Video Game Empire

Chapter 380: Display platform

The concept of the Diamond Alliance is said to have been pioneered by Andy Grove, president of Intel Corporation. △Small, among the three founders of Intel, the first o Robert Noyce has gradually withdrawn from the daily management of Intel Corporation as early as the late 1970s, and began to go skiing, skydiving, surfing and other adventures around the world Activity.

Recently, due to the constant aggressiveness of Japanese semiconductor companies, Noyce, who is still holding the position of Intel's vice chairman, has reappeared. He is on behalf of the US semiconductor industry to launch a series of lobbying in Washington, asking the US government to launch an anti-dumping investigation of Japanese semiconductor products.

Now in charge of Intel management are Gordon Moore and Andy Grove. In another time and space, after the main memory business encountered a crisis, Intel quickly transformed into a processor manufacturing company through the wave of p-compatible machines.

But in this life, because of the emergence of the butterfly Li Xuan, Intel has lost the best time for transformation. After the previous 80286 processor came out, it encountered a dilemma that no one cared about, which forced Intel to abandon the follow-up development plan of the 86 series.

But Gordon Moore and Andy Grove are the leaders in the US semiconductor industry, and their vision is definitely very sharp. Although for the entire semiconductor industry now, the size of the memory market is much higher than that of the processor market.

But the U.S. semiconductor industry is already fully passive in the memory field. Technically, Japan already has Fujitsu, Mitsubishi, n, Hitachi, and Toshiba five companies that can sell 256 ra, while only Motorola in the United States has completed related research and development.

In terms of production costs, American companies are both in terms of chip yield. It is still far less efficient than its Japanese counterparts. Even if the U.S. government finally introduces corresponding industrial protection policies, U.S. semiconductor companies will barely be able to hold on to their home market at best.

And after losing the overseas market. Everyone is slicing food in the local market, and eventually cannibalism is inevitable. After many losers, it is likely that only one or two companies will survive.

Compared with the highly competitive memory market, the market in the processor field is rapidly exploding with the popularity of personal computers, while Japanese semiconductor companies are trying their best to capture the memory market, but have not entered the processor market on a large scale!

Although Intel has suffered a crushing defeat in the previous competition with Orient Electronics, in the eyes of Gordon Moore and Andy Grove, Orient Electronics is far less terrible than Japanese companies.

Because Intel's competition with its Japanese counterparts is simply an unfair game. Intel is actually competing with a consortium, or even a country. Although Dongfang Electronics now has an absolute lead in technology, its technological advantages are the least secure.

So Intel is still the same as another time and space. Resolutely chose to transform from a memory manufacturer to a processor manufacturer. But because it failed to take advantage of the east wind of the p wave, Intel's transformation road is obviously more difficult than another time and space.

So Intel must find allies, especially the downstream end product manufacturers. Otherwise, after Intel's new processor comes out, it is likely to encounter the dilemma that no one cared about after the 80286 was launched.

The two allies, the company and Apple, are clearly handpicked by Intel. The company is the second largest computer manufacturer in the United States after company b. Although with the rapid progress of the computing power of personal computers, the minicomputer products of China have been greatly affected, but the so-called dead camel is bigger than the horse.

What's more, the camel is still far from dying. Its latest a8600 minicomputer has once again helped the company win back a large number of customers with its excellent performance.

In the face of the warehouse reality that high-end personal computers are constantly hitting the minicomputer market, the company's founder and Mr. Olson is obviously not a person who sits still. He's about to launch the company's own workstation computer. To fight back strongly against emerging challengers such as Ikon.

As for Apple Inc., a star company that has personally ripened personal computers, although it seems to have fallen into a low ebb after being stole the limelight by Ikon, the new o John Sculley took office. Resolutely kicked out the founder Steve Jobs. A series of reform plans he has recently launched also seem to have rekindled hope in the capital market for this established company in the personal computer market.

company and Apple. Now it is urgent to launch a competitive personal computer product to prove its strength. It is the most critical indicator that determines the performance of a computer. is the performance of the processor. And Intel can just solve this problem, so the three companies quickly came together.

Intel's new processor, still following their tradition of naming numbers with numbers, is called the 8610, available in a and b models for enterprise workstations and desktop PCs.

The 8610 uses the b-rs architecture, a technology that Intel bought out from Berkeley University. The first two people in the United States to carry out systematic research on rs (reduced instruction set) were Professor Patterson of Berkeley University and Professor Hennessy of Stanford University.

