Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 1098: Seven kills

"Want to know who I am, or is this attitude?" Wang Qianchen put his hands behind his back, making an unfathomable and worldly man.

"...Brother!" Song Anping called out abruptly for the first time.

Wang Qianchen ignored him, his head held high.

Du Hong, He Jun, and Tan Zuo stepped aside one after another, and Song Anping stepped up immediately, pinching his shoulders and pounding his back, and said expectantly, "Brother, who the **** are you?"

Wang Qianchen really wanted to pretend to be coercive for a while and take good care of his rebellious younger brother, but this matter was very important, so he couldn't make fun of it. Now he is the deputy commander of [Monster Slayer], and he can't be as happy as he used to be, Nonsense, even with a dignified expression, he told the story of himself and Emperor Yan on Laoding Mountain.

Only then did everyone know how Wang Qianchen's peak came to be, and they sighed that Lord Yandi's Bodhisattva lowered his eyebrows, even though tens of thousands of years have passed, he still misses thousands of people and made such a huge sacrifice.

Song Anping expressed his respect for Emperor Yan, then glanced at Wang Qianchen again, and muttered: "Scared me to death, I really thought you were a great person..."

"Good guy, Liu Bang is not as fast as you! No matter what my identity is, I am your brother in the world! My name is brother!"

"……elder brother."

"Hey, that's right." Wang Qianchen nodded with satisfaction, and continued: "Now that I have returned to the early stage of the Great Realm, can you tell me where they are cultivating, and let me rub the spiritual energy too!"

Du Hong and others are geniuses among geniuses, but they don't rise so fast. There must be a paradise with abundant spiritual energy.

Song Anping said, "You're not the one chosen by heaven, so why are you so anxious to get promoted? Besides, you're still the deputy commander-in-chief of [Monster Slayer], with a lot of affairs all day long, can you go away?"

Can't really go away.

Wang Qianchen had no choice but to say, "Okay, why did you ask us to come here?"

Only then did everyone know that it was Song Anping who called them here, and they all looked at him.

Song Anping said solemnly: "Isn't there news that there are four generals under the evil god? If all of them are like real people, we will be in big trouble!"

Everyone has seen the strength of the real person Baixiang, and they can only say that it is indeed the mount of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, and even the ordinary gods have to be hung up and beaten by him.

The key is that he is beyond the dust realm, but he will not be sucked away by the [Heavenly Prison]. This is the most terrifying place.

This time, Wei Zihua cleverly used a strategy and carried him to the sky. What about next time? What about next time?

With the remaining three generals, who will take care of them?

But since Song Anping raised this question, it means that he already has a solution!

So everyone didn't speak, and still looked at him.

Sure enough, Song Anping continued: "When Judge Cui and Bai Xiangren were fighting, I suddenly remembered that I had read an ancient book hundreds of years ago, which recorded a formation called the Seven Killing Formation. This Seven Killing Formation It's very interesting, and the purpose is stated at the beginning: the body of a mortal can also kill the gods!"

The body of a mortal can also kill the gods?

Hearing these words, everyone couldn't help but tremble in their hearts. How big is the gap between mortals and gods? Anyone with eyes or brains knows what this Seven Killing Array is that can actually allow mortals to kill gods?

If it is so powerful, what kind of immortals and what kind of gods do you still cultivate? Isn't it invincible in the world if you learn this formation directly?

Everyone knew that there must be an inside story, and they continued to listen to Song Anping.

"The first condition for the Seven Killing Formation is to have seven human beings, all of them must be human, and they must all reach the top level. In addition, one must have an artifact as an introduction before they can motivate this formation..."

Only then did everyone understand the reason why this formation did not spread widely. Humans from the seven top realms may be easy to find, but seven artifacts are not easy to find. Ordinary people don't have one, let alone seven!

Fortunately, they happened to have seven artifacts, and even counting the soul-evil pen, there were eight.

So, this array works!

"No wonder I didn't ask Ta Jiuzhou to come, he is a monster and can't participate in this formation, right!" Chen Wanhe and Ta Jiuzhou didn't deal with each other, and temporarily cooperated when defending against foreign enemies. Eligible to participate in the Seven Killing Formation, he immediately laughed: "Very good, let's start teaching us!"

In the next few hours, Song Anping taught them how to use the "Seven Killing Array".

Learning this array does not require any talent, and it can be used when it reaches the top level and has an artifact, so Wang Qianchen also learned it quickly. Everyone tried the power of the Seven Killing Array, and directly beat a nearby mountain into powder. The sound of "Boom Rumble" continued for a long time, so shocked that Master Pan came out of the ground and kept asking what was the answer. What, what's going on?

Du Hong said excitedly, "Why didn't you teach us about such a powerful formation earlier? The emotional intelligence is too low! With this seven-kill formation from the beginning, Xiaowei won't be sucked away!"

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