Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 1063: Two Wang Qianchen

This compound looks mysterious from the outside, but the inside is very ordinary, just like a normal hospital. There are outpatient departments, administrative departments, inpatient departments, etc., as well as gardens and basketball courts. Shade, flowers and plants everywhere, like being in a garden.

The atmosphere of the entire hospital is also relatively harmonious. There are patients walking in the garden, and doctors and nurses passing by in a hurry. There is no change or accident.

This also illustrates two points.

First, the mysterious man did not come in openly. Otherwise, as the deputy commander of Wang Qianchen [Monster Slayer], with his face, the entire hospital would have been busy for a long time, and all the guards would definitely be ready to welcome him.

Second, the mysterious man was not making trouble here, otherwise it would have been a mess.

But not necessarily, after all, the mysterious person is very strong, and it is very easy to steal someone silently.

Wang Qianchen knew where this place was, but he had never been there before, so he didn't know where Wang De lived in the ward, so he could only follow the smell of the mysterious man.

Soon, he came to the inpatient department, and followed the smell of the mysterious man to the door of a certain ward.

Standing incognito outside the door, Wang Qianchen could already smell the smell and hear the sound inside, but he still gently pushed the door open a small crack and looked inside.

This is a single ward. Wang De was wearing a hospital gown and sat up from the bed with his feet in a basin.

And the mysterious man who looked like Wang Qianchen was squatting beside the bed and washing Wang De's feet.

"Xiaochen, you don't need to help me wash, there are nurses to take care of me every day!" Wang De didn't know it was a fake, and said distressedly.

"Dad, I don't come many times, so let me do my filial piety!" The mysterious man put his hand into the basin and carefully rubbed Wang De's feet.

"Hey, why do you keep coming to see me, but it's not easy to meet Qi Yan... It's not easy for a little girl, from Luzhou to Dayuan, to Shangjing, you have been following me all the time, and people have been waiting for you! What the **** are you thinking, I think you have made a lot of money, and the medical conditions provided to me are getting better and better..." Wang De babbled, his mouth was full of hatred.

"Dad, don't worry about Qi Yan and I... I don't think we can make it together, and people may not like me..."

"What are you talking about? I see Qi Yan every day, but she has never changed her mind!"

"Dad, you don't understand what's going on here. We really may not be able to make it, so don't hold your hopes too much... If you don't turn around and tell her, just say that I already have someone outside..." The mysterious man said on the side Said, while taking a towel, he carefully wiped Wang De's feet.

"You bastard! You dare to be sorry to Qi Yan, I'll take your skin off!" Wang De was furious, grabbed the lunch box next to him, and was about to smash the mysterious man on the head.

Not only was Wang De furious, Wang Qianchen was also furious!

It's okay to recognize your father here, and he still wants to make things about himself and Qi Yan dirty!

Tolerable or unbearable!

After a few years, Wang Qianchen's growth is visible to the naked eye, and he can basically keep calm in everything he does. But Wang Qianchen became emotional when he saw the mysterious man, and he lost all his reason at this moment, and rushed in directly.

"Bastard, what are you trying to do!" Wang Qianchen roared and directly took out the town demon bell.

"Xiaochen..." Wang De held up the rice bowl and looked at Wang Qianchen who rushed in. At first, he instinctively called out, and suddenly realized that something was wrong.

The one who just came in was Wang Qianchen, who was the one who washed his feet?

Wang De looked down, and Wang Qianchen was still squatting on the ground.

Two Wang Qianchen!

Wang De's mind was instantly confused, and the whole person was completely stunned.

"Qingming space!"

Wang Qianchen groaned, and the surrounding of the ward shook slightly, and a virtual space was created.

Wang De naturally disappeared.

Wang Qianchen and the mysterious man face to face again!

Wang Qianchen did not hesitate to find out the map of Shanhe Sheji and he was about to open it.

At this time in the past, the mysterious man would also pull out an artifact to fight him. Or molesting, or intimidating, in short, it will not make him feel better. This time, he did pull out a sword full of immortal energy, but he seemed to remember something, gritted his teeth, turned and ran towards the window.


The window was broken, and the mysterious man ran out.

Of course Wang Qianchen would not let him go, and while chasing closely, he released the mountains, birds of prey, and seawater in the map of the mountains, rivers, and trees.


Meanwhile, in the real world.

Wang De sat blankly on the hospital bed, his eyes were straight and his thoughts were confused.

He was quite sure that he saw two Wang Qianchen just now, and then the two Wang Qianchen disappeared together!


The door of the ward was pushed open, and Qi Yan walked in.

"Uncle Wang, what's going on?" Qi Yan hurriedly asked when she heard some movement.

"It's alright, I'm hanging my throat and shouting casually twice." Wang De, who should have been very frightened, suddenly calmed down for some reason. Instead, he laughed and lied, as if he had expected it. There will be this scene.

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