Among them, Professor Patterson's b-rs project started earlier than Professor Hennessy's PS project. The b in "b-rs" stands for Berkeley (br). And rs is Patterson's definition of a reduced instruction set, so the reduced instruction set was collectively referred to as rs later.

Another space-time PS architecture is more widely used than b-rs, and Li Xuan is more familiar with it, so he finally chose to cooperate with Stanford University. With the intervention of Li Xuan, the PS architecture, which started later in the project, took the lead in completing the research and development and launched a mature commercial processor.

The b-rs architecture chaired by Professor Patterson is not to say that it is not excellent. Another space-time b-rs architecture was bought out by the workstation computer giant sn company and developed into the famous spar architecture. However, the b-rs architecture in this life was captured by Intel in advance.

And another time and space. The r-2000, the first commercial processor of the ps architecture, was first used in the company's workstation computer. Now the company is turning to Intel's 8610 processor.

Over time. The original history is becoming more and more unrecognizable. Another time and space, and Apple have been the vanguard against Intel. And now Dongfang Electronics has replaced Intel as the number one devil in the industry.

If Dongfang Company wants to maintain its dominant position, it must devote 12 points of energy to continuously respond to the challenges initiated by other competitors! Leading technology is the most unreliable, and Li Xuan himself knows this very clearly.

For example, Intel's latest 8610 processor has a performance comparable to that of the s-100 processor based on the ps architecture of the Oriental Research Institute. However, the technologically advanced products eventually fell into disrepair in the market competition. There are countless examples of this.

It has been two years since the s-100 of the Oriental Research Institute was listed and has established a good market reputation. In particular, the world's fastest supercomputer "Pearl of the Orient" launched by the Oriental Group not long ago also uses the s-100a processor.

The Eastern Group took this opportunity. It even touted the performance of the s-100 processor. And after two years of sales with almost no competition, the s-100 processor has not only recovered all the research and development costs, but also created a lot of profits for the Oriental Research Institute.

Now that competing products have begun to appear, the Oriental Research Institute immediately and decisively lowered the ex-factory price of the s-100 processor by 25%. This is an absolute hit for the 8610 processor that just hit the market.

Intel wants to open up sales for its new processors, which are naturally more competitive in price than the already-famous s-100. The s-100's sharp price cut suddenly disrupted the 8610's pricing system.

Intel's new products that have not been tested by the market are more expensive than the star processor s-100 that has been recognized by the market. Downstream manufacturers are naturally reluctant to choose Intel's products.

Intel had suffered a similar loss on the r-1 when it went public with the 80286. Intel is actually not unprepared. It quickly used a promotional discount to make the actual price of the 8610 a little lower than the s-100 of the Oriental Research Institute.

Intel has put a lot of resources into developing the 8610 processor. And because of the continuous loss of memory business, Intel's internal financial performance is not good. So before the Oriental Research Institute makes a move. Intel is also unwilling to take the initiative to sell at a low price as soon as it comes up, which will seriously reduce the sales profit of the 8610.

In addition to launching price wars against competitors, Dongfang Group also has a set of intensive combination punches. After nearly five years of continuous efforts. Li Xuan has built a complete defense system in the entire computer industry.

Now most of the competitors, UU Reading are only in a separate field. Compete with the Eastern Group. The Eastern Group has begun to play the integration advantages to continue to win. Although companies like Intel, Apple, etc. Also found the need to unite against Dongfang Electronics.

However, the defense system constructed by the Eastern Group cannot be easily torn apart. For example, the external liaison and news gathering and editing center built by Orient Group for the Los Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee this time is a promotion and display platform specially built by Orient Group in order to fully demonstrate the charm of informatization office in the era of personal computer.

The entire center consists of 10 servers and 350 personal computers, forming a large-scale internal local area network. Except for a small number of computers for the staff of the Olympic Organizing Committee, most of the computers in the office center are provided 24 hours a day free of charge to all countries and journalists.

On each computer of Dongfang Company, commercial software such as office software and typesetting software are installed to facilitate journalists to write articles. And these software are also very intimate to provide different language versions.

A bbs forum has also been established on the intranet. All the schedule information of the Olympic Games and the official announcement of the Olympic Organizing Committee will be announced on the forum as soon as possible. Journalists can not only log in to this forum to browse the information at any time, but also set up their own personal accounts and initiate discussions on the forum. (To be continued..)

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