
Fei Yu sat on a mountaintop, looking at the people working at the foot of the mountain. He was helpless about being thrown to this place at the beginning of the body shaping.

The people in this place are similar to the ninja world, but their cultivation is diverse...

Generally speaking, it is the ninja world before the Otsutsuki and the sacred tree came.

There are ninjas here, but there are also samurai, miko, monks, onmyoji, demons, ghosts, spirits, immortals, and...


After staying here for three days, Fei Yu has seen the battle of gods.

It was a melee between the God of Four Seasons and gods such as wind, fire, and thunder.

But there was no winner, and no death...

Fei Yu initially thought that the three gods of wind, fire, and thunder would have some connection with his wives, but after observing the battle, he was sure that it was really irrelevant.

But he must have a purpose in coming here. It's impossible for him to wander around and then go back?

Moreover, his body did not increase any special power, but just kept in sync with his soul.


A few days later, Feiyu suddenly found a familiar figure.

Wrapped in a black robe, the Death!

This guy appeared quietly, there must be something wrong!

"Hey, hey, hey, who are you? Don't block my way, or I'll take you to the Pure Land..."

The Death God was furious at the guy in front of him. He just came out to get some fresh air, how could he meet an inexplicable weirdo.

As for why it was a human instead of a god...

Because there is a divine power induction between gods, this person has no divine power, so naturally he is not a god.

"Do you want to eat? It's delicious."

A bunch of spiritual fruits appeared in Feiyu's hand. He didn't know whether this Death God liked it or not, but the Death God in the Ninja World did eat it happily.

"Delicious? Thank you, but I have something to do. If you have anything to ask me, just tell me. If I can do it, I will accept your fruit offering..."

The Death God looked at the fragrant spiritual fruit and his eyes lit up immediately.

In the past, when someone asked him to do something, they always liked to send souls as sacrifices. He always disliked it, after all, the most thing he had was souls...

This time, he actually encountered someone who took the initiative to send delicious food. He is very satisfied now!

As long as he is not asked to kill gods, he is willing to agree.

"Leave me your contact information. If I need you next time, I will have this spiritual fruit again."

A small bell appeared in Feiyu's hand, which was the same as the one he gave to the God of Death.

"Your thing can't be located. Really just leave a contact number and give me this?"

The God of Death took the bell and looked at it, and hung it directly on his waist and went to get the bunch of spiritual fruits.

It's just a bell. He doesn't mind that this guy has something to do every day, so there will be a lot of delicious food.

"I'm not sure when I will need it, so I'll tell you when I need it. Didn't you say you have something to do before? Go and do it."

After finishing what he had to do, Feiyu made way for the God of Death to leave.

After that, he continued to wander in this world.

Time went from one day, one month, one year...

Then year after year...

After watching another battle of gods, Feiyu found a place to sit again and began to think about what his purpose was.

According to the time here, he has been here for decades. From ordinary people to gods, he has been observing carefully, but...

Except for the death god who asked him for food every once in a while, he didn't find anyone who could be related to him.

"Stinky wood, get out of here. If you dare to follow me again, I will beat you to death!"

The sudden noise made Feiyu look up. It was in the nearby valley, where two teenagers were on their way.

The teenager in front had a hedgehog head and pouted with an unhappy face.

The teenager following behind had a mushroom head, looked aggrieved, and tears were rolling in his eyes.

These two...

They are very similar to Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha...

"They are the reincarnations of the God of Creation and the God of Destruction. They have been reincarnated countless times, and it's always like this..."

The God of Death stood beside Feiyu, looking at the two boys fighting again in the valley, and raised his hand to his forehead in distress.

The two chose to compete in reincarnation because the fight was so serious that the world was almost destroyed.

"Creation and destruction?"

Feiyu suddenly realized that the former Hashirama and Madara had their divine powers stripped away when they were reshaped.

But the regret was very strong, and he was extremely repulsive to his body...

"I thought it would be life..."

Feiyu looked at the reincarnation of the God of Creation and asked the question in his heart.'s doubts.

"Life is a part of him, but not all of it. Among the original gods, only they have been fighting endlessly..."

The God of Death looked at the two boys who were getting stronger and stronger, shook his head again and revealed his disdain.

If the two continue to fight, part of their power will be unlocked, and then they will have to reincarnate again.

"You are also one of the original gods, right?"

Fei Yu roughly guessed that the original gods of this world should have existed since the beginning of the world's creation.

Then the God of Death can know the most likely because he is also one of them.

"I'm weak and usually too lazy to come out.

In addition to the two of them, there are also space and time, but these two have been integrated into the world at the beginning of the world, and they died at the moment of becoming gods.

The elemental gods also disappeared after the birth of the world, but they are definitely not dead.

At present, these elemental gods are only weak with a single attribute. This so-called god is just a little stronger. When they die, they will come to me to reincarnate directly, unlike those two psychopaths.

There is also the guy of the Four Seasons Reincarnation, but he also ran away. I looked for it before and found that the Four Seasons God is the incarnation of that guy, but the Four Seasons Reincarnation is not controlled by the Four Seasons God, so these Four Seasons Gods are just four useless people who eat and drink for free..."

The explanation of the God of Death made Feiyu gradually understand.

In this world, the only thing that can give him reference is the God of Creation, who also serves as the God of Life and the God of Wood and other titles related to this type.

There is also the God of Destruction, also known as the God of Death, who also went to work part-time as a God of Fire...

Anyway, you can understand from their titles that this is completely a case of "I'll fight you if you have it" and fight to the death with the other party...

"Wait... God of Death, what is the full name of your position?"

Fei Yu suddenly realized that since that guy worked part-time as the God of Death, then...

The God of Death is not the God of Death?

Are you kidding?

"Me? My full name is the God of the Dead. This world is Yang, and my world is Yin. My world is called the Pure Land, also known as the Yin Realm. It is a world where dead spirits can survive. Of course, these dead spirits will be transported back to the Yang Realm again..."

The God of Death scratched his hair in embarrassment. He had never mentioned it before, and thought that this guy who was not a god would know.

Now it seems that he doesn't know anything at all...

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