Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 966 Lantern Festival

Winter has just passed, and the night in Honghu Village is still a little chilly. No explanation is needed. You can tell the truth by looking at the unmelted ice on the surface of Honghu Lake.

However, tonight, Honghu Village is full of gongs and drums, firecrackers, crowds of people, and red flags. The constant flow of people and the sound of chatting and laughing make the brightly lit village particularly lively.

When Gu Hongyu and his family walked into the venue of the Lantern Festival, the lakeside corridor was already open to the public. Under each lantern hanging on it was a couplet or riddle. Groups of tourists and villagers were talking about the couplets.

"Ten thousand lights, beautiful nights. I remember the second couplet. Isn't it a song of Shengge, a good sound of the prosperous times?" A tourist wearing gold-rimmed glasses said happily, pointing to a couplet.

"This brother is amazing, but now that you know, hurry over there." A person who knows the inside story pointed to the middle area of ​​the corridor along the lake: "There is a small platform in the middle of the corridor. Tell the staff there the number of the couplet and the second couplet you guessed. The first person who guesses the second couplet or the riddle that meets the conditions will receive a small prize."

"In addition, when the riddle is in the final stage, the staff of Qingzhen Development Zone, which is hosting this event, will select the best couplet award, the fastest couplet award, the fastest riddle award, and the most answers award based on the many answers. In short, there are many big rewards, and the prizes are very rich. I heard that the prize this time includes the most answers from Gu Laoban's farm: "A day of auspicious snow indicates a good harvest. ”

Upper couplet: Let’s watch the silver lanterns celebrate for five nights;

Lower couplet: Let’s celebrate the thousand years with golden cups.

Upper couplet: The fire tree is auspicious and beautiful;

Lower couplet: The star bridge is red with precious torches.

The emphasis is on education and participation. These couplets are quite down-to-earth. Many people happily said the answers to the couplets and ran to the prize redemption table.

The busiest people these days are the staff there. Although they have assigned numbers to all the couplets, there are more than ten staff members on the small stage. However, there are tens of thousands of couplets and lantern riddles tonight. One staff member is responsible for hundreds of couplets and lantern riddles.

There are quite a few tourists who know the answers, and these answers have to be entered repeatedly according to the different people who answer, because in the end they have to count the tourists who answer the most, so For that person, the highest prize of the night will be given out by Aubrey on behalf of Gu Hongyu. With different denominations of exchange coupons, people can exchange them for the same value of agricultural products produced by Xianyuan Farm all over the country.

These rules are well known with the publicity of TV media and websites, and are also an important factor in attracting tourists to Honghu Village despite the chill.

"It's really lively. Qingzhen hasn't been built yet. I didn't expect so many people to come," said Mei's father with emotion.

Mei's mother glanced at Mei's father and said, "You know that the progress and news of the Lantern Festival activities in the village have been continuously broadcast on TV during this period, and the same is true on the website. In addition, the villagers of several villages around Qingzhen may have all gathered here tonight. ”

The usually spacious lakeside promenade was extremely crowded today. It was difficult to walk through it. Mei Ning’s mother finally suggested: “Xiao Yu, Xiao Ning, why don’t you send the children back first? There are so many people here, what if they are squeezed?”

The father then agreed: “Yes, I saw several children crying just now. It’s because they were accidentally bumped by others. "

Finally, the elderly discussed and discussed and finally all went back. In the words of Mei's father, the event later is still the world of you young people, because many older people have already leaned on the benches on the edge of the lakeside promenade and did not move. They are obviously tired.

After the father and mother took the children home, Gu Hongyu and Mei Ning continued to wander around. Not long after, they actually ran into Aubrey and his team members.

Aubrey and his team were chanting a couplet at this moment: "The precious candle spreads the spring light, and the clear light is in the lamp and the moon. The precious candle spreads the spring light, and the clear light is in the lamp and the moon."

Seemingly stumped by the couplet, Gu Hongyu walked forward and asked with a smile: "Mr. Aubrey, you will come out to present the awards later, why are you writing the couplet by yourself now?"

"Hey, Gu, the couplets in your country are so interesting, with very wonderful words and phrases, but they are too difficult for me. We thought hard for a long time and couldn't think of the answer. "Aubrey looked at Gu Hongyu as if he saw a great savior.

"I guess you are just stumped by the couplets in front of you. Let me tell you that the words and sentences in these couplets are a collection of the essence of ancient characters. If you want to make a complete couplet, in addition to the neat parallelism, there is also a layer of artistic conception that matches the upper couplet. If you want to make a good couplet, you must learn more about Chinese literature. "Gu Hongyu smiled.

Aubrey looked at Gu Hongyu and asked eagerly: "We are not very talented and learned now. You are here now. How about showing us your skills now, so that I and my employees can learn more."

"Hahaha, Mr. Aubrey, you can say the idiom "not very talented and learned", which shows that you have a certain depth in learning Chinese. Now you are defeating me, right?" Gu Hongyu pointed out Aubrey's cunning, but turned and said: "In fact, this upper couplet is very simple. I will say a lower couplet."

"Please come in"

"The precious candle scatters the spring light, and the clear light is in the lamp and moon; the golden guard opens the night ban, and enjoys the things together in Juntian. "Gu Hongyu said with a smile.

"The King's Guards lifted the night ban, and the joy of the world is shared by all. These words seem very beautiful, but I don't know if your answer is good." Aubrey scratched his head. To be continued.


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