Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 1062: see also mysterious man

"[Monster Slayer] is temporarily unavailable, so you have to take the lead?! Who do you think you are, a savior? A hero?"

"...Can you tell me first, why don't you let me be the deputy commander? I'm not qualified, or is my life in danger? I think I'm qualified, and now no one disagrees with me... As for life-threatening, I've done it all , do you still care about this?" Facing Wei Zihua's out-of-control emotions, Wang Qianchen felt a little baffled.

He knew that Wei Zihua must be doing it for his own good, but he decided to ask first.

"Why do you ask so many questions, can I still harm you?" Wei Zihua sighed, realizing that he had lost his temper, and tried his best to use a calm tone: "Xiaochen, believe me, [Monster Slayer] doesn't have you. , the sky won't fall, isn't it still me... Commander Song, just leave it to me, I will rescue him, you go and resign the post of deputy commander first? ?"

The more Wei Zihua said this, the more strange Wang Qianchen felt, and he said solemnly: "If you don't tell me clearly, I won't do it."

Wei Zihua got a little excited again, and grabbed Wang Qianchen's collar again: "Don't you understand the words? I asked you to resign as deputy commander-in-chief!"

Wang Qianchen shook his head slowly.

"Fuck you!" Wei Zihua suddenly pushed him away, "Why didn't you know you were so stubborn before! I tell you, you don't need to worry about the rest, I'll take care of it! If you want to deal with it If you screw it up, just mix it up!"

After he finished speaking, Wei Zihua took out the soul ecstasy pen and disappeared in place in an instant.

Wei Zihua's last sentence undoubtedly had a great impact on Wang Qianchen.

Continue to mix things up?

Wang Qianchen had already figured out a strategy to rescue Song Cepeng. From Huo Li's experience and the implementation conditions of the "Tianpo Plan", whoever is the deputy commander will be targeted by the envoy.

Then he is willing to be the bait to attract those divine envoys to show up. At that time, with the help of Ta Jiuzhou and Wei Zihua, there should be no problem in catching one or two living holes, and it is logical to find the location where Song Epee is hidden.

This plan is very feasible no matter how you look at it, but Wei Zihua's remarks made Wang Qianchen's heart beat again.

He was originally smug and hesitant at the moment, and in his plan, Wei Zihua and stepping on Jiuzhou are an indispensable part. Wei Zihua has now made it clear that he will not help him, and he will listen to Wei Zihua after stepping on Jiuzhou. ...

What a fuck!

Wang Qianchen called Wei Zihua a few more times, but he didn't answer, as if he was determined not to communicate with him.

What the **** is going on?

In desperation, Wang Qianchen had to go back to Beijing first. As the deputy commander-in-chief of [Monster Slayer], he should go back to the Si'an Courtyard, but he didn't know how to face the boss who was still waiting for his news, so he had to let the special car take him around aimlessly.

Wang Qianchen lowered the car window and let the fresh air outside the window hit his face.

The driver didn't know where he was going, so he had to circle around the loop. The special car he rides is naturally a special number plate, and it is unobstructed no matter where he goes. Shangjing, which is extremely blocked in the eyes of others, is extremely silky to him, and he can turn the whole Shangjing around in a few hours.

When walking to a certain street, Wang Qianchen's complexion suddenly changed, and he roared: "Stop!"

"Deputy Commander Wang, what happened..." The driver slammed on the brakes and asked back.

Wang Qianchen ignored him, pushed open the car door and jumped down, quickly running and shuttling along the street, and disappeared in a short while.

The driver didn't know what was going on, but he didn't dare to leave his post without permission, so he could only park on the side of the road and wait.

On the other side, Wang Qianchen twitched his nose and moved forward quickly, even passing through a few alleys.

He smelled the mysterious man.

Yes, the mysterious man who always likes to look like him!

The mysterious man was also in a state of transcendence. He entered Shangjing, but the defense system did not call the police.

Wang Qianchen didn't know the principle of the defense system, was he able to escape monitoring because he looked the same as himself?

Following the smell of the mysterious person, Wang Qianchen quickly came to the door of a compound that looked a little mysterious. The high walls of this compound stand, with an iron gate in the middle, and the scene inside cannot be seen, but the gate is guarded by guards with live ammunition.

There are so many places like this in Shangjing, and no ordinary people will find it strange.

Wang Qianchen has never been here, but he knows where it is.

This is a secret hospital for those who have been seriously injured, as well as their family members who are inconvenient to make public appearances. Wang Qianchen's father, Wang De, was transferred here, and Qi Yan was also transferred here.

The smell of a mysterious person, he entered the hospital!

"Bastard, what do you want to do?"

Wang Qianchen gritted his teeth, and immediately used the functions of stealth and penetrating stones to get in - he must enter quietly, not to scare the snake, let alone put his father and Qi Yan in danger!

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