Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 1099: beast is beast

Song Anping shook his head: "Even if there is a Seven Killing Formation, it may not be the opponent of the real Baixiang."

Du Hong said in astonishment, "Didn't you say that the Seven Killing Array, a mortal body, can also kill gods?"

Song Anping said: "Killing the gods refers to ordinary gods. If it is like Judge Cui, the Seven Killing Array can kill him, but the real Baixiang is not an ordinary god. He is the mount of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, and his mana The depth is ranked in the entire Heavenly Court, and he can even fight back and forth with those Martial Gods!"

Wang Qianchen asked: "It means that there is another white elephant like a real person, and we can't kill it?"

Song Anping said, "I feel a little overwhelmed, but it's always okay to hold on for a while..."

Hearing such ambiguous words, everyone couldn't help but feel apprehensive, and the morale that had been stirred up earlier was now a little depressed.

Song Anping continued: "I hope that the next **** general will not be like a real person like Bai Xiang. Well, it's useless to think too much. It's better to hone the Seven Killing Formation more, and try to display it as soon as possible... You are practicing here, and I will go to India to check the situation and see where the envoys are hiding."

As one of the gods who escaped from the sky, Song Anping can definitely be regarded as a model worker, running around all day without stopping for a moment.

After Song Anping left, everyone continued to practice the Seven Killing Formation.

A few hours later, Wang Qianchen received a call from the boss, saying that the country from India had repeatedly called and invited him to be a guest.

"If you have nothing to do for the time being, just go." The boss said earnestly.

In recent years, Daxia has been in constant friction with the other side. There have been several exchanges of fire and swords, and the people have been unhappy because of this incident. Companies such as rice and Huawei have withdrawn from the market there.

Now, because of Wang Qianchen, there are faint signs of reconciliation.

"Okay." Wang Qianchen agreed.

"Governing a country is like being a human being. There are many friends, many paths, and many enemies, many walls... Go, it's up to you to improve diplomatic relations." The boss laughed and joked, he didn't want to put too much pressure on Wang Qianchen, but This is indeed a good opportunity for both sides to settle their differences.

As the deputy commander-in-chief of [Monster Slayer], not only does he have to take care of killing monsters, but diplomacy can even help!

Wang Qianchen deeply felt the great responsibility, and naturally did not dare to take it lightly. He immediately returned to Beijing, took the special plane arranged by the boss for him, and brought a few accompanying people to India.

Wang Qianchen has a ghost pen, which can be reached in an instant, but since he is officially visiting, he has to go through a special channel.

The special plane came to India and landed in the capital city of Delhi.

The arrival of Wang Qianchen was really taken seriously by the other party, and the welcome ceremony was also held very grandly. The flowers, the red carpet, and the guard of honor were lined up one by one. In addition to the national teacher Sawar, whom he had known before, there was also a tall and handsome young man who came to greet him. After a question, he found out that he was the son of the current monarch, Ram. , this year is only in his early twenties.

Seeing Wang Qianchen, Latt took the initiative to step forward, shook hands, hugged, and even kissed his cheek.

Wang Qianchen knows that foreigners are more enthusiastic, and this kind of veneer ceremony is normal, but it is a bit too enthusiastic. He has never kissed Qi Yan before, and he actually called a foreign man to kiss!

So annoying!

"Deputy Commander Wang, thank you for getting rid of the White Elephant God General!" Latt said it well, hugging Wang Qianchen tightly, and even shed tears!

I go, as for?

Wang Qianchen was stunned, he wanted to push Lat away, but now he is embarrassed again.

When Rat finally finished hugging and everyone got into the car together, the national teacher Sawar whispered in Wang Qianchen's ear: "Forgive his excitement, his fiancee was kidnapped by the White Elephant God. It's a corpse..."

The real white elephant actually did such a disgusting thing!

Wang Qianchen was angry and angry, and even a little ashamed. After all, the real Baixiang was also one of the gods of Daxia. He is absolutely full of respect for Samantabhadra Bodhisattva. After all, he is one of the Four Great Bodhisattvas of Buddhism. To be able to sit in such a high position, his natural merits are boundless, and his wonderful methods are infinite.

Back then, on Shituo Ridge, the real Baixiang had no idea how many living people he ate, but he was able to follow Samantabhadra Bodhisattva to heaven safely in the end, making many people who had finished reading "Journey to the West" angry and slapped the table!

I hope that Wei Zihua has already killed him when he ascends to the sky, and don't give him another chance to cause harm to the world!

Following the motorcade to the residence of the monarch Ram, a banquet has been prepared here, which is also extremely grand. Food, delicacies, singing and dancing, and juggling take turns.

Ram sat in the upper head, Sawar National Teacher, Wang Qianchen and Latt sat in the lower head respectively, and there were more than a dozen other men and women, all of whom were Ram's wives and sons.

A large family accompanied him in person, which shows that they attached great importance to Wang Qianchen.

Starting from Ram, everyone took turns toasting Wang Qianchen. Wang Qianchen's strength is not weak, and he has a soul-sucking pen in his hand, but after all, he is in a foreign country, and he is still a little wary and wary, so he drank the wine, but quietly drained it into the carpet under him.

During the banquet, in addition to expressing gratitude to Wang Qianchen, everyone also scolded the real person Baixiang. It turns out that this guy has been in India for several years, and the evil things he has done can be described as indescribable. They were all taken captive by him, and the cultivators headed by the national teacher Savar were stunned that they had nothing to do with him.

A beast is a beast, suffocated in the sky, come down to find a sense of existence?

Wang Qianchen was very speechless, he just felt that his face was dull, and he wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in.

That is the **** of Daxia, it is simply speechless.

In a word, Wang Qianchen's removal of the White Elephant is definitely a top achievement. The monarch Ram thanked him several times, and even discussed with the national teacher Sawar whether to build a temple for Wang Qianchen or something.

Wang Qianchen didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He didn't know the rules here, but the temple was built only after death in Daxia, and even politely declined: "Lord Ram, although I led the siege and annihilation, the White Elephant God will not be me. Killed, if you really want to build a temple, you can make it available to our Daxia God of the Underworld, an underworld judge named Cui Jue, who killed the White Elephant God..."

While the crowd was talking, the mobile phone of the national teacher Sawar suddenly rang.

He glanced at the screen, left and right, and made sure that no one was paying attention to him, so he quietly walked out of the room and came to an unoccupied corner before picking up the phone.

"Blue Lion God General, Wang Qianchen has come to us..." Sawar said in a low voice in Chinese.

in the house.

Wang Qianchen, who has excellent hearing, suddenly jolted and sat up straight.

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