looked shocked and said, "Are you down?"

Teacher Li nodded and said, "Ah! It's already down, hehehe!"

Liu Xun, who had been hiding behind Yang Mi, suddenly straightened his waist, and the submissive look on his face disappeared in an instant.

The audience burst into laughter instantly!

"Let me go, Liu Xun's flickering reaction is too big, and he won't slack in an instant!"

"Pfft! Zhao Laoluo instantly changed his voice to Zhao Zhankuang!"

"It's over, Mr. Li is no longer the mayor, and Liu Xun is about to start to be arrogant again!"

"Mr. Li, how can you come down? You haven't taken care of Liu Xun's bluffing!"

On the stage, Liu Xun and Yang Mi's expressions all changed [-] degrees.

Yang Mi breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the chair carelessly.

Liu Xun's change was even greater, and it was as if he had changed his personality in an instant.

I saw that he lifted his trousers belt, touched the sweat on his forehead, and said, "Aiya, my mother, you said earlier that you will make me tired... This guy is equal when he comes down. I don't have to be afraid of you anymore, oops, come down."

Saying this, he turned around a few times, trying to calm down, but he was obviously choked up just now!

Seeing such a big change before and after the two, the audience laughed again!

"It turns out that these young couples were all pretending before. It's amazing, I was deceived by you all!"

"This reversal is too sudden and too extreme, I can't even react!"

"How come there is a feeling that the peasants have turned over and become the masters?"

"I feel like something is going to happen, Liu Xun Da Huyou will definitely start to find his place!"

On the stage, the changes in Liu Xun's couple made Teacher Li a little stunned, and he didn't react at once.

However, now Liu Xun and Yang Mi will still care about his feelings.

Directly, Yang Mi sat comfortably on the chair, with an unceremonious look, and said, "Will you give us some water? This guy's voice is dry."

Teacher Li was stunned again, and didn't say much. He got up and replied with a smile: "Okay, okay."

Yang Mi loosened his scarf with a cheerful look on his face, and said, "Oh my God, this guy is tired."

Liu Xun, who was beside him, also sat comfortably on the chair and said, "Oh, this guy doesn't even dare to breathe."

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