Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 1064: There is a vision

Regardless of whether the mysterious man or Wang Qianchen came in quietly, plus the arrangement of [Qingming Space], there was no change in the scene. So although Qi Yan felt strange, she didn't say anything, took care of Wang De to rest well, and turned around and went out.

Wang De sat on the bed, lost in thought.


After Wang Qianchen entered the realm, the [Qingming Space] can be used in a wider range, which can completely cover the entire hospital.

But this is still not difficult for the mysterious man. It is too easy for him to leave here. With a single swipe and pull of the artifact, the [Qingming Space] will be torn apart.

But as soon as he ran to the courtyard, he heard a lot of footsteps around him.

If it was just a security guard in the hospital, he wouldn't take it seriously, but everyone's background is not small, there are a group of mountain people and the Shangjing Demon Slayer led by Ding Songran, and Chen Wanhe with a Tiangang knife!

——Since he has noticed the existence of the mysterious person, Wang Qianchen will definitely not miss this opportunity, and he has secretly called people to surround the hospital.

Ding Jianjun and Ding Songran don't matter, they are Wang Qianchen's subordinates in the first place, and it is a matter of course to listen to his orders; and Chen Wanhe, in addition to wanting to save Song Epee, he is also concerned about the whereabouts of Siyao. Yes, it's coming soon.

"Wow--" Seeing Chen Wanhe in front, Wang Qianchen in the back, Ding Jianjun, Yan Qing and others to the left and right, the mysterious man who has always been rebellious also frowned.

"You can't run away this time, right?" Wang Qianchen walked over step by step and opened the map of the mountains and rivers in his hand.

Chen Wanhe also raised the Tiangang knife, and there were countless raindrops flowing around.

Ding Jianjun and others also used their skills to prepare for a battle.

The mysterious man gave a "tsk", but laughed again: "It's very powerful, the ability of coordinating and dispatching is indeed beyond my imagination... Thanks to me, I was already prepared! Wang Qianchen, about Commander Song, you Don't worry about it, I will rescue him. Deputy Commander, don't do it anymore, it will only do you harm, not good!"

After speaking, his figure gradually became illusory.

Wang Qianchen thought he was going to be invisible, so he was about to attack immediately, and Lu Qiao, who had opened his eyes, shouted, "It's a clone!"

The voice fell, and the figure of the mysterious man disappeared completely.

"Damn..." Wang Qianchen cursed fiercely.

What a great opportunity, it turned out to be a clone!

Everyone gathered in front of Wang Qianchen, waiting for his next instructions.

However, Wang Qianchen had no choice but to wave his hand and said, "Let's go first, and let everyone know when there is news."

Everyone dispersed, only Chen Wanhe stayed.

"What's the origin of this mysterious man, why did he say he wanted to save Song Cepeng?" Chen Wanhe's injury was not yet healed, and his already pale face seemed bloodless.

"I don't know, but I must not let Commander Song fall into his hands!" Wang Qianchen said instinctively.

"When do we start?"

"...Wait for my news!"

Chen Wanhe was silent for a while, and finally said, "For the sake of Song Cepian, I am willing to cooperate with you, but if you can't come up with a plan, I will act on my own!"

After speaking, without waiting for Wang Qianchen to reply, Chen Wanhe turned and left.

Wang Qianchen gritted his teeth and had a lot of thoughts in his heart, but he could only go back to the ward to see his father first.


"Dad!" Wang Qianchen flew in directly from the window and immediately threw himself in front of Wang De, for fear that his father would be injured in the slightest.

"You..." Wang De looked at him suspiciously, as if he didn't dare to recognize it.

"I'm your son!" Wang Qianchen was a little anxious, he was afraid of encountering such a scene, the mysterious man slowly entered his circle and replaced his life, it seemed that he really planned to do this!

"When you were seven years old, what happened on the first day of school?" Wang De asked suddenly.

"...I pulled my pants." Wang Qianchen replied reluctantly.

"Why did a girl come to our house when you were in fourth grade?"

"...I tore her clothes, and she made you lose money."

"Who did you write a love letter to when you were in junior high school?"

"...Li Xiaohua, you found out and beat me."

"I have to live in high school, how much is the living expenses for a week?"

"...At first it was one hundred, and then it went up to one hundred and five."


Wang De continued to ask questions, from elementary school to university, and from childhood to youth, Wang Qianchen answered them fluently, without the slightest hindrance.

Wang De nodded and said, "It seems that you are really Xiaochen!"

Wang Qianchen just wanted to say something, that's right. In the future, I will tell whether it's me or not, but I think how can I tell the difference? Mysterious man is so powerful that his father still has nothing to do with him. It's better to pretend to be confused and treat him as a son. , at least not life-threatening.

Wang Qianchen's mind turned a thousand times, and the first thought was to change his father's place, a place that a mysterious person would never find!

While thinking about where to go, Wang De suddenly said quietly, "Son, are you an immortal?"

"Ah?" Wang Qianchen was taken aback.

"Don't lie to me, just now you suddenly disappeared, and you disappeared in an instant..." Wang De said with great emotion: "When you were just born, there was a vision in the sky, and it was windy, thundering, and raining. It's over. There is also a rainbow hanging in the sky, which is called a thousand lucky colors! At that time, I will tell your mother that these two children will definitely have something to do in the future, whether they are emperors and generals, or reincarnations of gods!"

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