Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 967 Lantern Festival (Part 2)

Gu Hongyu smiled bitterly. Talking about couplets with Aubrey and the others was like playing the piano to an ox.

"Okay, let me give you a suggestion. The current couplets are not something you can play with. You can try the lantern riddles over there." Gu Hongyu said kindly, pointing to an equally lively place not far away. .

Unexpectedly, Aubrey shook his head: "No, Gu, today we are here to watch how the Chinese people make couplets. Maybe we can get some inspiration while watching."

"Okay, then you continue to observe, and we will go to another place to have a look." Gu Hongyu disagreed with Aubrey's view. The long history of Chinese culture cannot be learned by observing for a while.

After bidding farewell to Aubrey and others, only Gu Hongyu and Mei Ning were left. Looking at Mei Ning who was silent beside him, Gu Hongyu asked lovingly: "Xiao Ning, do you think tonight's Lantern Festival event is fun? If so, If you find it boring, let’s go back.”

"Brother Yu, it's okay. Why don't we just gain some exposure, get a little bit of cultural flavor, and receive some cultural influence?" Mei Ning replied softly, looking at other nearby tourists commenting on the couplets.

The event lasted until eleven o'clock, and the flow of people gradually decreased, but most people were still waiting for the staff to announce the winners.

As of 11:20 minutes, a staff member shouted with a loudspeaker: "Dear tourists and people who participated in couplets and lantern riddles, after real-time and intense statistics, we now announce the previous results of couplets and lantern riddles guessing. List of winners. ”

Sure enough, as soon as the staff shouted, people immediately rushed to the small wooden platform where the prizes were redeemed. However, the leaders of Qingzhen, Aubrey and others who held the Lantern Festival event had already thought of this problem. The location was chosen along the lake promenade. The sides are physically connected, and the outside is close to the lake and the inside is the shore. Many tourists and villagers were led by the staff to the more spacious shore.

The awards were awarded one by one smoothly, and many tourists who won the awards were full of joy. Those who did not receive the awards also stood aside to watch the fun, which did not cause dissatisfaction among others.

There are many small prizes. As long as the first one to answer the couplets and lantern riddles is the first one to answer the request, there will be prizes. These prizes are cash prizes. One red envelope contains one hundred yuan. Some tourists are very good and can answer more than ten questions correctly. Others looked at him with envy when they saw that he had made about a thousand yuan in just a few hours.

This couplet was created by the Qingzhen District Government, and the prize money was provided by Gu Hongyu. The total prize money for these lantern riddles and couplets was not a small amount. The equivalent in cash including the ingredients from the farm was one hundred. Thousands.

Since there were so many small prizes, it took the staff of Qingzhen half an hour to basically complete this part of the work, followed by several big prizes.

There are dozens of difficult questions in all the lantern riddles and couplets, but as long as tourists and people participating in the Q\u0026A answer correctly, the rewards will be very high. If there are not dozens of questions, the answers to three or five will meet the requirements.

Seeing those people on stage to receive awards, some audience members even started to educate the children around them: "Xiao Qi, you see how important it is to learn more knowledge. You see, these people on stage received thousands of yuan just by answering a difficult question correctly. The bonus, as well as the farm redemption coupons, are no less than the bonus, which is almost as much as someone else’s monthly salary.”

"That's not what it is. Knowledge is wealth."

"This Lantern Festival event was well done. Not only did everyone enjoy it, but it also gave us a lot of experience."


Amid people's discussion, Aubrey appeared on the small wooden stage. He was only seen next to the staff, and the staff said passionately: "Okay, audience friends, time is coming slowly. At twelve o'clock, everyone usually falls into sweet dreams at this time, but today"

"After careful comparison and statistics by our staff, the person who answered the most questions during today's Lantern Festival event has been identified. This is a gentleman. He answered a total of 87 answers to couplets and lantern riddles. His name is Li Zhenyou. Everyone agrees. Welcome this question answerer”

With the cooperation of the audience, a middle-aged man in his forties walked onto the stage with excitement on his face.

Under the guidance of the staff, Aubrey handed the prizes in the tray to Li Zhenyou's hands, and then the staff said: "The total prize for this grand prize is 10,000 yuan, plus another 10,000 yuan from Xianyuan Farm. Exchange coupon, sir, you can take this exchange coupon to stores across the country to redeem top-quality ingredients and enjoy a 20% discount on all products. Of course, if you don’t need the exchange coupon, we can give you cash directly.”

Li Zhenyou held the prize and waved it gently with both hands: "This is good. I have been looking forward to buying the agricultural products produced by Xianyuan Farm for a long time. This coupon can also enjoy a 20% discount. I am really satisfied."

"By the way, I have gone to specialty stores to buy agricultural products from Xianyuan Farm a few times before, but every time I went there, I was late, and the agricultural products were snatched up by other citizens. Do I have any privileges if I go there with this coupon? something"

Seeing the award recipient asking this question, the staff member turned to face Aubrey: "Did Mr. Aubrey hear what Mr. Li said? What do you think about this issue?"

Old God Aubrey said: "Sir, no matter which specialty store you go to with the lottery ticket, as long as you tell us what you want to buy, we will urgently arrange the goods for you. If there is no such thing as the second one on the same day, God will definitely reserve the goods you choose for you in advance. Are you satisfied with this privilege?"

"Satisfied, thank you, that's good." Li Zhenyou was very happy, but then sighed: "It would be great if customers could pre-order the products of your Xianyuan Farm. I saw the scene last time I went to the specialty store. Many customers didn't buy agricultural products and made a wasted trip."

Aubrey also waved his hand after hearing this: "I'm really sorry, but now our agricultural products are in short supply worldwide, and the share shipped to various cities is limited. Now Xianyuan Farm has begun to develop again in China, and I hope to meet the needs of more consumers."

The grand prize was distributed, and the staff immediately said: "Dear fellow villagers and guests at the scene, midnight The bell rang immediately. We have prepared fireworks here at midnight. Please leave the lakeside promenade in an orderly manner and stand on the shore to enjoy this rare beauty. "

"Wow, there are fireworks. We are really here tonight."

"Hehe, there will be more fun later. There will be a bonfire party, roasted whole lamb, and open-air tents on the other side of the Red Lake."


After the tourists evacuated to a safe place, at twelve o'clock in the morning, the roof of the lakeside promenade suddenly shot colorful fireworks into the sky, and then burst into the night sky. The dazzling colors illuminated the faces of every onlooker, and they all showed happy smiles and excited shouts. To be continued.


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