After the training, the next episode of the first episode of "Star of Tomorrow" was officially launched on the online platform. After the broadcast of the previous episode, each trainee has accumulated considerable popularity, and after a week of fermentation, the popularity of the program has soared. Many viewers have already logged into the online platform of Shonan TV early, swiping their phones while waiting for the broadcast of the program. They have been thinking about the suspense left at the end of the previous episode - who is the first A-level trainee. Fans who have been paying attention to the voting of the program all hope that the first A will be their brother. Of course, no one in the fan group of "pro-life fans" thinks that this person will be Qiao Sheng? They even guessed which one of the top 9 positions will be the first A. The sisters who participated in the first performance were really eager to see the information constantly jumping on the screen of their mobile phones and the names they reported one by one.

After the performance, they had already had some guesses in their hearts.

They really wanted to reveal the excitement of the first performance to these idiots.

Unfortunately, there was a confidentiality clause before participating in the show, which made them feel like they were guarding a treasure mountain but could not move.

It was like sitting on pins and needles, like a thorn in the back, like a fishbone stuck in the throat.

"Ahhhhhh, I really want to tell them!"

They specially created a small group for this purpose, so that they could have a place to vent when they could no longer bear it.

"Hold on, sisters! Just hold on for another week!"

"No, after this episode airs, if Qin Sheng is really the same as we guessed, we can jump out and say a few words."


"Well, just don't reveal the information about the performance."

"No, the show is about to start, I'm going to complain in the barrage!"

"Good idea, let's do it together!"

Cao Fangfang saw a group chat suddenly appear in WeChat, and clicked in to see these conversations.

She shook her head, put down her phone again, saw that the show was online, and was about to click it, when her phone vibrated again.

It was a message from colleague Xiao Fang.

"Sister Fang! The show has started! Go!"

Cao Fangfang smiled and replied with an OK emoji, then typed: "Have you voted for your Qinsheng?"

Xiao Fang replied: "No, I will vote after watching the show. How many votes did you buy for your Rong Yijiang?"

Cao Fangfang replied: "I voted 500 last week, and I bought another 1,000 today. As for how much I will vote, it depends on his performance tonight."

That's right, Cao Fangfang is actually a fan of Rong Yijiang, and her colleague Xiao Fang is a "pro-fan".

Xiao Fang is Fang Zhiyou, whose nickname on Douyin is "Xiao Fang Bu Huang".

After the first episode was played, Xiao Fang felt very interesting after seeing the "pro-fan" operations and resolutely joined them.

In the company, after she found out that Cao Fangfang was voting for Rong Yijiang, she began to frantically recommend Qinsheng to her.

Cao Fangfang has also seen the "pro-fan" operations on the Internet.

But she is a real fan. In her eyes, Qin Sheng is just a slacker and not worth her attention.

Her standard for liking an idol is that he must have real strength.

Only a fool would like a fool like Qin Sheng.

Especially the "real fans", whose purpose is just to keep Qin Sheng in the show and prevent him from being eliminated.

It's just a farce.

For a 30-year-old woman, Cao Fangfang is more rational in chasing stars. Once the idol she once liked does not perform well, she will immediately stop being a fan and then become a fan of other celebrity idols.

When she participated in the performance before, her position was next to the "real fans".

She is a fan of Rong Yijiang. After watching the performances of all the teams, she found that the first place was actually Qin Sheng's group, which surprised her.

Qin Sheng, who was thought to be just a salted fish, actually had such creative and performance skills, so she began to care about Qin Sheng.

But this did not change her love for Rong Yijiang.

He just didn't get first place, and his teammates dragged him down.

She is a quiet fan who would never shout wildly while holding a cheering sign, which makes the fans next to her think that she is also a fan.

Qiao Sheng's performance that night hit the point of her fandom, so when the sisters next to her pulled her into the small group, she did not refuse.

At the beginning of the show, as a suspense left in the previous episode, the production team naturally did not

Just bring it out.

There was even more complaints in the barrage, with various greetings to Xie Haoran floating by.

Of course, there were also wise viewers who knew that Xie Haoran was this kind of person, and just sent a calm tone in the barrage, "I know from the premonition that this B can't hold back a good fart."

When the progress bar of the program passed halfway, Qiao Sheng appeared.

As soon as he appeared, the fan group began to explode.

"Here it comes!"

"Let mom see what kind of performance you will bring."

"After watching the performance, I look back at his personal stage, and I feel a different feeling."

"Looking forward to it!"

"What will he perform? Play and sing?!"

Cao Fangfang looked at the vibrating mobile phone, and then saw Qiao Sheng picking up other microphones on the stage, and was slightly stunned.

Original again?

The first performance was also original. Is he going to be original all the way in the program?

Cao Fangfang didn't think too much. As an "older star chaser" who has been chasing stars for more than ten years, she can't count the stars she has chased with two hands.

Of course, she knew what kind of trainee was. If he could have so many original works, the company would not send him to the show at all.

More likely, the company wrote a song for him and let him use it in the show.

Many entertainment companies will use this trick to create a celebrity's talent.

This kind of thing is no longer a secret in the entertainment industry.

"The song is called "Nanshan Nan", what does it mean, the south of Nanshan?"

The program did not give Cao Fangfang extra time to think, and Qiao Sheng on the screen had already started singing.

"Well, the voice is good, it's nice. It's the love of the voice control party."

Cao Fangfang affirmed Qiao Sheng's voice.

The voice control party is a group of people who like good voices.

Men like sweet voices and call them "Brother, it's time to get up!"

Women also like men's magnetic voices, and whisper in their ears: "It's time to go to bed, baby."

The star Zhu Yawen on Earth was once called "walking hormone" by the voice control party because of his low and magnetic voice.

Lin Chi-ling, who has a coquettish voice, is also affectionately called "Sister Chi-ling".

As a negative example, the soccer star Beckham has been criticized for decades for being a sissy because of his shrill voice.

The most prominent feature of folk songs is the voice of the singer.

It must be said that Cao Fangfang, who has a slight voice control, began to be attracted by Qiao Sheng's magnetic voice.

By the way, she also listened to the whole song very seriously.

Then, she felt her heart was hit.

It was not that she had a sudden heart disease, but that she was touched by this folk song originally written by Qiao Sheng.

She didn't know whether it was the addition of the voice to the folk song, or the lyrics, or the melody, in short, she felt that she was severely poked by this song.

Those sad emotions that had almost faded in the past unconsciously surged into her heart.

Damn Qin Sheng!

While cursing in her heart, Cao Fangfang opened the voting interface and cast all her votes.

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