
Orochimaru smiled and admired these frightened people. She was now sure that Naruto was also very cute.

After all, it was a wonderful thing to scare these guys again and again.

"Uzumaki Naruto, although you are very tired now, although you are curled up in Feiyu's arms and pretend to be pitiful, but... I still want to tell you that there is a sea around Konoha, and we don't need you to create another one!"

Tsunade woke up from Orochimaru's twisted laughter and stood beside Feiyu. She stretched out her fingers to pinch Naruto's ears, but unfortunately Feiyu protected her.

But this did not prevent her from losing her temper. Even if it was Feiyu, the bastard boy, so what?

This bastard who made her lose her grandfather, she wanted to beat him up, and she had been thinking about it for a long time!

"A lake was created not far from our Iwagakure Village. We thought it was the limit at that time. I never expected that you would be even more ruthless to your own place and create an inland sea..."

Tsuchikage Ohnoki floated in the air, and suddenly felt extremely relieved when he saw the sea water flowing into the pit.

He didn't think Konoha had gone too far at all, after all, Konoha itself couldn't control these little girls.

It could even be said that he had deliberately restrained himself when he was there.

"It's just twice as big as your inland lake. We just use it to raise some aquatic products. Anyway, this place didn't have any other use before, so now it's just for development..."

Tsunade was still angry, but now she changed her attitude instantly when she saw the Tsuchikage's smug look.

It's her own business how her family members make trouble. Do these guys want to see a joke?

They can't even think about it!

"The Hokage is really thinking far ahead..."

The Tsuchikage suddenly had an idea after hearing what he said. Konoha's method is to introduce seawater and then raise some marine aquatic products...

Then their inland lake can raise aquatic products from rivers and lakes, and their own place can sell them for money...

There are many good things at Orochimaru's place. If we don't make money to buy some, won't we fall behind?

"You guys take a break first, I'll go cook..."

Feiyu looked at the Kages who were all studying how to make money, lowered his head and kissed Sasuke and Naruto on the face twice, then stood up and walked towards the temporary kitchen that had not been affected.

"Good performance, Naruto... You can ask them yourself, you will know after she finishes..."

When he walked to Gaara, Sakura and Ino, Feiyu looked at their lost expressions, walked over and touched the top of each of their heads, and asked them to go to Naruto to ask the truth.

Feiyu was no longer concerned about the five Kages here and how a bunch of people were fighting.

After walking to the temporary kitchen, he took the apron Hinata brought and put it on. Today's chef was going to work officially.

"Mine, don't grab it!"

"If you're slow, it's mine!"




The dinner was very sumptuous. Feiyu made as much as possible, but everyone still scrambled for it.

Everyone dispersed after midnight, and Feiyu went home with his family.

In the backyard still full of flowers, Feiyu rested his head on Sasuke's legs, looking at everyone around him who was watching the moon with him. He was in a good mood and suddenly took a musical instrument from Xiaohei.

As Feiyu sat up and played and sang by himself, several well-behaved girls suddenly looked at each other, and danced to the song shyly or stiffly.

In fact, they really had no experience in this area, but at this time they gradually relaxed, and there was a different beauty in the casual play.


Orochimaru, who can make people retreat with just a twist of his waist, has an inhuman waist...

After playing around, the moon sank, and soon a little dawn appeared in the east...

The sky is bright!

It's time for Feiyu to leave.

"Wait for me to come back!"

After hugging and kissing everyone, Feiyu was taken away by Orochimaru after saying goodbye to everyone.

After this separation, the day of reunion is not yet certain, but as long as we work hard, this day will not be far away...


"My dear master, I will help you deal with the next things. Your only task is to return perfectly. I am still waiting to experience the feeling of being a mother..."

In the underground laboratory outside the Sound Village, Orochimaru held Feiyu's soul body and gently touched his lips.

In the next two years or so, she will take over all of Feiyu's arrangements, and the future of the ninja world needs her to plan.

"Okay, wait until I come back, you can be my mother as many times as you want..."

Fei Yu wasThis straightforward request made her laugh. Although it felt strange, the sadness of parting was almost dispelled.

"Go, I'll prepare anything you need..."

After another kiss, Orochimaru found that she actually liked this feeling.

Unfortunately, her master had no body, so she could only endure it for the time being.

"Take care of yourself. If you encounter a difficult opponent, ask Xiao Hei for help. Xiao Hei is very strong."

After another two instructions, Feiyu's soul disappeared without a trace. Only Orochimaru was left in the laboratory, as well as the surrounding instruments that had actually been used.

This most secret laboratory was just left by them on purpose, and maybe they could catch a few unexpected gains.

In the space where Hashirama and Madara were resurrected, Feiyu's soul slowly appeared.

This place also changed with his appearance, from an indoor environment to a starry universe...

"Xiao Hei, you've worked hard. If there's a chance, you can cancel the contract. I won't refuse..."

Fei Yu's soul was absorbing power quickly, and he stretched out his fingers to hold Xiao Hei in his palm.

He also took back the clones that he had placed in the two holy places for cultivation. Although they were not very useful, it was always good to have more power.

As for Xiao Hei...

When he first signed a contract with Xiao Hei, it was the time of his death in his first life.

He didn't know why he was chosen by Xiao Hei. Although Xiao Hei said that he looked obedient, in fact...

Even if he did the tasks that Xiao Hei had arranged, it was absolutely not related to obedience. At that time, Xiao Hei was often angry with him.

Later, Xiao Hei almost disappeared for him. At that time, Xiao Hei explained that it was because their contract had not been canceled, so he had to fight for him.

But Feiyu never believed such words. Xiaohei signed the contract without his consent, so it would be easy to cancel it.

It just didn't do it.

"This system depends on you. No matter how much it can absorb, you must come back alive. If you are gone, this world will devour me. You should be reluctant to let such a cute system be devoured, right?"

Xiaohei shook his tail and rolled around in Feiyu's palm.

Cancel the contract?

That is absolutely impossible. It became a system from the beginning just for Feiyu, that's all...

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