Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 965 Shocking Debut

With an excuse to go out for a walk, Gu Hongyu took the old monster back to the villa.

The appearance of the old monster completely shocked the whole family.

"Xiaoyu, this is your master, Taotao's master"

"Why is he different from us?"

"This looks so weird"


Gu Hongyu scratched his head and introduced: "Mom and Dad, this is my master. By the way, what is your name, master?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard Gu Hongyu's speech. They had become someone else's apprentice and they didn't even know who the master was. This was really weird. According to the old rules, Gu Hongyu was a completely unfilial disciple.

The old weirdo is very personable: "Don't be surprised, my name has never been mentioned to this kid at all. You can call me old weirdo or weird old with the kid."

"Old Wei, why are you like this?" Mei Ning asked gently.

"You are the boy's family. It's okay to tell you, but I hope you will be mentally prepared." The old monster said briskly.

Seeing that everyone present was paying attention, the old monster said again: "Actually, I am not a pure human being. What you see now is just an energy body."

"Not purely human"

"Energy Body"

"How can you still live well? Apart from looking weird, there's nothing else."

The old monster smiled, and the materialized energy in his body suddenly started to rotate, and the surface of his body was glowing with light. Everyone was surprised again by this change of the old monster.

"How about it, now you believe that I am not a pure human being."

"This, this is incredible. Apart from you, are there any other human beings like you in this world?" My father was curious.

The old monster said softly: "There are many wonders in the world, and every possibility in the world exists, because there are too many unknown things. It's as if I didn't appear in front of you before. Do you believe that people like me exist?"

After talking for a long time, the family finally believed in the fact that the old monster existed as an energy body.

Later, the old monster showed a little bit of his powerful strength. He stretched out his palm and a ball of pure purple flames beat in the palm of his hand. Although it looked a little weak, the old monster explained to his family that this kind of flame can burn most materials.

The father who didn't believe it actually got childlike and picked up a stone from outside the villa. As soon as the stone was handed to the old monster, the purple fire flashed and the stone was completely burned.

"Awesome" my father said these two words, with lingering fear written all over his face.

Flame was still a trick, but then the old monster turned out wind blades and lightning in his hands. This situation was subverting all their previous perceptions.

The sky gradually darkened unconsciously.

Today is the Lantern Festival. As the time for the Lantern Festival is approaching, there are more and more people in the village. Even at home, Gu Hongyu can clearly feel the bustle and bustle of people by the Red Lake.

The old monster's appearance and strong strength made the family accept that everything they saw was true throughout the afternoon. In the end, his mother lost interest in cooking, and Gu Hongyu had no choice but to cook himself.

Fortunately, the family finally returned to normal before the Lantern Festival started. With their familiarity and contact, the old monster was gradually transmitting many secrets of the world to them.

Find an opportunity to send the old monster back to the Xianyuan space. In the eyes of the family, it is just that the old monster has left. The mother stared at Gu Hongyu closely and asked: "Xiaoyu, how do you know the weird old man?"

Gu Hongyu responded weakly: "Mom, can you not say this?"

"No" was almost the unanimous voice of the whole family.

"Okay, then let me tell you that there is still a lot of space outside this earth. The old monster was trapped in a space plane and just got out not long ago. Although he is not a simple human being, he is a person who has lived I don’t know about hundreds of millions of people.”

"Be good, for hundreds of millions of years"

"There really are other dimensions of space."

"Xiaoyu, have you been to other dimensions?"


Gu Hongyu was bombarded with questions from everyone, but he didn't dare to give up on the people present.

"Mom, Dad, Xiao Ning, what I just said is all true. Don't ask for details. When I can tell you, I will tell you the truth without hiding anything."

Zhuo Zuo talked about the space plane thing, but Gu Hongyu didn't want to mention it to his family about the old monster saving the earth and restoring the earth's aura.

"Okay, Xiaoyu, we won't force you to tell me, so you and the old monster have known each other for a long time," the mother asked.

"It's been more than half a year"

"Then you went to Hainan Province a few days ago not for farm business, but to go on an adventure with the old monster." Mother continued to ask.

Okay, I didn't ask any questions and turned around to find out his bottom again.

Gu Hongyu almost fell for it, but after thinking about it he answered truthfully: "Yes, I went to Hainan Province last time just to find some clues. I may go out frequently in the next period of time. Well, all I can say is this "I really can't tell you anything else now."

"No, I have one more question, Brother Yu, is it dangerous to go out on an adventure?" Mei Ning looked at him solemnly.

It’s really hard for Gu Hongyu to answer this question. If he says yes, his family will be worried. If he says no, someone will have to believe it.

After thinking for a while, Gu Hongyu replied seriously: "Exploration is definitely risky, but you have to believe in our strength. Not to mention the old weird master, Qiongqi and Jinlin were all brought back by us during the expedition. , there are many dangers to be feared in the face of strength.”

"No matter what, you must tell me clearly when you go out in the future, and you must call me every day, otherwise I will look for you all over the world, and you will see where your face is." Mei Ning's attitude was very firm this time.

"Okay, okay, I agree." Gu Hongyu smiled: "Don't talk about this, it should be the time for the Lantern Festival activities in Honghu Village to start now."

"Let's go, guess lantern riddles and write couplets." Gu Hongyu held Xiaoxi and carried Taotao on his shoulders and walked out first.

The family followed behind, and the mother's voice rang out: "This kid kept it a secret from us. Taotao can even tell the wind. I don't know what Xiaoyu can do."

"Needless to say, I remember that Xiaoyu and his friends were skating on the lake last year, and everyone could run faster than him. He might have learned his ability to get close to animals from the weird old man." The father recalled the past and guessed.

While others were discussing, Mei Ning's face suddenly turned red. No wonder Brother Yu was so strong. Could it be because of his practice? It seemed that he would have to practice in the future, otherwise he would not be able to satisfy Brother Yu and let him go out to have fun.

"Xiao Ning, let's go. What are you thinking about behind you?" Mei's mother looked at Mei Ning who was far behind and reminded her.

Mei Ning collected her messy thoughts and replied: "Yes, I'm coming." To be continued.


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