"We'll talk about killing later. I will only kill someone when I see someone I hate, or when that guy asks me to kill him. I actually like to deal with things peacefully!"

After buying a bunch of things and returning to his residence, Feiyu suddenly stopped and looked at Tobirama to answer his previous words.


If there is anything else that needs to be cleaned up, it must be killed again, and it must be done in the same way as before.

Find the god of death, kill him, and take the soul to the god of death for investigation.

Although he can study things like souls, it is too laborious and a bit beyond his authority.

More importantly, he is reluctant to let Xiaohei work harder in his daily busy life. Although he may make mistakes occasionally, he cares about Xiaohei the most.

"Do you like peace?"

Quannai stood at the door and looked at Feiyu, with a bit of helplessness in his eyes.

He finally turned into a man yesterday, and he was sure that he was no different from his past self, but he seemed to be in his twenties, which was the same as Tobirama.

But at this time he still didn't believe it. This kid named Feiyu actually said that he liked peace?

This is absolutely impossible!

With such a pair of eyes, this guy should like fighting more than the normal Uchiha clan members.

"Peace is strange, I have a strong sense, this kid... He just didn't explode now, if he really let him do it..."

Tobirama stood aside with a serious face. He really sensed some traces by chance.

This guy who always smiles gently may be crazier than Uchiha Madara!

The so-called dislike of fighting may really be because he has not met the right enemy.

"I say, can you two seniors change your target? Since you are a real man, don't try to know my secrets. I will only be gentle to girls. If you have nothing to do, just stare at me and observe and study..."

Feiyu was a little scared by the two people. He was not worried about being targeted, but he didn't want to become their imaginary enemy.

Because if you accidentally take action, you really can't stop it!


Izuna snorted coldly and turned to go into the house. He has used the identity of Uchiha senior to teach this kid the Sharingan in the past few days.


Since being dragged into the illusion space twice, although there is nothing, it is because of the absence that he feels uncomfortable.

In the void of space, it is impossible to know the time, and even the air seems to be empty...

In this environment, he barely managed to hold on the first time, but the second time he was on the verge of collapse, and then he was released by this kid...

"What did you do to him? Why is his temper getting weirder the more he turns back into a man..."

Tobirama looked at Izuna's back and always felt that he seemed to be unable to understand even this mortal enemy.

"Izuna senior said that I can't use the power of the Sharingan, so I just asked him to confirm that I can actually use it quite well..."

Feiyu explained briefly, although he was not sure whether Tobirama would continue to ask.

But everyone is not stupid, and they should understand roughly.

"You... are cruel!"

Tobirama suddenly thought of the illusion ability of the Sharingan. Although he didn't know the details, it was obvious that he was stronger than Izuna in illusion since he could make Izuna treat him like this...

Although he didn't want to admit it, he believed more and more what the boy said, that if he took action, there would be no meaning for others to exist.

"I really didn't do anything, it was just a basic operation..."

Fei Yu walked to the sofa leisurely, and then lay down with a pillow beside him.

As for the Sharingan, Mangekyō, or other...

He really had nothing to explain to others. He couldn't say that he copied the abilities of six people, so after the fusion of many aspects, it naturally became a crushing mode, right?

The ones he copied now are Sasuke, Itachi, Obito, Madara, Izuna, and Uchiha Fugaku who hardly showed much...

The Sharingan pupil technique of these six people, plus Shisui's eyes as the basis

Actually, it counts as seven people, but Shisui's eyes are real, not replicas!

'Host, don't play word games. Orochimaru needs your help right now. Go slowly on the way to the Land of Earth. Go and help Orochimaru complete his transformation, otherwise there may be problems. I have something to do for the time being and can't go over to watch...'

Xiao Hei suddenly reminded him through voice transmission.

The situation on Orochimaru's side is getting more and more troublesome, but if it succeeds, it will be an absolutely perfect body.

But there is a prerequisite, that is, Orochimaru mustTo survive.

‘You bullied him again? You really hate snakes, right? You tortured Orochimaru with your experiments...’

Feiyu had never taken care of Orochimaru before, because Xiaohei was willing to teach him some things, and Orochimaru would try again and again even though he knew that the experiment was dangerous.

But if he really collapsed, he would still think it was too much. After all, he was the servant he had found, and as a master, he should at least protect Orochimaru's personal safety.

‘He wanted it himself, I just provided various possible calculation results, and I did it all for you. If he succeeds this time, your own body will be formed next time...’

Xiaohei also knew that he was too cruel to Orochimaru, but he always needed an experimental subject before he could complete the cell fusion experiment.

The most important thing is that he actually likes Orochimaru, so he took special care of him.

No matter what others think, Xiaohei just thinks that only the most perfect one is suitable for Orochimaru who has been pursuing this.

‘Okay, thank you for your hard work, Mr. Xiao Hei. Would you like to make me a pillow now? It seems that you have been busy for a long time and have no time to take care of me...’

Fei Yu did not mean to blame Xiao Hei, but he also knew that his unhurried state did make Xiao Hei angry.

As expected, people should be more motivated and not always indulge in the tenderness of beauties.

‘I dislike you. This system needs to make higher-level efforts. You, the stupid host, should work hard. First, merge the most perfect body. Then this system can be reluctantly happy! ’

After saying this, Xiao Hei quickly filled the small black room with pillars to prevent Fei Yu from harassing him.

It is very busy now, so it has no time to take care of this host who needs to be cleaned up every day!

Wait, if it can really finish all this and it is still the same as now, it will definitely mess up the host's daily life.

I just hope that day will really come!


After being rejected again, Feiyu was helpless in front of the pillars. He had used them to make Xiaohei angry, but now he felt that the effect was completely reversed.

With his consciousness withdrawn helplessly, Feiyu lay on the sofa lazily and didn't want to move.

Today, Sasuke and Naruto went out to play with Gaara. Kakashi and Shikamaru seemed to go around the village for a few laps, saying that they were going to buy gifts for familiar people.

Only this pair of enemies were left, and they had nothing to do with him for the time being.

Otherwise, he should take a nap.

These days, he has been resting with Sasuke and Naruto together. He hasn't fallen into a comfortable sleep for a long time.


After setting off, it's time to meet Orochimaru. I hope that guy doesn't really collapse. He doesn't like to do things like saving people.


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Good afternoon o(=·ω·=)m

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