"Six magatama? Feiyu, don't you feel uncomfortable in your eyes?"

Tobirama had studied the Sharingan before, and now that he knew what was going on with Izuna, he was no longer entangled. At this time, he moved closer to observe Feiyu's eyes, and he suddenly had the urge to study it in depth.

Sharingan has even mutated, and his curiosity that had not appeared for a long time has emerged again.

"I don't feel anything. I don't usually do it, so I haven't used the Sharingan for a long time..."

Feiyu put away the mirror, raised his hand and gently pressed on his eyes, his face full of entanglement made people feel helpless.

Especially Tobirama, he really knew that this kid seemed to be serious since he followed him!

That was when he used the Samsara Eye to resurrect him and those people, and he made a rare seal to ensure that nothing would happen.

Before he arrived at the Sand Village, he fought against the puppeteer named Chiyo Granny, but he just threw a few unknown things out casually, and there was no time for him to open the Sharingan or other abilities.

"As a ninja, you don't participate in the battle?"

Izunai is not familiar with this time yet. Looking at this kid with a ninja forehead protector, he didn't even notice the changes in his own Sharingan. He felt that he was a little uneducated.

The most important thing is that although this kid has grown crooked, now that he has a Sharingan, he, as the ancestor of Uchiha, needs to teach this kid a lesson!

Moreover, educating this kid with a reason can also be regarded as venting his anger. Who made him really unable to beat the big one...

"Fight? Me?"

Fei Yu looked up in confusion, glanced at Izunai, and suddenly turned to the kitchen.

"You kid..."

Being suddenly ignored, Izunai wanted to get angry directly, but when he saw Fei Yu turned around and quickly opened the lid of the pot and weighed out the vegetables, he really felt a little hungry when he smelled the fragrance.

After so many years, it was naturally impossible for him to eat in the Pure Land. At this time, he felt his heart and stomach moved inexplicably when he smelled the fragrance.

"Stop glaring. We can talk about our grudges later. Don't disturb Feiyu when she's cooking now. There are several guests from the Sand Village..."

Tobirama reached out and pulled Izuna aside. He knew that this guy must want to settle some things with him, but now in the Sand Village, he didn't want to lose face for his family.

Also, if you continue to disturb Feiyu when she's cooking, even if you're a senior, you'll be held responsible by a bunch of little ghosts!

The world is big, but eating is the most important thing!

"That kid... really wasted his eyes. Let's talk about killing me later. Tell me who he is first!"

Izuna glared at Tobirama, but he didn't mean to attack directly.

At this time, he didn't even know the opponent's strength, and he wasn't stupid enough to want to die.

What the eldest brother said was right. No matter what, they had to figure out what the world was like before they could prepare their plans.

"He is an orphan from Konoha, as far as I know..."

Seeing Izunai's cooperation, Tobirama led his people to the side and talked about some of the information he knew from Konoha, of course, it was basically the part about Feiyu that people could know.

This of course also involved the Nine-Tails attack on the village, the Uchiha clan extermination, and even the later Hyuga clan extermination and other events...

Most of them were familiar information among Konoha ninjas. When he talked about these, Izunai listened carefully on the side.

The more I listened, the more I felt that this kid was obviously arrogant, but he always existed as a spectator at any time.

Sure enough, he was a sinister guy, who picked up everything and let others do it...

"Senior Tobirama, Senior Izunai, dinner is ready, it's time to eat!"

After Naruto brought the last dish to the table, he shouted to the two people who were still chatting secretly.

"Here I come!"

When Tobirama heard Naruto's voice, he immediately interrupted the topic. If he wanted to know something, he could talk about it later.

If they didn't come over after he called them now, they would have no choice but to accept the fact that they would have nothing to eat later.

"I've never heard that Tobirama Senju liked food in the past, but now... it's really strange!"

Izuna followed Tobirama to the dining table. After seeing a large table of delicious food with good color, fragrance and taste, he really had a high opinion of Feiyu's cooking skills.

But he still didn't understand why this guy, who was said to only know how to study ninjutsu, became a foodie after his resurrection.

But when he saw the state after the meal, especially after tasting it,Then he suddenly felt that he couldn't lose to Tobirama!

It's been nearly a hundred years. He hasn't eaten since he died. Now eating this delicious food, he suddenly felt that if he didn't eat more now, he would die accidentally next time, which would be a big loss!

Suddenly he understood that Tobirama knew more that some things in the world would never have the chance to try in the Pure Land, especially food!

"Izuna, you bastard, that's mine!"

Tobirama looked at Izuna, who didn't care at all at first. He thought he just had to snatch it from Naruto, but gradually he found that Izuna was even more excessive than him, and even wanted to snatch the one in front of Feiyu.

But it seemed that he was just thinking about it, because as long as he had that intention, he would be stared at fiercely by several people at the same time.

So the final battlefield became a fight between the two of them within a limited range.

So the first meal that Uchiha Izuna joined ended in the process of fighting and snatching. The two old enemies spent the first day after their resurrection cursing each other...

Because they had no chance to fight for dinner, Feiyu simply didn't make dinner this time.

Just mixed a bunch of base ingredients, a small hot pot for each person, and go have fun!

A day passed, and the Sand Village also knew that the Konoha team suddenly had one more person, but they had no idea, just hoped that the people on the Konoha side would leave early, at least they wouldn't have to worry.

"Tomorrow I will leave and go to the Rock Village. I don't know if those guys in the Rock Village are ready. If they are not ready, then Feiyu may have to kill another one at their doorstep..."

On the first day before leaving the Sand Village, Tobirama finally had time to go shopping with Feiyu.

But Feiyu didn't respond to his current sigh for a while.

At this time, the small vendors on the street put all kinds of special items on display, waiting for the rich Konoha local tycoon to buy one of them.

The Sand Village leaders had a bad impression of Feiyu during this period, but the small vendors in the Sand Village regarded him as the God of Wealth.

Some things they felt were worthless, as long as the price did not increase much, this person would definitely buy them if he saw them.

Of course, some people tried to maliciously raise the price, but Gaara's sand would come out and circle a few times, and it would scare people to death in an instant.

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