When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 52 This Knife Was Inserted Into The Aorta!

When Namikaze Minato came back, he first habitually pushed the door open.

Then he found that the door seemed to be gone.

Looking at Han Guang who was sitting in the living room eating snacks, Namikaze Minato had black lines all over his head.

"I'm back."

Chewing potato chips in his mouth, Han Guang did not forget to say hello.

"I've seen people break in through doors and windows, but it's the first time I've seen people with doors taken off."

Namikaze Minato was amazed.

He didn't even need to think about it, he knew that this student must have something urgent.

"Tell me, what's the matter."

"I want to learn about history." Han Guang wiped his mouth with a serious face.


Namikaze Minato's eyes widened in disbelief.

study history?

Do you think I will believe it?

"Teacher, do you think First Hokage is the best, or Uchiha Madara?" Han Guang asked a strange question as soon as he came up.

"First Hokage." Namikaze Minato thought for a while, Kaidō.

"The Senju clan is more powerful, or the Uchiha clan is more powerful?" Han Guang asked again.

"This cannot be compared alone."

After thinking about it, Namikaze Minato didn't answer directly.

Sitting on the chair, he straightened out his thoughts before continuing to speak.

"If it was before, the Senju family should be better than Uchiha. But now, the Uchiha family is much stronger."

"Why did it become like this?" Han Guang was puzzled.

"This, it goes back to the Sengoku period."

With a flash of memory on his face, Namikaze Minato took a few mouthfuls of potato chips.

"During the Sengoku period, ninja villages had not yet appeared, and many countries fought with each other. Ninjas existed in the form of families."

"In order to seize more land and resources, various countries hire ninja families to fight against other countries."

"And the largest family employed by the Fire Nation is the Senju family!"

Speaking of this, Namikaze Minato paused for a moment, seeing Han Guang listening attentively, and then continued speaking.

"The ninja family at that time obtained funds in the form of being hired. Of course, the Senju family was only the most powerful family, not the only family."

"Besides the Senju clan, there are many ninja clans that surround the Senju clan and are hired by the Fire Nation."

Hearing this, Han Guang was a little puzzled.

"What about the Uchiha clan?"

"Uchiha? This family has people who are doing business in various countries, and they have a lot of money! Therefore, they never accept employment." Namikaze Minato replied.

Han Guang understood.

The employment of the Senju family is bound to affect Uchiha's interests. Because Uchiha has clansmen who trade in various countries.

And what Uchiha had to fight at the time was not just a Senju, but a whole large group of hired ninjas.

"Wait a moment!"

Suddenly, Han Guang thought of a loophole.

"Teacher, how did you know?"

"I listened to Teacher Jiraiya, and Teacher Jiraiya listened to Third Generation." Namikaze Minato smiled.

The story comes from Third Generation?

As soon as he heard the source, the credibility of this story plummeted in Han Guang's heart.

"Okay, history has listened, are you all right?" Namikaze Minato was about to rest.

After all, he has been harassing Cloud Shinobi these days and hasn't had much rest.

"Uh, there's still something to do." Han Guang didn't move, his skin was super thick.

"Say it."

"Then how did Second Hokage die?" Han Guang looked like a curious baby.

Namikaze Minato feels defeated.

After asking First Hokage, you ask Second Generation again.

Fortunately, Third Generation is still there. This should be the last question.

"I don't know the details of this question." After thinking for a while, Namikaze Minato answered truthfully.

"Ah? No way?" Han Guang was a little disbelieving.

"I really don't know."

Speaking of which, Namikaze Minato changed the topic.

"If anyone knew, only one could possibly know."

"Who is it?"

"The current Third Raikage! Back then, he was the one who sent the Second Generation's body back."

Hearing this answer, Han Guang was thoughtful.

Through the comparison of the original, it is not difficult for him to guess that when Second Hokage played against Golden Horn and Silver Horn, Third Raikage should have been there.

Of course, at that time, the other party was not Raikage.

"Is it all right now?" Namikaze Minato yawned, the meaning was obvious.

But when he looked at Han Guang, he found that the student was still not moving.

"Han Guang, if you have any questions, you can ask them all, and we will ask them all at once, okay?"

"Oh! Then I will continue to ask." Han Guang asked humbly.

"Teacher, you said Wood Style, how did it come about?"

"Wood Style?"

Looking at Han Guang in surprise, Namikaze Minato gave the answer directly.

"Wood Style is a new escape technique that is a fusion of earth attribute and water attribute Chakra."

"Then if it has the attributes of earth, water and fire, can it be combined into Wood Style?" Han Guang continued to ask.

"Well... theoretically, it is also possible."

Namikaze Minato explains.

"If your earth and water attributes are strong, but the fire attribute is weak, then the fire attribute will play a catalytic role, and the Wood Style will be derived!"

Seeing Han Guang frowning, Namikaze Minato gave an example.

"You can compare the earth attribute to soil, and the water attribute to irrigation! What about the fire attribute?"

"Slash and burn?" Han Guang said weakly.

"No! It's more suitable than sunshine." Namikaze Minato explained.

Han Guang suddenly realized.

It is worthy of being my own teacher.

"Han Guang, next time you ask a question, don't go around in such a big circle." Namikaze Minato rubbed his forehead, pointing.


"I checked your admission test, and your Chakra attributes when you were admitted happened to be these three attributes."

As if seeing through Han Guang's trick, Namikaze Minato shook his head.

"I know you are not satisfied with only one Rasengan, and want to learn other ninjutsu!"

"But I still want to remind you that Wood Style has never been owned by anyone since First Hokage."

"You, don't be too high-spirited, and concentrate on practicing gymnastics and Rasengan well, that's what you should do."

After being taught a lesson by Teacher Minato, Han Guang pouted. It seems a little unconvinced.

Still murmuring.

"Who says no one has Wood Style, I've seen Danzo with a little kid, and that kid can cast Wood Style..."


Namikaze Minato stood up with a look of shock.

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